Positive Takeaways From the Recent Chapter

While I have my own gripes with the clashing aesthetics and underwhelming power there are two mechanics introduced that I think at the very least can be used when designing future killers.
There's only so much the dev's can make with the same base mechanics so I appreciate that they added a power specific skill check to break up the cookie cutter skill check all killers have whether that be snapping out of it or trying to remove a reverse bear trap. The audition of a new way of tracking that doesn't involve either auras, killer instinct or loud noise notifications is very interesting. It's nice to see a killer who's power can be replicated by just equipping certain perks.
While the primary function of the power I do hope they use the new concepts introduced here in a more overall inspired killer power in the future, hopefully not exactly as they are implemented but just the broad idea of making killer powers more unique from others.