Do you plan on paying for the upcoming chapter?

roundpitt Member Posts: 578
edited February 2023 in Polls

Do you plan on paying for the upcoming chapter? 54 votes

Yes, with auric cells.
F60_31A_Can_Of_AirMrsJukesPhasmamainIWasLeft2DieGuiltiiRickpradoMetronixOrangeBearNerf_Dweet 10 votes
Yes, with iridescent shards.
BlueberryChordycepsJustAShadowFFirebranddBwstedsizzlingmario4not_requested49WashYourHandsTyGuyLooeDbDGrunbarnyixxiFengShuiExeVerolesCorvusCorax86 15 votes
No, not at all.
OnryosTapeRentalswydyadoitSpectralfxKateMain86NOEDaddyAquaticCitizenPirulukCacophonyOfSophistryChikyBrandon48saneesWextonFrogsplosionerggie 14 votes
I’m not sure yet.
SpacingLlamasExerlinroundpittMrPenguin[Deleted User]Robotfangirl67PaiblinHex_iButtAurelleedgytumorSmoeZ0mbiv0rXyphusShaiLovesBooksfleur_ 15 votes
Post edited by Rizzo on


  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    I’m not sure yet.

    I have enough Iri shards but I don’t know if it’s worth it. I’ve been playing this game less and less.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,122
    Yes, with auric cells.

    I was underwhelmed with this chapter initially but i've come around to like it.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995
    No, not at all.

    Her perks are mostly useless, and she got nerfed since her drones can be hacked by survivors wearing claw traps.

    So she isnt even good at anything anymore

    So if they don't change her, I won't be getting

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,520
    Yes, with auric cells.

    Like all chapters I will. I enjoyed merchant on PTB and survivors seem cool

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452
    Yes, with iridescent shards.

    I don't know what the conversion rate is in CND, but BHVR can have my juicy iri shards. They gonna make bank on me.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,980
    Yes, with iridescent shards.

    I have all the killers (minus demogorgon rip) so I might as well

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 631
    I’m not sure yet.

    I’m still not sure yet, I mean even though I don’t like the Skull Merchant. Part of me still wants to buy her only because well I figured I may as well add her to my collection since I got everyone else. I mean originally I was going to buy just the two survivors instead but I figured I may as well buy the whole thing.

    In terms on how I may buy it, I may buy it with real money. I just don’t want to use up all my shards since they are pain to save up but I may change my mind. Or maybe I will buy the chapter on sale. But either way I was just gonna going to watch more videos on her buff version and see if it’s more worth it but I doubt it.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    I’m not sure yet.

    I have enough shards, but I also want the survivors alternative cosmetics that you get when you buy the chapter because I'm kind of a cosmetic collector. So not entirely sure yet.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,243

    Yes, with money.

    I buy it on steam. Often u get an extra item if u purchase the complete DLC.

    On my PS4 account i am a few chapters behind. Always wait for sale there.

  • nyixxi
    nyixxi Member Posts: 10
    Yes, with iridescent shards.

    It is still underwhelming overall but the changes they made to adriana's power actually makes me want to play her now

    We all know why we're getting thalita

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 274
    I’m not sure yet.

    I'm not sure yet. I have iri shards to buy them, but it will depend on several things. If she's not been tweaked enough, then I won't buy it. If she's been tweaked to a playable state but still remains unfun -always in my opinion- I will consider buying it with shards after a time. If she's been tweaked enough and they offer something interesting in the DLC pack, I will consider buying it with money.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598
    No, not at all.

    Paying for free DLCs is lame

  • Nerf_Dweet
    Nerf_Dweet Member Posts: 11
    Yes, with auric cells.




  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,102

    Sorry. No take back possible on these polls.

    Now you have to buy Tools of Torment with with auric cells!

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,043
  • fleur_
    fleur_ Member Posts: 14
    I’m not sure yet.

    prob not, but I haven't seen much about it yet. All I know is the new map looks like an absolute nightmare to navigate. I haven't actually played the PTB since I'm on console, but the map just looks very confusing to me. It's like a really colorful dense forest, I feel like I would get stuck on things every 5 seconds during chase. I don't know what the new perks are or even the gender of the new survivor (if there is one) so I really don't know. I usually prefer to stay away from YouTubers who describe the new killer power or new survivor perks to avoid any bias, that way I can enjoy the new chapter how I want. Right now I'm saving up iri shards for many things on my iri shards shopping list so if I have any shards left over, then I might buy someone. keep in mind this is all my personal opinion, I play the game to have fun and trap my friends in corners, not to make killer mains scream.

    (if you're curious, my iri shopping list is: Thalita, purple artist body cosmetic, Kate, and feng's shorts with the pink legwarmers.)

  • Paiblin
    Paiblin Member Posts: 42
    I’m not sure yet.

    I don't know for sure, but probably not. It's not that interesting to me at the moment, plus, I just returned from a 4 year break, so I'm far behind on DLCS. I've also never been good at collecting iri shards because I get demotivated very quickly when playing by myself, and I don't always have the choice to play with others, so at this rate, I earn maybe 300-600 shards per week, if any at all. If I do choose to buy it, one way or another, it's the lowest on my priority list. My priority list is currently a mess because I don't know whether I'd prefer to buy most my DLCS whole on steam, or if I'd rather grind for them in chunks for free.

    Nonetheless, my priorities go as follows:


    Maybe The Blight (I primarily want Felix because I'm also coincidentally named Felix and part German, but I wouldn't say no to play with The Blight a little, y'know?)

    Onryo (May just get the survivor because he looks like me, but I find her intriguing, too.)

    Wesker (May just get him and not his survivors, because only Wesker gives me the nostalgia, but you never know...)

    Nemesis (Whole chapter, for sure.)

    Dredge (Whole chapter, definitely.)

    And the Knight (Probably will just get killer, Vittorio kind of reminds me of something that creeps me out that I can't quite put my finger on, oddly.)

    I already have Michael, Doctor, Leatherface, Freddy, Clown, Spirit, Legion, Plague, Ghostface, Demogorgon, and Pyramid Head, all of which I bought as complete packages on steam, so, using Iri shards or Aurics to buy DLC is completely new to me...