Devs - why should I pay for a game I am denied to play?

Tjiani Member Posts: 78
edited February 2023 in General Discussions

I do not understand why tunneling and facecamping is not considered "taking the game hostage".. I paid for this game to actually be able to play.. Not to be tunneled out of every other match before I get to even touch a gen, or get facecamped the entire match , provide the killer with points while being beaten repeadetly on hook and get almost no BP for the "trouble".

I have very limited time to play between work and family-life and having to waste so much time on being held hostage on hook or being tunneled out of the game just to wait 5-10 mins for it to happen again is simply not acceptable. People are paying for a game they are being denied to play in way too many matches and I really don't understand this is considered a "valid strategy"? If it was only a match here and there I would be okay with it, but it's more common than not . I can't speak for the American servers, but on the EU servers, it's really really bad.

"We tunnel and camp cause we get genrushed".. No.. you tunnel and camp cause it's easy and the points makes it worth it. Almost every killer starts hardcore tunneling and facecamping at 5 gens.. before they even know what kind of team they are dealing with. I think there is a difference between camping and tunneling towards the end-game if you have a hard time keeping pressure, and I understand that it can be neccesary to keep the last gens from popping.. But if the team is down to 3 survivors after one gen the balance is no longer fair, especially in solo que.

Killers are always complaing about SWF, but it's the only option to counter the camping and tunneling.. I have been playing Solo Survivor my entire DBD career and I find myself playing killer more and more often to actually be able to play the game and for the first time I find myself searching online for SWF to play with, cause I get tired of people not doing gens while I get camped or loop the killer.. Is killing solo que entirely really the goal here DEVS? Cause it's beginning to look like it's where we are heading.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    It's still preventing someone else from playing the game. From doing nothing at all the entire match. And I fail to see why a person who WANTS to play the game, should pay the price for someone who decides to be toxic for no reason at all

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    As I said.. Killers complain about too many SWF groups, and want more people to play solo... BHVR wants more people to play Solo. But both Devs and killers ignore the biggest issue about Solo Que. It's not balanced enough compared to SWF with the "Strats" the killers are using.

    If a killer facecamps a person in SWF the person will try to buy their teammate as much time as possible. Even if it means they don't get out. In most cases the other teammates will switch places with the hooked survivor and the chances are way higher of being saved during the end-game.

    In Solo - people either DC or try to Kobe right away if they are being facecamped, so the killer can move straight on to the next person. They don't give a damn about the randoms they are dooming by leaving the match. If you get tunneled - too bad.. Noone will risk anything to save you from deathhook or take a hit if needed. If these are the new strats and everyone is starting to play killer like this, there won't be a solo que moving forward. If every other game is just being tunneled out, the options are either SWF or switching to killer.

    Everyone in this game are too busy washing their hands.. "Other peoples fun is not my concern".. but it should be as you play a multiplayer game, and I think everyone (not just the devs) are responsible for creating a good game. But I do think the tunneling and Facecamping at least should compensate the survivor being denied to play enough points to make it worth it. If Solo Que is gonna survive, something has to happen to make it worth it for people, cause right now it aint it

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Tunneling is not preventing somebody from playing. You are playing, just cause you get eliminated quickly in the match if you go down fast doesn't mean you didn't get to play

    Camping on the the other hand totally agree

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    How is tunneling not being prevented from playing? If you go down fast with Iri Hatches, A strong nurse or a Meyers, just to be tunneled right off hook? With the DS nerf it's almost impossible to escape the killer if a teammate is not willing to step in and take a hit or distract long enough for you to get away. The DS is useless with the 3 second stun

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    It's not because the match WILL END. Holding hostage is like a Killer or Survivor pinning a player in so they can't move or survivors refusing to do gens because of a 3-Gen or waiting for the other survivor to die so they can get the hatch.....that's holding hostage.

    Now 3-Gens are a case by case scenario if the Killer is holding the game hostage. But camping and Tunneling are NOT holding the game hostage

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    Saying someone else should just stop playing when they adress serious issues with the game, is just arrogant and narrowminded. If you don't have anything constructive to bring to the table, why comment at all?

    So everyone should just accept that Solo Que is slowly dying and adapt to the new reality where hardcore SWF groups and sweaty killers are the only thing left in this game? If it reaches that point, maybe I will go play something else. But at least I am trying to adress the issues and actually keep Solo Que interesting enough for people to keep playing it. What are you bringing to the table?

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78
    edited February 2023

    Well your understanding on how to debate in a civilized and respectul matter also seems kind of flawed, but oh well..

