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Do you think Eruption will still be used after the update?

Personally I will still use the perk. I am excited for the new aura effect it will give. But what do you think? Will you stop or start using it? What will you put along side with it?

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  • Member Posts: 942

    Jolt + Eruption = 18% , aura reading and scream for a posible Dead Man Switch.

    We need to try it but seems ok.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I will probably still play it but i love playing with bad perks desperatly trying to make them work so that's not saying much

    Pretty decent perk for onies though

  • Member Posts: 761

    Yeah, I'll still use it here and there. Spreading a ten percent gen progress loss across 1 or multiple gens just for downing someone. Thats solid value. The incapacitated status was just a bonus

  • Member Posts: 942

    Eruption will hit 10% reveal aura and make survs scream as far as i know.

    Yeah you have a little time to down someone and trigger eruption that why i said a ""possible"" DmS.

    And of course 18% in gens close to you and kicked, i thought it was unnecesary to detail.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    I know i'll be using it, i like aura reading perks

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I think it will still be used, but it won't be as popular as it was pre-nerf.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Never used it before, now probably will on Dredge and Oni.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Y’all are on some mad copium if you think Eruption’s still worth a slot. 10% is still not much, especially when the only other benefit you get is so pointless it might as well not exist. You’d legit be better off with Jolt.

  • Member Posts: 549

    I guess I might use it with Jolt to camp a 3 Gen.

    But since I can't camp a three gen because it requires the wrong type of patience, I don't see a use for Eruption like this.

    The ability to stop people from progressing the last generator is what made eruption useful. It doesn't do that like this so, I think its better to stick with Pain Ress.

  • Member Posts: 7,228
    edited February 2023

    I think so, especially with CoB/Overcharge and now that it's been reverted back to 10% of total. It just won't be ridiculously broken like it was before.

    I didn't use it before because I didn't want to use such a broken perk but I'll probably try it now.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Of course. It still stacks and has synergy with gen kicking perks. What happens is that slugging might become more common.

  • Member Posts: 482
    edited February 2023

    I will stop using it. It's useless now, 10% is nothing, is like 1 or 2 seconds if survs play efficiently. I agree that incapacitated was too much, because no one used it for blocking people from healing for example. Everyone used it to stop survs from working on gens, so why making it useless (basically a Nurse perk thanks to aura reading) instead of removing incapacitated and put "block all gens that explode"?

    Honestly, I will drop it and I will start using again pain resonance + dms, well until devs destroy these two perks as well because survs will also complain about these as they always did for everything that benefits killer a minimum (see pop, ruin, Billy and other things that doesn't come to mind now)

  • Member Posts: 496
    edited February 2023

    Never used it before, so I certainly won't use it now.

    Post edited by Wexton on
  • Member Posts: 640

    I may still play with it from time to time. I mostly play with corrupt and plain res. But I also sometimes like to change things from time as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    Yea, but the sad thing is CoB is a perk you need to buy. I'm sure as hell not going to lay down money for Sadako 😅 so Jolt it is IG.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Still will work if the down happens near the kicked Gen within Jolts range

  • Member Posts: 21,212


    Info and regression? Easy W.

    They did exactly what I suggested.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    At least they fixed thier mistake with the scorched earth...still useful but not overbearing

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    Speaking for myself I wasn't a heavy user of it but after watching a killer build video it occured to me it has value on M2 killers as you can get value when downing with your power (vs Jolt which requires m1s) so I'll probably use it on killers like Hillbilly or Huntress and see how it goes.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I won't but I didn't like using it before anyway and anyone that thinks it's bad now literally can't do math.

    Assuming you get at least two gens every time that's 18 seconds of regression minimum. Old Pop was 20 seconds and you can get more Eruptions over the course of the game than you can Pops.

  • Member Posts: 273

    Nope, I think Pain Resonance with DMS will become meta instead.

