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General Discussions

I really don't want to face plague

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15
edited February 2023 in General Discussions

Keep puking the entire game , the voice makes me sick .

The killer itself is boring , just chase them since nobody will drink the water too soon . Keep kicking the 3 gen and ignore the others , 20 mins gameplay at least when facing the Plague .

Edit : Hello, just be clear, I don't have anything thought like remove her out of the game or something like that , that kind of thought is stupid .

But with some maps like RPD or Lampkin Street , she just wandering around the 3 gens at the beginning and patrol them the entire game, we don't have chance to repair the gen longer than 20 seconds unless she is chasing someone .

Even we manage to repair it, it takes so long and really boring .

If we lost one teammate during this situation, it will be nearly 0% win unless she have a long chase .

This is what I met recently when facing the plague , I rather meet nurse 10 times for a row instead of playing with a Plague .

Post edited by LismJack on

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  • Member Posts: 1,129

    You could get a position in senior management at BHVR and petition for the removal of the Plague

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Honestly, same. Plague is definitely on my least favorite list.

  • Member Posts: 129

    Idk, shes really strong and doesn't rely on gen kicking. Interesting mechanics compared to other killers too i think she's pretty great. Thana is somewhat useful on her so you can run/encounter non-meta slowdown builds. Good times

  • Member Posts: 239

    I would assume you don't encounter enough Plagues consistently for it to be a problem. You could just mute the sound and handicap yourself with the deafened status effect all match.

  • Member Posts: 533

    As a Trapper/Plague main, idc. I never 3 gen and whether you choose to cleanse or not is entirely up to you. My games are never boring, I go against really good survivors who make the 4k a challenge. Plague can be countered, but that's once you can pinpoint which add ons are being used. Personally, I'm happy when people don't cleanse. And if you think she's so boring, try playing her...she's really not.

    And 20 minutes is long to you? Is it because you want to do gens as fast as possible and then run out w no killer interaction, or just brief tbags at the end? Plague is a beautiful, intriguing just sound salty.

  • Member Posts: 533
  • Member Posts: 1,145

    i bought witch girl instead of plague with my 9k iris... but i will probably get plague next time. unless someone super awesome comes out between now and then.

  • Member Posts: 806

    "I don't like (thing) so it has to be removed"

    The sad state of DbD currently...

  • Member Posts: 685

    The reason I "main" her (I use main loosely as I play most of the roster, but I have more time in her than the next several killers combined), is she's the best designed killer BHVR has done in my opinion. Strong without being completely broken, a ton of different ways to play her, plenty of play-counter play, and she really takes more thought on macro play at the highest level than almost any other killer.

    It sucks that she triggers a bad reaction to some people with her sounds and effects. Hopefully at some point BHVR will introduce an accessibility option that won't effect her gameplay to allow more people to be able to enjoy her.

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