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Tome 14: Vittorio’s Cutscene

On Playstation 5, I don’t know with other platforms, when trying to watch Vittorio’s Archive cutscene it freezes on the frame below. I’ve tried this multiple times and it freezes on this exact frame every single time. I’ve tried to watch the cutscene multiple times and every single time it froze on this frame. I know there’s more pressing issues right now, but I thought this should be brought up as well.
Frame of where the cutscenes freezes
Update: The cutscene moved on from the original frame, after 20+ tries. But it then it still ended up freezing on a different frame (didn’t get the screenshot cause my friends were waiting to play a game with me). It’s right after he’s looking at the devices on the desk. So the cutscene is just bugged and freezes at random points