Why is match making so damn bad?

I am sick to death of getting matched against players with 5 times my play time. On killer i can deal with it because I'm good at killer and can compete with bully squads. I'd prefer not to have to run sweaty builds all the time but hey. We clearly aren't getting a casual playlist so ######### playing for fun I guess.

But as surv I am mediocre at best. I'm distinctly bad at running chases and can't loop to save my life. Yet I keep getting matched against prestige 7+ killers who sweep every match. I've escaped maybe 1 in 6 games over the last month. Including several where killer farmed or just let me go so through no skill of my own. And despitey horrible record I'm still seeing stupidly high tier killers with 100 days plus playtime when i have like 20 days.

I just want a halfway decent sbmm where i play against players on my skill level. Instead of repeatedly getting rofl stomped by sweaty killer mains. I'm dying so regularly my mmr should be dropping but it clearly isn't.


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Similar problem except I got stuck in low MMR hell. The killer might be high skilled or low skilled, it's random, but my teammates 80% of the time refuse to lift a finger in the match. I get taken out because I'm the one found on gens, I'm the one the killer always sees because I'm not willing to spend my time in bushes and lockers and crouching around the edges of the map. Even running the killer for 5+ minutes is worthless because at some point I will go down, and if no one is touching gens then there is no possibility of escape, only death.

    On Switch, my killer MMR should be 0. Like below 0. I practically never kill anyone. I should get survivors who only know how to run in straight lines or who crouch in corners thinking they're invisible or who get in lockers right in my FOV. I don't. I'm never going to get these "down ____ survivors" challenges done. I get worse survivors when I play killer on PS4 and I can kill there! Killer MMR doesn't seem to matter for spit. Hell, it seems to work the opposite of how it should sometimes.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I remember that pain. Now my team mates seem ok, ish. Still inconsistent but I'm regular getting tunneled out by convenience because I'm not good at chase.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2023

    Matchmaking is bad because the game is too unbalanced to have good matchmaking. That would be a nightmare. The bad matchmaking covers up some of these balance issues.

    You’d also have way, way longer queue times and go against many of the same people over and over.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Windows of Opportunity helps a lot. I run that 100% of the time. (No Exhaustion perk.) I'm not great at chases, but I'm not the worst. Killers will sometimes just ditch me mid-chase. The problem is, they pick it back up soon after because, again, I'm practically the only survivor they ever see.

    The thing that really ticks me off is the many matches I've had where the killer chases me off gens, kills me, then finds the other survivors and rather than kill them tells them to do gens and lets them escape. Why should survivors ever participate if they're rewarded for hiding until their teammates die? That happens annoyingly often, and the ridiculous thing is that sometimes the killer gives up and kills them anyway because they continue to hide and/or run aimlessly rather than work on gens.

    That's right, killers, matches don't end on their own when you kill the only survivor or two actually touching gens. How do they not notice that gens aren't popping during those long ass chases??

    Sorry, I'm ranting. During the community event, I played a bunch of survivor and freaking gave up on it and started memeing as killer because I was reminded how goddamn awful survivor is.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited March 2023

    Because the devs have fallen into the constant engagement matchmaking trap that is ruining every other multiplayer game out there. It's absolutely killing OW right now and Apex isn't much better. Developers have collectively decided that players would rather have 5 terrible matches instead of waiting 2 minutes for one good match. It's driving me nuts, personally. There are zero PVP games with good matchmaking right now.

    The most fun I ever had in DbD was the day they tested bi-directional matchmaking. My queues were instant and half my solo queue teammates were already on my Steam friends list.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    I feel like that last part is happening already. I do see some people quite frequently (no idea why, though).

    I once had a David who I got matched with 6 times in a row. 6! Times! After the second time I added him as a friend and we were just goofing around from that point onward. I really don't know how something like this is even possible but it happened.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    It seems pretty rare for me. It used to be way more often for me back before SBMM.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Yh i always run windows. DH. Distortion. I just haven't been able to juice good time in chase against any killers except obviously baby killers.

  • Dbdfan398
    Dbdfan398 Member Posts: 184
    edited March 2023

    It will never be good.