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DBD should be scarier ans harder for survivors. Change my mind.


I hate playing survivor because the game is too easy and way too simple.

Some killer's powers are extremely easy to overcome/ignore, so playing agains those killers is just boring.

Generators getting repaired in 30 seconds with 1 or 2 skill checks is too easy and not fun.

With perks like the healing boon you get a guaranteed win unless the killer focuses on shutting it off, which is just more time for us to do gens while the boon can be easily turned on... 

Hex Perks are absurdly easy to find and destroy. Sure, they give a notification to the killer, but what for if they now have 1 perk less? 

Flashlights blinding the killer in 1 second while lasting for an eternity is way too easy...

The only way to lose as survivor is if your teammates keep repairing the gens instead of unhooking you, or (and most likely) the killer camps and tunnels you because that way they get an easy kill...

I want a challenge. I want to be scared while playing. I want to do more stuff, not just like 8 skill checks and running around and then winning... It's so boring...

I have several ideas that could be fun to test, but I know survivor mains just want an easy game and they are always the first to complain... :/


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I have several ideas that could be fun to test, but I know survivor mains just want an easy game and they are always the first to complain... :/

    Go for it, I would like to read them :D

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,231

    The game isn't "easy and quite simple" for most survivor players. To make the game harder for them would only bring more needless backlash and less people playing. Now I do agree the game should be scarier. They could add things like weather effects such as rain, thunder and lightning. More jump scares like the one in Midwich. Things like that.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,079

    DBD will never be scary, even if you made survivor this hardcore thing, a real challenge. Well this is a multiplayer game, people will just get frustrated, the game will loose appeal for many people and the game still wouldn't be scary.

    DBD is scary for the first few hours when you don't know what you are doing and don't know how to survive. For anyone past that point making the game harder to win just adds frustration not fear.

    People have fear of the unknown, after a while you just get desensitized. Look at Dredge, people like to say he was the return of horror to the game, that the Nightfall is this spooky mechanic that puts fear in the survivors. Well, i guess i was scared for like 3 games, then i didn't care and now i just find it obnoxious to be in the dark half the match.

    So, yeah the big Eldrich horror scary monster was scary for 30 minutes

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I want to hear Killer players' ideas too, it just always seems to come with an insult. Like an ugly side salad 😘

    I would like some more horror in the game. Wesker is fun to go against but he's not scary. He's too camp to be terrifying. Dredge would be scary if he didn't look so much like a turkey. As far as design goes, I think Nurse, Hag, Plague, Blight and Crow Lady are the creepiest Killers. The sound of Blight smashing into things in the distance is genuinely creepy. I'd love to see more Killers like them.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,227

    Sure. Game is super easy for survivors. That's why currently shortest kill streak out of all the things possible is on soloQ survivor (and PTB killer). Even knight has longer kill streak now then soloQ. But sure survivor is super easy...

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598

    I have to make a post about it. In summary, I'd live to have more skill checks while repairing, or changing how repairing works completely. A different mechanic for hooking/being hooked. Same with totems and hex perks...

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    survivor is far from easy, obvious bait.

  • WashYourHands
    WashYourHands Member Posts: 190

    I've been playing for 6 months and I feel the same way

  • kk602
    kk602 Member Posts: 17

    i feel the same way

    Even the youtube distributors I often see have such an opinion

    I feel that there are many

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    Clown main here. I revolve my builds around Hex: Devour Hope to have some kind of fun win condition, because I honestly can't keep up with most survivor teams I face without tactics that survivors and myself find utterly boring and unfun. Anyone with half a brain can certainly patrol 3 nearby gens until the end game and "win".

    I want there to be 4 Gens to work on when survivors have 1 Gen left.

    Killers need more perks like Devour Hope that promote "Nice guy" play and work outside the whole Gen speed power struggle.

    Before the HUD update for survivors I could atleast feel fulfilled in my role as killer even if all survivors escaped. Now I having to try my hardest against every team and it is anger inducing after a while to see "Entity Hungers" over and over. That is the funniest mistake BHVR has made for us killer mains is to really stick the knife in when we fail.

  • PrincessCalla
    PrincessCalla Member Posts: 139

    I'd like the game to be more scary, but not more difficult. I love getting jump scared, it's hilarious. I like nightfall too (if that's what its called, Dregdes ability) you know, more stuff like that.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598

    ngl, I've been jumpscared by survivors while playing as killer and that's even funnier ahhaha

    jumpscares, however, are not actual scary. I want to bw tense the whole game. From all my games, the only game I was tense af ans really scared of dying was a game where I needed to survive and escape with a new item in one of those swamp maps. I don't rememebr which killer was, but when I finallt escaped my heart was about to explode lol. That happened once about 6 months ago... Not a single game has been close to that since.