  • Member Posts: 116


    DMS - USELESS IN ANYWAY . countered by Hud and VoiceChat.exe...if you catch DMS ever as surv you have skill issue

    Cob Overcharge will not work enough without Erupt bec they countered by VoiceChat.exe also and you just touch gen.

    So for M1 killer jolt pain res only option left

    For M2 only Pain res left...

    So dont ask why so much Tunnel/Camp...

    Bec survs op , bec voicechat.exe breaks game, bec no other choice.

  • Member Posts: 116
    edited February 2023

    Even if Erupt revert to 10% total its useless bec all you do as Surv to counter COB Overcharge new Erupt TRIPLE KILLER PERKCOMBO - touch gen.

    "Make baby survs able to Fly - they will cry they cant swim" - DALAI LAMA

  • Member Posts: 942

    They are coming back to 10% of total, not current.

    Also, chill out mate, we are just talking.

  • Member Posts: 2,441
    edited February 2023

    I'd rather not kick a gen. Haven't used eruption since I bought neme like 1.5 years ago.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    10% of a gen is 9 seconds of regression every time. If survivors play efficiently and don't all stack a single gen, that's 9 seconds off of everyone.

    Hardly gamechanging, but a substantial improvement from 1-2.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I wouldn't say it's pointless

    One of the strongest things a killer can do is chasing and downing a survivor while another one is on the floor. This perk enables that

    Ofcourse if you are survivors good pet and pick up every down you get so they get time to regroup then yes, it doesn't do much

    But if you are a killer that isn't afraid to go for the snowball when it presents itself this perk is decent

    Not as good as 40 seconds gentime saved per activation ofcourse but nothing should be that good

  • Member Posts: 1,724

    i don't know what's funnier, the suggestion that 10% gen progress is "like 1 or 2 seconds" or complaining about devs "destroying" good perks and using Pain Res/DMS (which got nerfed way long ago but then they reverted back - it's literally the best example of the devs keeping strong killer options in the game) as your example.

  • Member Posts: 482

    "Strong killer option" or "Only killer option"? It's obviously the second, pain resonance/DMS is the only option now, well until Devs destroy this two perks, because survs will complain of the combo, devs won't test it to see if it's actually broken and unhealthy for the game, and they will destroy even this. Devs do this, they don't play their own game at top rank or if they play they play in private matches.

    Without blocking the gen, eruption remove 10% that is 9 seconds for a surv alone, ALONE, at top mmr there aren't survs that make gens alone, at least 2 per gen. So 1 is in chase, the other genrush with prove thyself, so where are the advantages of using eruption if it doesn't give time AFTER the down? (I specify after because lots of people said that eruption goes in combo with dms, because this community know very well perks and doesn't even know that dms activates only after an hook). Consider you down someone, gens explode with eruption, survs still repair that gen, time to hook someone that gen is popped because you don't kick gen at 0% or at 5%, you kick gen above 50%, so that gen loose 10% that is insta recovered by the time of the hook, even if you have pain resonance survs stop repairing, pain resonance activate, they keep repairing. Time to go to that gen, gg ez repaired. Wow, eruption remain a broken perk, is still strong, sure bro.

  • Member Posts: 367

    never ran it. never will. i hate gen regression perks.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2023

    I don't see much use for it. The aura reading is meh, so I'm essentially running it for 10% regression which isn't worth. 10% may seem decent compared to other options but it requires wasting time kicking which is extremely significant. That 10% is essentially just covering the time you wasted kicking it in the first place. Jolt and PR aren't wasting time with kicking. Something also very significant is that it's a gamble, you are only even getting that value if you down someone after kicking the gen and before it's completed. Why even take that risk for such a little payoff?

    Not saying it's bad, I just wouldn't call it good. It's still better than most the perk roster but that's not saying much.

  • Member Posts: 1,182
    edited February 2023

    No, it's not garbage tier anymore but there's much better options for almost any play style. Kind of like it's original pre 6.1.0 implementation

    Slugging? Run IF and a better gen regression perk for more consistent results and better regression values with less investment.