    You clearly haven't read my original post, as I specifically wrote that I do play killer more and more often because it actually lets me play the game way more and provides me with more BP. Dead by daylight is a MULTIplayer game and is supposed to be balanced pretty even. You make it sound like the game was made for the killers to enjoy themselves and get a 4K almost every match and for the survivors to be grateful if they get to do anything during their matches.. It's supposed to be fun for both sides and chases are not everything there is to it. Survivors objectives are also healing, unhooking, doing gens, flashlight saves and much much more. Yes the chases are fun, but there are much more to the survivor role.

    Where in my post do I write anything about escaping? I don't mention winning or losing at all, and seems to be more of your entitled concern than mine. I am simply adressing the fact that facecamping and tunneling prevents survivors from participating in the game that makes it worth their while. Especially in Solo Que. My entire post was to adress the fact that Solo Que is not strong enough to counter the tunneling/Camping issues, but you don't seem to have read anything I actually wrote

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    Did you feel better about yourself correcting my spelling? English is not my first language, and I fail to see it has any relevance for my post?

    And yes, it does prevent people from playing the game. If you have a hardcore tunneler and get caught first, you are out. With a pretty much useless DS, a DH that can be waited out as easily as nothing, there is only so much you can do against strong killers. If you don't have teammates willing to take hits for you (Which is rare in Solo) you are pretty #########. Same with camping. If noone on your team is willing to trade hooks with you, your entire match is wasted on hook, doing absolutely nothing. There are no strong anti-tunnel perks and I think there should be. Killers have lightborn to counter flashlights, Gen perks to counter gen-rush, anti healing perks to counter altruism.. But Survivors don't have anything equal to counter Tunneling or facecamping.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    You’re in low mmr. That’s 100% why you’re experiencing this. It’s all low mmr killers know to do. If you aren’t good enough to survive against these low mmr killers, then it’s on you. You’ll have to work on your skills to escape that “tunnel & camp every game” range.

    This doesn’t happen at higher mmr nearly as often. I rarely see a facecamping killer. Once in a blue moon. Tunneling isn’t very often unless it’s 2 gens left and they need somebody dead.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    Lmao.. I reach red rank every reset, so I fail to see why I would be in low MMR? Even really skilled DBD streamers with thousands of hours in the game are giving up on Solo and go for SWF or survive with viewers to stand a fair chance. Solo is almost dead, and everyone denying it are lying to themselves. Killer mains sit on this forum and cry about strong SWF teams every chance they get, but when Solo Survivors are trying to adress the issues that makes them avoid Solo, they get attacked and told they should stop playing, that they are just ######### at playing or they are low rank. You go play Solo if you think it's that much fun then?

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    It's not relevant, it's just the most consistent misspelling on this forum and it drives me nuts seeing it all the time. Might as well remind people when I can.

    Anyway, try tunnelling all the time, since you play Killer too. It's not as guaranteed in effectiveness as you're assuming. Survivors will get away to loops, especially if you have lower mobility. Solos will be surprisingly co-ordinated. Look at why it doesn't work when you do it and you can apply that to playing Survivor. Yeah, there's going to be cross-map Huntress snipes and instantly returning Blights, but not every Killer can be at the hook the instant you get off.

    And all of this is still playing the game. Short games, if you somehow get tunnelled out from the start and instantly off hook every game (and at that level of consistency, it can't be random if it's always happening to you), but still taking part.

    But Survivors don't have anything equal to counter Tunneling or facecamping.

    Every strong anti-tunnelling or anti-camping effect winds up weaponised by co-ordinated players rather than used to avoid the things it's for. BT body blocks, old DH, when hook timers were paused near hooks for some testing, stacking endurance and bodyblocks, etc.

    Go on, try and think of a counter to tunnelling that isn't more effective used by a good team to stop the Killer downing somebody else. Strong DS wasn't really it, you'd still get the slugging (and even older DS was used to do gens with impunity)

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    Are any of you actually reading my original post? Yes I do play killer and survivor pretty even and I have been playing more and more killer and less survivor over the last months. Even if I have a ######### game as killer and go against a really good team, I still get a decent amount of BP for chases, pallets, hooks ect. Even if I only get one or two kills. Even for the bare minimum as killer, you still get more as you do in a bad survivor match. Solo Survivor is just not worth it anymore compared to what you get for playing killer or SWF. And I think it's really sad more and more people are giving up on it. I used to enjoy Solo, but it's a nightmare and with the endless camping and tunneling (at least on the EU servers) Solo is just not balanced enough around it. I think survivors should at least have ONE decent anti-camping perk (they can actually use on themselves) and at the very least the old DS back with 6 seconds stun instead of 3. The 3 second stun is a joke, and it's pointless to even bring in at this point.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    You seem reasonable.

