Killer Perk Idea: Misguided Effort (It’s ‘Dead Hard’ for Killers!)

Their intentions: meaningless. Their preparations: futile. Their moment of triumph will result in failure

Press the active ability button to activate this perk. If a survivor who is within 8 meters of you triggers an exhaustion perk within 0.5 seconds of activation, Misguided Effort will negate the effect of their perk. The survivor will still become exhausted.

Misguided Effort has a cooldown of 120/105/90 seconds.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Dead hard for killers would be this, but it'd expose survivors for .5s. Instead of an additional health state they lose an additional health state.

    This is of course ridiculous and unworkable. Cuz the game is, yaknow, asymmetrical. Trying to bring equivalency between everything just doesn't work.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    True, equivalency isn’t needed for everything, but it’s not something that needs to be avoided either. Just a possible avenue for inspiration. We already have various forms of it in the game anyway. Window of Opportunity vs Zanshin Tactics, hexes vs boons, Exposed vs Endurance. Some things are just like each other, while others are more of a push vs pull relationship, but the equivalency is still there.

    Anyway, my idea is based on the concept of a skilled play. Dead Hard allows a survivor to make a split-second high-skill play based on the psychology of your opponent. My idea here allows killers the opportunity to do the same.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Well, no. You'd just hit the button before you m1 every time. And I'd argue the equivalence for like half the stuff you said anyway.