What if tunneling is "fixed" with MMR?


We know that camping and tunneling can be a problem even if is a strategy, but sometimes there's some people who likes to tunnel at 5 gens and ruin the game experience for everyone.

So maybe MMR can detect certain playstyles and pair those killers with a team who also was detected at being good at looping. So if the killer decides to tunnel, well, they gonna have a hard time trying to catch the same person.

MMR suppose to pair you with people from the same level, but we know that not everyone knows how to loop even if they have 1k+ hours in the game, so maybe this kind of pairing can help to avoid tunneling a little bit...

And we can do this also with a bully SFW, they can be paired with a competent killer


  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    You need to buff the survivor who was removed from the hook. Make it so that the killer cannot hang the same survivor for 2 minutes after being unhooked

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,087

    I don't know how that would work or how that'd fix it.

    Killers would need to avoid going after the same survivor to avoid being matched with good loopers? I dont get it. It is definitely a different kind of solution.

    I mean, I "tunneled" a streamer and they dc'd with their friend I guess. Then another one dc'd after I downed them and the last got hatch. She seemed positive about the dc, not mad. Kudos to her. But in that situation yeah I chased her again, but there's nothing wrong with that..so why would the mmr or matchmaking be adjusted because of it. Especially when a lot of times you will be going after the same person on purpose or not.