Killer/Survivor DC - perhaps replaced with bots? I believe it's a major issue.

I understand taking off DC penalities was for the general good of the game to stop hackers those alike. However, because of this so many Survivors DC with not even a single gen popping. And when Killers DC, it completley ends the game entirely not even giving Survivors a chance to play or finish the game. I genuinely believe this is a major problem, more than any "play style" or "unfair perk". It makes the game nearly impossible to play for survivors, killers don't get to chase which is arguably the entire point of killer, and the game becomes completely unfun for literally everyone involved.
Replacing those who DC with a bot I believe would solve both problems. Survivors won't suffer trying to complete objectives designed for four people and killers actually get to play. This can only get worse in my opinion and I could see it ultimately destorying the game and create a further divide in the community. If people keep DCing then nobody is going to want to play because it takes away from both sides. If a survivor DC's it's unfair to the rest of the survivors and the killer doesn't get to play as much. If a killer DC's then all survivors don't get to play at all.
I genuinely believe, even in the very 'us vs. them' mentality that is this game, that DCing is unfair/unfun on both sides and would both benefit from it being treated like problem and not an inconvience.