So why is dead hard allowed to be meta for 6 years?



  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    DH has been problematic since its inception.

    Originally it provided the following.

    1. 4.2m of distance in .5 seconds. That's an extra 2m over normal speed.
    2. No collision (run through killer swing)
    3. Invulnerability
    4. Activatable on demand
    5. Low CD. Practically useable in every chase.

    The rework provides the following.

    1. Invulnerability
    2. A speed boost if hit
    3. Activatable on demand.
    4. Low CD. Practically useable in every chase.

    So overall, a nerf to it's functionality and major nerf (complete negation) of distance gained. It's still problematic because of the amount of utility it has. SB requires proper management and is mostly effective in dead zones, tiles can reduce the distance gained because of how you have to path. Lithe/BL require setup. Smash Hit requires a stun. Overcome is similar to dead hard in utility, just slightly harder to use as it requires you to in a healthy state so a bit more setup.

    So based on this is seems like DH is still the best exhaustion perk in terms of utility and functionality. Perhaps it should be nerfed so that if the player misses the timing, or isn't using it explicitly to avoid a hit (i.e. they're using just to gain distance to tile) they are penalized.

    An example would be:

    1. Objects (pallets, vaults, etc) are uninteractable while using DH and for 1 second after. No more getting to pallet for safety. You must dodge the hit.
    2. Hinderance if no hit is successfully deflected.
    3. Longer exhaustion time.
    4. Deep wounds triggers regardless of whether or not you take the hit.

    The nerf could encompass all of these or some of these changes. I do think DH could take a hit to its utility and still be viable and is the best way to keep the essence of the perk. My opinion is that #1 is the best solution.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    Tbh I don't think I'd mind if they took the sledgehammer approach to Dead Hard, as long as they take a look at Sprint Burst whilst they're at it (because a Sprint Burst meta would be so unbelievably boring)

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,392

    I want dead hard nerfed with the same energy and intensity as what BHVR did to eruption. I want the perk buried in the ground, and have it be nerfed so badly that everyone is on the same page that it's terrible.

    We were promised a meta shakeup, and dead hard is by far the most complained about survivor perk. Just bury the perk, and adjust the kill rate if it needs to be.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,788

    Yeah but the "skill factor" a lot of people claim it has is also false.

  • HexSendHelp
    HexSendHelp Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2023

    And wow it's still hard meta, so evidently, the nerf didn't do jack all.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    The most recent useage stat I've seen thrown around is ~40%. Don't ask me where people got it from, I couldn't tell you, and even if I could I could probably point out some glaring issues with it.

    But, if true (and anacdotally it feels about correct), that 40% is substantially better than the over 75% it was pre-nerf.

    Moreover, considering the best alternatives for survivors were also nerfed, and very few perks were buffed to the required strength... what did you expect? Of course the perk that was hit the least hard would stay meta, but it is undeniably weaker now than it's ever been (and I swear, half of these forums don't remember the E to Outplay DH for distance bullshit we endured for years because a single person using DH4D was so much more infuriating than 4 of current DH).

  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    I think it still takes skill to use. Just considerably less than it should be given its utility.

    IMO the main problem is the usage of the perk to gain distance to get to a pallet/vault. This just adds too much functionality as it extends the chase for too long with little counterplay.

    It's still a guaranteed pallet/vault if you're 2m out as opposed to the 4.2m previously. This gives the killer about an extra half second of interactivity without a downside to the survivor.

    For this case, if the survivor thinks they are 2m out and about to take a hit there is no reason not to use DH to try and get the pallet. It is always the optimal solution.

    If it was changed so objects are no longer interactable while using DH and 1 second after it would remove this case. They use DH to make the pallet, and then can't do anything. They must either make it to the pallet and drop it without DH and take the risk of the hit, or use DH to dodge the incoming hit. Both scenarios leave the killer with control of the situation. DH would be used to dodge hits. As it should be.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 610

    I mean, the thing that was busted in the perk was the incapacitation. And your solution is to make swf and solo be affected even if not touch gens? So what’s the counter to that? Literally never touch a gen?

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    I kinda check towards the edges of the map then work my way in. I usually find the totem

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I run Detective's Hunch and I still can't keep track of them. Might be a skill issue lmao

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    dead hard needs to be gutted and crushed from the meta

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Why is survivors escaping and escaping for 6 years? Because there are four times as many survivors and this is how the game must be to survive? Imagine the game being killer sided it would die pretty fast.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,131

    it's not in 80% of people's loadout, less than half that actually.

    i don't want a nerf that removes Anything from the meta, and that includes DH, because that would mean less things are viable; i want more variety, not less, and so i would rather have things still be meta but less powerful within that meta. i think there should be some slight tweaks that make DH under pallet less effective and the "dance of death" with faking DH less powerful as well, but (as someone who basically never uses it and already has a decent time managing against it) i think it only needs minor tweaks

    for reference, i also think the eruption nerf is overdoing it by frickin' MILES and they should revert the perk back to how it was before the meta shakeup (6% regression, 16 sec incap) - that would leave it still usable while making its effects more managable

  • Bombaclatt
    Bombaclatt Member Posts: 32

    I mean if he can do gens and avoid you there is something wrong with you tbh

  • Dbdfan398
    Dbdfan398 Member Posts: 184

    Except due to MMR this is untrue, you are always going against better survivors.

    I dont even want to comment on these forums anymore im sick of arguing stupid #########.

  • Bombaclatt
    Bombaclatt Member Posts: 32

    I completely agree that the mmr system is not working at all don’t worry

  • YukiShiori21
    YukiShiori21 Member Posts: 46

    DH was way too strong. It got a little bit nerf but still great, no doubt. The problem is that survivors can fake it even it's not equipped, keep 360 in a chase and killers get to assumed DH is right there and wait once, twice. The mind game is outside the trial its is not healthy.

  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    its likely someone important's favorite perk which is why we haven't seen any real substantial changes.

    the "rework" removed the extra 2.2m gained and the no collision (which never should have existed in the first place).

    in return it gained endurance which is better than 2.2m.

    its been a terrible perk since its inception. six years of being the top perk, increasing prevalence w/ higher mmr, and incredible utility on paper alone should have clued bhvr in on something.

    the worst part that BHVR doesn't seem to understand is that despite having around 33% usage, it's present in 100% of games because the killer has to play around it until they find out a survivor doesn't have it.

    they should have never released it or reworked it 5 years ago. too late now.

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 136

    Meh dh was basically useless until hit validation was added to it. I saw more sprint burst than dh during that time. When hit validation was added it became op, and everyone ran it. But dont forget “exhausted on the floor” was prevalent. Also, just because one thing was bad doesnt mean we should ignore other problems. I mean a lot of survivor perks were gutted, like mettle of man, iron will, self care, ds, spine chill, and calm spirit. This game isnt survivor or killer sided. Why would they cater to one side? Theyll nerf dh eventually lol

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,785

    Some perks never left the meta even with their changes. Corrupt and pain res are still very popular.

  • HexSendHelp
    HexSendHelp Member Posts: 48

    I mean it did at one time. Didn't they remove screaming from pain res initially? So it didn't combo with DMS at all, and then (idk why I stopped playing at that time) they gave it back.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,785
    edited February 2023

    Yeah they scream but you have no idea on which gen. That was the most powerful aspect of old pain res. You knew which gen to go to. Now you have to guess.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    God I love the fusion dance. Then again I simp for Gogeta so that's just fair