Community Killer

Just an idea. But…wouldn’t it be cool if, much like when you can submit a cosmetic design for a character, they had a contest where you could design a killer…and then bhvr picks 3 and then the dbd community votes on a winner?
It would be a chapter less likely to flop, community would be happy..sales would be good….just sayin…
I'd like to see that trialed
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I think we as a community can do 10x better than whoever the hell they have designing killers at this point, so I'm all for this idea.
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seems like they need it after these last few chapters
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I dont know. The visual designs of the new Cherakters is very great most of the time. The problematic part is the balancing and what I have seen in the community in terms of killer idears, most of them are unfair/to weak or straigth up wish thinking (flying killer).
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Yup I’ve seen some community ideas. There either so weak that they’re boring or they try so hard to be unique that it sucks.
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Good. then I can blame the Community when I lose a game with it.