I've giving up on Wraith

Facing him I just don't care once I hear that bell I just I'm done in the match I'm not escaping at all even if he had no add-ons. Basically by that time I just oh guess I'll just die in this match since I can't find a counter to him.
Wraith’s counter is using your eyes and ears…
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Wraith isn't a strong killer. I would suggest maybe checking Youtube to see if you can find some videos on playing against him. You could also play him yourself, trust me it won't take long before you run into a team that will show you how to play against him.
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How can I use my eyes and hears when I can't see him because for someone reason a blur basically can blend in with dark maps and he doesn't make any noise I seriously can't hear him even with headphones.
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You really out here complaining about a c tier killer that isn't even hard to face dude?
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... either your headphones are broken or your ears are. Dude's a snarly grunty mess.
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I really don't care what tier he is because every tier list is different.
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I mean that's why he was nerfed to c tier in the first place yeah?
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Wraith makes a gurgling noise and the air is distorted when he is cloaked. He was one killer I struggled alot against when i first started playing but you learn to spot him the more you play.
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Wasn't wraiths after uncloak speed and lunge nerfed?
Isn't it possible to simply run away from him to the nearest window/pallet once he starts bonking to uncloak?
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You see, this is why the W key meta is so terrible. Nobody learns how to loop properly anymore.
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he says "khrkn-hkrkra" a lot while in cloak maybe you should turn your game sounds up
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Wraith is one of the simplest killers to counter. All you need to do is listen out for the burning sound of uncloaking and his breathing while and always stay healed so he can’t get a surprise down
Chasing as wraith should never result in a early down as his chase power is weak. If you can’t loop him you probably can’t loop any killer which is something you need to improve on
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Don't forget his huge feet stomping around...how his cloak INCREASES his sounds is beyond me
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Yes that's why the Silent Bell or the one that makes the bell sound distant combined with the one that keeps you hidden a few seconds out of uncloak are good ones for him to use to get past that nasty nerf
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When you're working on a gen, pan your camera behind you so you'll notice the blurry image when he approach.Other than that he is a M1 with no other abilities so, learn how to loop
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I do and I still can't meaning I'm either deaf or basically have an extremely old copy of the game.
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One problem I can barely see it(even with glasses on) on bright maps I can barely see him on stuff like Coldwind or Ormond.
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Wraith is a decent killer with good addons, especially in the current Gen-kicking-Meta. Have fun beating a Wraith with Overcharge, CoB and current Eruption and his fast kicking addons....
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The strength of the killer rarely matters when it comes to how unenjoyable the games against them are. Most of my most hated killers are pretty weak.
@topic hopefully this will help.
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darn yeah if you have hearing difficulties it might be a bit difficult to play this game in general, a lot of killers have subtle sound queues. most killers have loud breathing or footsteps or some other sound that can help a lot for figuring out distance or where they are through walls.
the game forces you to update if you want to play on live servers so it can't be the age of your copy of the game
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@jamally093 Can I just ask do you struggle hearing other killer’s breathing noises?
For example trapper, hillbilly and Myers all have loud breathing around the same sound level as wraith
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"Old copy" of a live service games that get updated automatically?
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Well then without those specific add-ons he is a basic ass M1 killer with faster map traversal and shouldn't be a problem at all for slightly experienced survivor, right?
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Yup that's why I stopped maining him and made him and Hag my Meme based Killers....as long as a Survivor is paying attention to thier surroundings Wraith is fairly easy to spot and get away from.
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I can relate to this most of my most hated killers are weak too 🤔
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Was he buffed recently? He is appearing more and more and seems to be the current fav of toxic killers.