what random buffs/nerfs would you add?

killers, perks, whatever
i would make Ghostface lose his red stain when crouching, Onryo should be able to phase through walls (or at least breakable ones/windows/pallets) when demanifested, DS stun needs to last longer, hexes either need a buff, rework, or shattered hope needs to be basekit, dh needs to prevent pallet drops/window vaults for a second or so after use
im sure i have more lol, i wanna see what the community wants. try and keep it in the realm of possibility
Dead hard should have some start up time and then give you endurance. Just so that if i'm right on a survivor and i don't see the animation i can swing and know it will hit. I don't really care that it works well around pallets, i just don't want to wait everytime i catch a survivor in a dead zone
Killers being able to see hookstates please, the amount of times i have a game where one person disconnects and i want to put everyone on dead hook before sacrificing them to atleast have some semblence of fairness only to fail cause i have the memory of a goldfish
MoM reverted to giving regular endurance for only 2 protection hits again. unpopular oppinion but it was way better that way
Beast of Prey make it so bloodlust last 10 seconds longer out of chase so you can use it to leave a chase and ambush people
Autodidact should give a token if you finish a heal without getting a skillcheck.
Bite the bullet should activate if someone is healing you too
Calm spirit remove the action speed penalty, what the heck
Technitian remove the added penalty for failing a skill check, what the heck
Diversion grants 1 bp for hitting the killer with the rock
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Dying Light:
Cap Stacks at 6
Each stack gives 6%
Take the Information part from Call Of Brine and put it on Surveillance... but only the skillcheck part to be exact
Call Of Brine:
Loses the information part
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I’d add makthinker’s skull and Haddie’s calendar partially to dredge’s base kit to make him feel more fluid
I’d make compound 33 no longer apply hindered to survivors, It’s strong enough with just the faster break
Blight’s token recharge 3 seconds instead of 2 (Makes a full recharge 15 seconds which is on par with spirit) to punish him more for misplays
Deathslinger gets his 24m TR back in exchange for a lullaby (Could be whistling or faint bell chime) which would be 30m like trickster
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I would be so down for a creepy whisteling deadslinger
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I'd make Boon: Dark Theory boost vaulting speed.
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killer fov slider. Lower TR of most killers who don't have movement abilities or overwhelmingly powerful chase tools, DS back to 5 seconds, iron will back to 100%, removal of bloodlust t2 and t3, remove aim dressing, make pop total % again, and add a large CD to nowhere to hide.
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Personally some I'd like:
- Deadlock should have some small condition, like needing to injure a survivor first, in between activations to make it less effective as a camping perk without hurting it too much in normal gameplay.
- Light Born isn't a healthy perk for the game as it is. The perk exists to just say no to certain playstyles with no conditions, counter perks are ok such as franklins or unbreakable but they remain strong while having counter play can have allow the other players to still use the options they brought even if it's at reduced effectiveness. The perk isn't strong and I can respect some people want options to help with flashlights, but a perk which dictates the effectiveness of other options to this extent is too much even if it's weak or overly specific. I'd say after getting blinded inflict exposed (30-45 seconds), reveal their aura (10~ seconds) and get a blind immunity for the exposed duration, that way a blind is very risky for the survivors to preform and it can still be an "anti-bully" perk while leaving the survivors with an interesting decision in the interaction.
- Grim Embrace needs a buff, the "ultimate effect" it provides is fun to work towards but is just lacking that punch it needs to be effective. Improving the aura reading to effect all survivors to reduce the effectiveness of hiding it out or some other small effect could be good, probably best not to increase to duration as that could be dull to play against.
- Off the Record shouldn't provide an immunity to aura reading for as long as it does, on a perk like distortion it's ok as that's the primary objective but survivors shouldn't get that protection from an already good perk while doing their objective. Reducing the duration to 60 seconds or having all effects end on conspicuous actions would probably be the best way to go about this.
- Adrenaline waking up survivors is a cool flavour effect which ultimately doesn't fit into modern dbd and just make a bellow average killer worse for no reason. It should be removed.
Naturally before someone says, yes they're 100 and 1 ways to change dh and something should be done. These are some ones that stick out to me personally beyond that.
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Some new addons for my beloved Artist. An addon that swarms you if you spook a nearby crow, An addon that completely silences her sending/launching her crows. Maybe an addon that provides an aura for 10 seconds when removing swarm via locker.
I'd buff Hex:face the Darkness by lowering the 25 seconds to scream down to 15 seconds or remove it as a hex and keep the 25 seconds.
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I'd revert the nerf on Undying to make hex builds somewhat viable again. People were crying about having to waste time looking for the totems but now no one says a thing about the repeated blessing of totems in a match, so the old Undying wasn't a problem.
I'd make Whispers base-kit and add an FOV slider for killers.
Revert the lunge nerf for Wraith.
Make DS proc after both hooks but keep it deactivated after 5 gens are completed.
Revert Spine Chill.
Make Urban Evasion base-kit for survivors and give Nea a new perk.
Finally introduce a new Bush cosmetic for Claudette.
General balance- rework all the maps to make the loops fair and remove all the strong loops that killers have no choice but to either abandon chase or get looped until pallet dropped.
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I’d like to learn more incentives to play Killer in a non- tunnel/campy way. I mean, all I ever hear is it’s the most efficient way to play. Great, so…make it the less efficient way.
- Every first hook for each survivor does a little global Gen slow-down for each survivor. Like when you use Thana.
- Every time you successfully hook all four survivors once, collectively, you temporarily lock all gens for 30 seconds. Like Grim Embrace.