    Tunneling and camping are things your opponents are doing that you don't like. That is what their game function is. That is good.

    Your team is doing things you don't like. That is the opposite of their game function. That is bad.

    The only ways to resolve these issues that I can see are:

    play SWF, which you already noted.

    Request the developers implement a player to player match making ban, that is under each players control.

    Petition Behavior to start a media program in and out of game that is aimed at showing survivors how to play.

    None of those involve the killer, tunneling, or camping. Yelling at these things is a waste of time. At best the developers will do something stupid and make it worse.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366
    edited February 2023

    Yeah, it’s the only real logical answer but he stated twice that he gets red ranks every season, but then also stated he has a family and also works, so has limited time to play….

    Anyway, the way you phrase your grievances is confusing because you’re using terms that indicate one thing and when the community tries to correct you, you get upset. You’re not being held hostage, you are, in fact, playing the game even if you get tunneled and camp.

    If you have 5+ years under your belt then you should be mentally checked out from DbD logic or have quit by now. I’m not sure why your acting like the community hasn’t been voicing concerns with SWF and begging to buff Solo for years, but feel free, whenever you want a dose of reality, to use that search bar and look up the topic after topic after topic after topic addressing all this over and over again.

    SWF is unfair - we know

    Solo is weak - we know

    BHVR needs to buff Solo to a similar strength to SWF - we know

    Killers need to be buff strong enough to fight against Survivors after. - WE KNOW

    Until this happens, any strong Killers decimate Solo and SWF destroys Killer. Solo will continue to be unhappy, Killers will continue to play hard to achieve any once of accomplishment and SWF will continue to bully Killers.

    So if you want the best Survivor experience, then yeah, find a SWF. Or…start any number of the many suggestions that can be found to help your Solo exp. From changing your build, your playstyle, your mindset, your personal goals, or take a break or quit. BHVR and the community can’t snap our fingers and make the game better~

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    Exactly my point. I know it's hard, but I really hope the devs would come up with some perks that would seem rather redundant to SWF teams, but make a huge difference if you are playing Solo. I don't think SWF teams would "waste" a perk slot on Anti-tunneling or anti-camping perks as much, cause they rely on eachother. They know someone else is there for the protection hit, they know someone else is gonna try and prevent them from going on death hook or switch places with them on hook if needed. There are so many perks way more usefull for SWF teams, so my hope was that it would balance SWF and Solo a little more.

    Another idea could be to increase BP for "Switching hooks" or protection hits. I don't know if it would make more people do it or not, but I think it's worth a shot. I would hate to see Solo die completely, but I would lie if I said I don't understand why people give up on it :/

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    The only option to fix tunneling, beside being good (for example like 1 hour ago I found a pinhead who tunneled me the whole match and got destroyed because he didn't get me and the others devoured gens), is balance the game. Gens fly at top MMR, tunneling and camping are needed since survs "tunnel gens" and killer must tunnel kills, why should I play for hooks if my objective is to kill? And why should I play for hooks when survs play to make gen fast af?

    Tunneling is in both sides, but the "surv tunneling" is genrush. But genrush is ok, is "only playing efficiently", tunneling isn't ok but it's the same thing: playing efficiently. So Devs keep inserting perks to make gens faster, and gens are already fast af, and at the same time they're destroying every slowdown perk of the killer, how am I supposed to counter gen speed perks without slowdowns? So, if Devs doesn't want to balance their ######### game, killers will hard tunnel and camp because are the only tactics allowed. I know, it's unfair to be thrown out a match after like 2/3 minutes, but in that time already 2.5/3 gens are made.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    I don't get upset. I admit I think it's frustrating that I try to adress my issues with Solo (Same as all the other solo players trying to be heard) just to get told to stop playing, that my rank is too low, that I suck at the game or that I just need to "accept the reality". Or people just trying to belittle me, being rude or pick on my grammar which has nothing to do with the subject?

    As much as solo players are complaining about their reality, killers are complaining about only going up against SWF groups, but right now it's the only alternative? It's not like I am the only one adressing the issue as you said yourself. Even really good streamers have given up on Solo.

    I still consider it being "Held hostage" to dangle on a hook the entire match and get to do absolutely nothing? How is that not preventing people from playing the game?? Same with people tunneling, ignoring people right next to the unhooked survivor, just to eliminate them from the match before they have touched a gen? You have to admit that even in your shittiest killer games, you still get to play the game? To chase, to break pallets, to kick gens ect..

    I play the amount of hours I can? Doesn't mean I don't play. I just don't have like 5+ hours pr day I can play. I play when my kids are tucked in, during weekends ect. But compared to the average gamer, no I don't play much.

