The skull merchant will follow the same route as the trickster

There is not enough time to make significant changes on her.
it will be the same case as the trickster. If I remember correctly It tooks 2 mid-chapters for him to be what he is today, which is sad since it can delay several plans.
Personally Tricker right now is so damn fun.
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Oh lord I hope not. I actually really liked release Trickster and hated the direction they took him.
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If it's going to take up time from other chapters, I say just scrap the whole thing
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What exactly did you like more about old trickster?
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A lot of things.
I liked how you could bring in 70 knives for the price of a brown. That could pretty easily enable Trickster to go on multiple chases without having to reload. Especially if you managed to weave in an M1 or 2. That could let Trickster be much more relentless than Huntress could be.
The 70 knives and longer fall off timer also meant that you could usually prevent survivors from just holding shift W. But not in a borderline cheap way that old Deathslinger could by tapping ADS. Now though, you don't have near as many knives and there's a high chance that a long distance knife will just fall off even if you do hit.
While I did like that his power countered loops that couldn't be mind gamed and wasn't as good on ones that could... I didn't like how his changes doubled down on that.
Lastly, I am aware that it was a bit silly that M&A used to create a ring of silence between his lullaby and TR... but I didn't really see it as a problem. It isn't like a surprise Trickster can instantly inflict a hit with his knives. He still needs to throw 8 of them. In fact I really liked that since I quite enjoy stealth gameplay. But too many stealth killers don't have a backup plan for maps and teams where stealth doesn't work. Old Trickster with M&A scratched that itch for me.
Seriously... I was all the way here for old Trickster. So much so that I P3'd him under the old Prestige system. Then the changes happened and I basically haven't touched him since. I don't think he should be reverted, but I would be overjoyed if they changed Memento Blades to basically take you back to release Trickster.
Edit: Now that I've reread my former second to last paragraph about M&A, I think that’s part of why I actually am excited for Skull Merchant. Stealth killer with a backup plan is one way you could describe her current kit.
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Old trickster was just an annoyance imo. In chase it was similar to doctor where he was guarded a down but it took a long time to get it. It felt bad for survivors since you basically knew there was nothing you could as dodging 1 of his 70 knives was useless
he was even more mindless at low wall loops where he could just spam knives since he only had to hit 16 out of 60 base
Longer decay time meant even if the survivor played well they would go down because their laceration bar would never decay if the trickster was somewhat decent
I just can’t see any positives about him over huntress especially his old version
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It was very good for depipping as killer. I think it was fairly unique.
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For old Trickster at least, he had better uptime, better stealth, and a better M1 game than her. I also found him much less frustrating to try to use on indoor maps.
So I guess in a word: flexibility. Yeah, Huntress was a better ranged killer than him, but he could do other stuff as well that she mostly couldn't.
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He had slightly better stealth but his M1 game was exactly the same basically.
I’d say they are both frustrating on indoor maps (Though trickster can have ricochet at least)
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His M1 game was better because he's shorter than her. There's some tiles where he can mind game but she can't because of that.
In addition to the ricochet addon, Trickster also raises his knives faster and doesn't have a charge up mechanic. So in indoor maps especially... there's a lot of times where Trickster could land 1-2 knives and Huntress wouldn't be able to use a hatchet. No joke, before it got removed, I hated getting Hawkins as Huntress. On Trickster I didn't care... and sometimes it would turn out exceptionally well.
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Console players are always getting forgotten. :c
lol have to throw one blade at a time; otherwise, they go all over the place.