- Once the first survivor is dead the other built in effects mentioned are nulled and revert to normal or cannot be triggered.
- Survivor DC is not counted as dead survivor and the effects will still apply as if this game was built around three/two survivors instead of four.
Just a whatever example I thought on the spot. You get my point, we can work out the details later, just Reward Killers for skillfully spreading pressure and gaining hook states with free Gen Slow-down and then take it away after first survivor dies. Killers will naturally want the slow-down, survivors will naturally not want to be tunneled off hook.
Your not even trying to promote or lean the Killer base towards fair play, just giving us the mentality to Get Kills over Hooks and letting survivors Gen Rush Meta actually be the incentive created to keep Killers tunnel and camp heavy to even equate a chance yo fight back~
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What I'd like to see is:
- Increase the time speed to place traps as trapper for his base kit and the ability to get all his traps that spawned randomly in the map through a locker. Rework a lot of twins addons, reduce the cooldown of victor from 5 seconds to 3 seconds again after hitting someone and increase the speed recovery and movement when switching to charlotte to go pick up the downed survivor. Increase the stalk rate for Myers for his base and the ability to not run out of juice when stalking survivors. Nerfing some of Myers strongest addons like tombstone piece will be viable if a better rework is done on him from getting out of tier 1.
- Rework carburetor tuning guide addon for bubba. Get rid of the overheat mechanism for billy. and give him a slightly better turning rate. Make piggy strong again for the endgame.
- Deathslinger get's his 24 metre terror radius back, increase trickster, deathslinger and hag movement speed to 112.5%.
- Make decisive strike stun back to 5s again to make it more punishing for tunnelling. Nerf dead hard where it only can be used once in the trail. Reduce the cooldown of red herring to 30 seconds and make it trigger a loud noise notification on a locker that's quite abit way from the highlighted generator. Make Iron will back to 100% and can be used while exhausted. Reduce off the record from 80 to 60 seconds. Repressed alliance should give the option to remove the blocked generator at will so you can go ahead and do the gen again.
- Reduce oppression cooldown from 80 to 40 seconds. Make pop goes the weasel lose total progress and not current. Increase brutal strength to break pallets, walls and generators to 30%.
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I’d give blight alch ring and a buffed adrenaline vile basekit.
Fov slider for killer.
Decrease survivor movement speed by 8%.
Remove DH.
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All SWF must carry 1 perk slot occupied by RADIO perk which gives nothing.
Blocked gens by DMS or Deadlock must not regress but be able to be damaged by Pain Res of Jolt etc....mb DMS will be somehow not garbage like that...
Prove thyself - deleted
Spare Part- deleted
Fog of wise - deleted ( 100% aura by 1 mqn for all swf voicechat.exe users...)
All surv aura perks rework - who needs and takes auras when you have hud and voicechat.exe
Bloodthirst - half les time to activate
Playing vs 4 swf gives killer 5th perk to choose from the pool ( for expl deadlock corrupt dms ,shadowborn, like qol perks )
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I'd say:
- Calm spirit remove the action speed penalty, same
- Technitian remove the added penalty for failing a skill check
- STBFL is now cap at 6 stacks
- Reverting DS stun to 5s (or make it available after both hooks stage)
- FOV slider for killers
- Increase Dark Theory's speed boost to 4%
- Delete C33 and Alch ring
- Increase penalty time for Blight after a failed rush hit
- Revert Wesker hitboxes as the PTB
- Remove hook grabs
- Remove the exhaustion penalty effect for Iron Will
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Rework hex perks.
Knight - Base map of the realm and smoother summoning.
Nemesis - Zombies detect infected survivors and give you mutation if they hit. Also addon pass.
Ghostface: Reduce M2 cooldown.
Trapper: Give a lot of love to trapper.
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Hexes are so dead and in surv favor i even forgot to mention it ...
Boons unkillable....surv spawn at bun at start....all killer build killed ez by voicechat.exe ez hex locations....killer needs to take perk to kill boon and surv not....bot only boon kill perk is garbage there is no even space for it in build with 30 sec gens....
Game is so surv sided i am tired of it...
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there really is no reason killer cant see individual hook states-its not like its impossible for us to know, lol
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INCREASE trap setting time??? why???
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Michael Myers either loses the 5% speed penalty in T1 or becomes the first 120% speed killer when he reaches T2. He has no red light until he goes into T3. If a survivor is killed or disconnects the "unharvested" stalk is evenly distributed to the other alive players. Re-enable the ability to stalk more than one survivor at a time (thus greatly enhancing the rate at which he can tier up).
Dead hard should make all healing actions on you take 100% longer (including mending). This would 'mitigate' the third health state and encourage you to play the game hurt -most likely with resilience.
Eruption should take an instant 10% off the total timer and then make the gen regress for 30 seconds in a special state where no one can interact with that generator.
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these are bad changes that punish people for playing with friends
the whole reason we got the hud solo queue buff was to even the playing field with swf so survivor can be nerfed and killer can be buffed without punishing solo queue
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agreed, hex perks are borderline unusable in current meta
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Because It takes too long to place a trap and gen's get done really quick while you are setting up your traps.
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you mean decrease trap setting time? increasing it would make it take longer lol. but i agree
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As in I meant like you know the addon that makes it faster to set up the trap...that should be basekit.
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If i had a choice between 32 meter tr and 24 meter lullaby, i would prefer 32 meter tr every day of the week. buff Gold Greek Whiskey by removing the stimulation to ADS to reduce TR by 8.