    Anyway, my point is that there needs to be a counter to tunneling/camping as Solo. You never know if your teammates are gonna help you or not, so there should at least be a perk or two to higher your chances of survival if you are totally on your own. Or at least just make the BP decent enough to make Solo worth the while?

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    I don’t Think slowing gens Down is an option as Long as Tunneling and camping is not adressed. People tunnel because a survivor out of the match within the first few minutes of the match is almost a guaranteed 3-4K. Imagine being facecamped and the gens going even slower, it would be impossible to more than one and a half gen pr hooked survivor. I agree the gens are going too fast, but a lot of killers tunnel and Camp no matter if they are pressured or not, so slowing Down gens is not enough to balance the game. Adding more objectives on both sides, rewarding more activity with more BP ect would be the best Way to balance things. It would be nice to have more things to do than just gens tbh

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    I am adressing BHVR and the devs in my post but as I mentioned earlier, I also Think players carry a Big part of the responsibility for things to get better. If everyone is just bringing in their worst toxic behaviour and don’t give a Damn about other players, it’s never gonna be fixed. We also carry a responsibility for what we pay forward. The toxic cycle never ends if we don’t start with what we actually can change. Why not give people the benefit of the doubt? Am I playing against a toxic person or am I being toxic for no reason… am I playing against a sweaty killer/SWF or can I slow things down a bit and relax? Am I playing against a new player that is clearly struggling and could I help them out? In a multiplayer game everyone carries a responsibility for the community it’s not just the devs. That being said, Solo is too weak compared to SWF and they need to come up with a way to make it worth playing compared to SWF

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    You still have options? You can still try to mindgame, still try to influence the game. What options do you have while hanging on the hook the entire match while the killer takes out months of frustration on your dangling body? You can DC or hang in there, that’s the options you got. Because someone else chose not to play the game and take the easiest route to BPs. The killer never runs out of options. You can’t be bodyblocked or captured in a corner the entire match so the fact that you are even comparing the two things 😂😂 you always have the option of chasing someone else, patrol gens, choose your own Strategy. But being facecamped is literally impossible to counter or even stall (if you are the one hooked)


  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    The issue is going "they're tunnelling, so they're toxic." Facecamping Bubba that keeps hitting you on hook? That's toxic. Someone tunnelling out of the gate? That's just sweaty and trying to win.

    Most people tunnelling aren't interested in giving you a bad time, they're just trying to win as hard as they can.

    Survivors splitting up instantly and sitting on gens with no deviation until the Killer's right on them isn't toxic, it's efficient. The guy who teabags after every pallet drop or spams loud noise notifications is. It's the same deal.

    As for "maybe wait and see first": the thing is, the game is snowbally. Playing chill and not tunnelling doesn't leave much time to start trying seriously if multiple gens pop immediately and you spread hooks--it's easier to defend fewer gens, but if the first ones go that quickly, there's no wiggle room. Forcing a delay is why things like Wesker's vial add-on or Corrupt Intervention are so good, because it gives that room.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Ranks have nothing to do with MMR just the amount of time you played. Ranks and matchmaking went away long ago

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    That is exactly my point. I do see the difference in tunnelling and camping because you run out of options, or doing it because you enjoy being toxic and doing it before you even know what kind of team you are up against. I don’t think tunnelling in a pressured situation towards the end-game is toxic, but hardcore tunnelling someone before a single gen is popped is just unnecessary. I have often tried to take a hit from someone being tunnelled and the killer completely ignores me, even if I literally stand right in front of Them and offer myself in trade. They get a free hook, and yet they go for the person who was on the hook the entire match when there are still plenty of gens left. It would just be nice to have a perk to counter it. A bit more useful than DS, That’s all I am saying.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    But that goes back around to: design a perk that counters tunnelling, isn't a free lifeline to do whatever to the point that if the rescuer can't be downed there's no pressure, and doesn't benefit the team by being used as a weapon.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    I know it’s hard to balance these things without giving the survivors a Way to exploit it. But I Think DS just lasting longer would be okay. A 3 second stun is an absolute joke and gets you nowhere before the killer is able to catch up. I Think it should be 10 second ish, but as soon as you touch a gen or a totem the cooldown goes away. Makes it hard to exploit the perk, but gives the survivor enough time to make it to a loop and at least have a fair chance of escaping. If the killer really really wants to tunnel, they will still follow Them, but I Think more killers would go for someone Else if they had to wait out the longer cooldown. Most anti-tunneling/anticamping perks are dependent on your teammates using Them on you (like reassurance or BT) and it would just be nice to have something to counter in Solo where you can almost guarantee that your teammates almost never have any of those perks

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Oh boy. Please don't tell me you think the Dbd playerbase is actually capable of that.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited February 2023

    Did you forget how previous DS worked? It wasn't the worst, but you would still get Survivors in any remotely advantageous situation using the BT endurance to take a hit, then taking another hit for the down, safe in the knowledge that they either had a handy long stun as an escape, or were going to be slugged for 60s.

