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How to do the Hex: Face the Darkness challenge?

I've consistently gotten 0 screams out of it. Which is... something.

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  • Member Posts: 2,482

    I did it with myers with monitor & abuse and reduced terror radius addons. Got it first game. Just hit somebody in tier 2 and you’ll get a scream on everybody.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504
    edited February 2023

    Tier 1 Myers with Hex: Face the Darkness, Hex: Undying, Sloppy Butcher, and whatever fourth perk you want, I used Bloodhound, and the Boyfriend's Memo add-on.

    Tier 1 Myers has no terror radius, so every survivor who's not the hexed one will scream. Hit one survivor, then chase them around. Sloppy means they can't heal bit by bit mid-chase. Do not put them in the dying state, that will disable the hex. If they realize you're not going to hit them again, stand on top of them and let them heal all the way and then hit them or the person who healed them. That's all. I did that for an entire match just because I thought it was hilarious to have 3 survivors screaming every 25 seconds.

    Having no terror radius is really the most important thing about the build. If you haven't unlocked Hex: Face the Darkness for other killers, then my best suggestion is using Insidious and/or Beast of Prey on Knight. Getting rid of your TR and making sure someone is always injured are the two key things.

    (Edit: Tier 1 Myers is a favorite of mine just because I enjoy him being Undetectable. HugTechLover is right, though, you could also use tier 2 Myers with Monitor & Abuse plus possibly Beast of Prey to get rid of your TR.)

  • Member Posts: 5,965
    edited February 2023

    I comboed it with Dark Devotion on Plague. Very interesting gimmick build.

  • Member Posts: 14,892
    edited February 2023

    the perk activates as soon as you M1 someone but deactivates when that survivor gets downed - so if you have gotten 0 screams consistently, I assume that’s because you down them to quickly?

    maybe try to get an early first hit but don’t go after that survivor immediately.

    Hex:Thrill of the Hunt may also help as survivors that scream during Totem cleansing have to start anew.

    if you want to try to deny the heal as well, take Wesker, map offering for the Game, Coulrophobia and Distressing.

    this should make it fairly easy?

    edit: nvm I am a dumdum, survs only scream outside the TR

  • Member Posts: 7,233
    edited February 2023

    I’ve been running this build on Wraith lately: Face the Darkness, NOED, NWO, Thrill of the Hunt.

    Survivors scream all game and it makes it difficult for them to do the totems because Thrill makes it take too long (at 5 stacks, the other 3 survivors can’t cleanse totems outside your terror radius because they scream before they can finish). If you have all 3 hexes up at endgame then you can actually make NOED hard to cleanse too for the same reason and they can’t just leave right away because the exits are blocked. Gimmicky, but a lot of the time it actually works better than you’d think.

    Anyways you should have no problem getting the challenge this way.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Just sort of

    Incidentally did it on Nemesis right after posting this. Timing, right? Lol.

  • Member Posts: 450

    I did a full hex build where I ran undying and thrill with the main perk on ghostface along with deadlock and just kept stalking people while shrouded. I was next to my hex so it was safe in a bedroom on dead dog. My survivor I hit didn't heal. I got no hooks but I didn't care I got my challenges done

  • Member Posts: 1,145

    you make 8 survivors scream from hex face the darkness?

    so first… choose trapper

    you equip the knight’s perk hex: face the darkness.

    Then you equip insidious.

    then you equip the bloody coil and iridescent stone addons

    then you join a match.

    you injure a survivor.

    find your hex: face the darkness totem

    stand beside it and activate insidious

    wait 75 seconds


    if survivor heals, repeat the process.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Most stealth classes can get is easily. I got it on Wraith. Load the perk with three other perks you like to run. Hit someone. Immediately stealth. You'll get ~4 screams before the survivors even know you're running it. Collect the remaining screams while they look for the totem, then finish the trial.

    As someone mentioned previously, you can go to the totem yourself and camp it until the collection is done.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Infectious and doctor basically

  • Member Posts: 4,901

    Run it with Undying and Thrill, on Freddy ideally but any stealth killer will work fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,933


  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Hit a survivor and then just chase them without downing them till you get it.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    If you have Cenobite, you can kinda cheese it with his imfamous build of Insidious, Face the Darkness, Thrill of the Hunt and Sloppy Butchter and his Iridescent Box and purple Chatterers Tooth. What you do is locate the box, hide nearby with Insidious, then get the jump on the survivor who will inevitable wanna pick it up. Then you just stand on the box and turn insidious again and voila: Face the Darkness activates, the chains probably activate at this time and everyone is outside of your terror radius, prompting them to scream endlessly, while chains keep pulling them off of totems, making it impossible for them to cleans them. Its truly a torturous build and got me the achievment on first try. The build falls appart, though, if the survivors cleanse Thrill of the Hunt first, because without that they can cleanse your hex totems while chainhunt is active.

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    Try Wraith with Face the Darkness, Undying and Thrill of the Hunt. You'll probably lose the game but you're pretty much guaranteed to get the challenge done.

    Alternatively don't run Undying and instead bring PWYF and Discordance. That should still get the job done, while also allowing you to finish chases a bit faster.

  • Member Posts: 168

    Bubba, insidious, camp hex totem

  • Member Posts: 646

    This challenge reads 'Make 8 survivors scream from the effect of Hex: Face the Darkness.'

    Not your usual 'Make 8 survivors scream while using Hex: Face the Darkness'. This time around it really seems to imply you have to get value from the perk you're running.

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