    Regression? There's better options than a perk that requires travel time + a 1.8 second investment per gen kicked to get 9 charges off each kicked gen on a down.

    Info? Hard countered by swf on coms still and unless you're a hyper mobility killer or slugging you likely won't be able to do anything with the info.

  • Member Posts: 1,724

    why is it when you provide evidence that someone might be off in their analysis, instead of adjusting their opinion they say the same wrong thing again but louder

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    Yes. Gen kick is still the easiest way to get a large amount of regression. You'll see COB, Eruption, Nowhere to Hide, Overcharge builds a lot. It'll still be brain dead but it won't be as ridiculously OP as it was.

  • Member Posts: 280

    It’s usage will def go down, but i can still see it be viable on control killer’s or fun builds for huntress.

    the strong thing about eruption was it’s strong amount of time it saved you, now it’s just 9 seconds worth of a gen gone with an aura reveal that only a few killers can get value from if the situation calls for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    it will be such a good snowball/slug perk. i'm currently using nowhere to hide and eruption on oni and really excited about the post change eruption

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited February 2023

    am pretty sure blights / nurses are gonna run eruption + lethal often or ..atleast the ones that wants to go for chases rather than slowndown the match for ages..since the aura reading is literally 12 seconds with both eruption and lethal.. meaning if you get affected by eruption and u are 20 meter withing range of a nurse or blight you are gonna get hit pretty much always.

    IMO the aura reading should be toned down to 8 or 6 seconds , 10 seconds of aura reading on a decent regression perk + they removed the incapacitated status BUT you are still gonna get hit by it since still applies upon putting a survivor into the dying state and thats something nobody outside of a SWF can control .

    bitter mumur is now a joke with the new eruption.. also ... RIP

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I don't see why Bitter Murmur loses out as badly as all that. Eruption will tell you if someone is on a gen in progress, Murmur will tell you who's around a completed gen. Murmur is probably more reliable, aura wise.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    Maybe... honestly who knows

    I might just go perkless and see what I lack (seems it's been awhile since I've played)

  • Member Posts: 1,724

    I still see people using old meta stuff like UB+DS combo, self care without botany, BBQ but clearly not taking advantage of the aura reading, undying ruin pop, etc. i'm sure some people are gonna keep running it if only because they're used to it, they didn't bother to pay attention to the changes, or they couldn't put in the effort to come up with a new build.

  • Member Posts: 116

    Pain res DMS us not working...

    Dms is 99.9% of survs avoid by voice or Hud

  • Member Posts: 1,724

    sounds like survivors have learned the skill of... waiting it out

    (pain res still regresses a gen like 12 or 15% - i forget which - and survivors still need to let go of the gen if you go to them and force them off it, which can prevent survivors from getting back on a gen if you disrupt multiple people on the same gen, so even if you can't always get the combo 100% of the time you can still get massive value from both perks)

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Yep, I'll be using it a lot now. I didn't use it before the nerf because of how broken it was. It made the game miserable for survivors and since I play both sides, I just couldn't force myself to use it.

  • Member Posts: 160

    I'll start using it now and see how it works out for me

  • Member Posts: 133

    People all act like the aura read is always going to proc, but that relies on survivors being completely unwilling to let go of gens. When I play surv it is always soloq and while I've been up against a lot of killers using eruption, I've very very rarely been hit by it. I just try and think about if the gen I'm on was kicked and is someone injured in chase. I've no doubt some content creator will release a vod with ERUPTION STILL OP!!! and it will be some niche slugging build that took them 5 matches to get to work enough to be worth editing.

  • Member Posts: 20

    No way, 10% on kicked gens won't even be as good a jolt, and we all know how op jolt is. Aura reading on repairing survivors after downs is perhaps the least useful time. The only time the aura will be useful is if someone is repairing a generator very nearby and you're slugging. At least gearhead can help you find people outside of chase.

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