    DH+DS+Unbreakable+BT was common for a reason. Now BT is basekit, it'd probably revert to DH+DS+Unbreakable and whatever fourth perk you like. CoH? Distortion? Double up with OTR?

    Note we're talking a game situation where, once a game off hook, every Survivor has 2 hits (BT bodyblock, down), a stun and escape (DS) or self pickup or actual pickup (Unbreakable), and another hit. And if the Survivor doesn't get picked up, DS is still available. Friend rescue? Still got UB. It's really too strong, because it makes interference nearly risk-free.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Best option I saw someone suggested was the one unhooked loses all collision until they do a conspicuous action or get healed by any source. and it's disabled during emd game. This would prevent Tunneling for the most part and prevent body blocking by the unhooked.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Yeah, but that came with the caveat that the need to get someone out ASAP has to reduce first.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,914

    Because... thats how other games work like Seige and you don't see anybody complaining about that because ITS WHAT THEY SIGNED UP FOR. Sure they might get killed within the first few seconds of the round but rarely do I hear them complain about not being able to play the game. But by buying the game you acknowledged how the game could go and you agreed to it and even without realizing it... logically thats how the game could have played out if you just look at the goals for each side.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    I guess not. I Think I am a very atypical DBD player 🤷🏼‍♀️ No matter what side I play I try to play fair. I had a new Wraith the other day, and mid-game he cloaked up and went to the corner to wait it out and be over with it. I went over to him and gave him a hook, tried to be kind.. and then 2 of my randoms comes over and start to bully the poor guy who hadn’t had a single hook the entire match. He was clearly sad and struggling and I felt so bad for him. My bet is he brought his worst into the next match or gave up and logged off. And the devs Will never be able to fix this, cause it’s an attitude problem and no amount of perks in the world can fix the toxicity in this comnunity. But we can’t all just be like “might as Well be toxic like everyone Else” cause then it’s for sure not getting any better. But increasing amount of SWF groups is definately not gonna make things better… so if we could find a Way to keep solo in the game, it would be a huge difference

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,393

    Being killed by the killer is part of survivor gameplay. A killer focusing you out of the game is not preventing you from playing.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Killer tunnels you at 5 Gens? Then stop running, let them kill you quick.

    Killer camps you at Gens? Then hook suicide, let them kill you quick.

    Kill rate would gain and killers will get nerfed, turn your weakness into strength.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    I didn’t say I was the one getting tunneled out first each game? But as a solo player, random teammates doesn’t always know How to loop. You never know what you are gonna get or what level or skill your random teammates have. If the first player is tunneled out before you are done with the first gen, you know as Well as I How the rest of the game is gonna go. One survivor Can not carry an entire team, and it’s more often than not the case with solo. I wouldn’t mind being facecamped as much, if I at least knew my teammates were doing gens.. but watching Them all Crouch around like headless chickens is just so frustrating. Solo has a huge disadvantage because you can’t rely on People to help you, but you also don’t have any perks to help yourself much. You can’t use reassurance on yourself while hooked, you can’t prevent teammates from unhooking you right in front of the killer and have nothing to counter it with. Solo need more perk options to protect one-self, and I honestly don’t Think anyone on here disagrees with this?

    Solo doesn’t have anything at all even close to what SWF Can offer. And the biggest issue with Solo is the lack of options to protect yourself from careless teammates. And I actually do Think that creating perks that seems redundant to SWF but useful to Solo survivors would buff solo quite a bit. Not to where it should be, but at least enough to make more People consider it an option.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 456

    Killers tryhard because that's the only way they can win against a genrushing SWF

    Survivors genrush because that's the only way to win against a tryhard killer.

    Do both sides know if they face a tryhard killer/genrushing SWF? Most likey not but it doesn't matter for them. Winning is the only thing the community seems to want no matter how boring their playstyle is. This game is an arms race where the side that prepared themselves better wins.

    I stopped caring about winning as killer at this point. Now I play almost exclusively Billy and try to go for curve hits that I can clip so I can rewatch them later.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Has bubba been nerfed?

    That shows how they ultimately don't care about it, I doubt if they thinks even the face camping is a big issue.

This discussion has been closed.