Competitive and Current DBD: Hard tunnel plus Scourge Hooks (Pain) Overcharge/ COB/Eruption

Take out Overcharge for Dead Man's Switch sometimes and you have current DBD!
I can win without this build like with my Weaker I use Sloppy Butcher/Clauropphobia/Unneverving Presence/Distressing and other non conventional but good killer builds with different killers but I get no where the consistency that I do with the build mentioned in the title!
I run into Eruption users often and we'll this is current DBD! Very little variety in perks because most of them are trash and why use those perks and struggle when you can use Scourge Hooks/Eruption! lol
Gens go way too quick! Especially now with survivors having extra information (as if they needed that) and getting put on bad disadvantage maps constantly it's no wonder killers play the way they do!
Getting tunneled out the he is an issue too. No one is running BT like that retty much at all. I'm gonna start running BT again and maybe DS, maybe...
The meta gets extremely narrow as they nerf perks that we’re viable. Like if we still had Ruin, Pop, Thana for example we’d have a little more variety. However yeah essentially if you really care about winning you’ll have the most consistency stacking slowdown/gen regression. You’ll end up losing games that you would have won playing exactly the same if you had ran different perks.
Essentially gens go too fast because map design is bad which forces most killers to stack slow down/gen regression as the only response. Ideally we’d fix map design to make slowdown/gen regression less necessary and then nerf those perks accordingly while simultaneously buffing all the other perks that aren’t slowdown/gen regression as those are all undertuned massively generally speaking.
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I’d revert the meta change in a heart beat it’s made the game more stale tbh
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Well we need less nerfing of perks just because they’re meta and more just buffing all the bad perks.
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We need to nerf dead hard first, and then we can worry about buffing the bad perks.
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Oh I agree, I still think DH and CoH needs reworks/nerfs. Outside of those mostly buffing weak perks.