This game has a serious problem
"Oh my god all killer players are bad because they play in a way I don't like." That's pretty much what I get here.
Don't blame killers for tunneling and camping. Think about why they do that. It might have something to do with these strategies working better than spreading hooks. A survivor won't stop on a gen that is nearly finished. Why would the killer do that? I personally hate to tunnel and camp. But I'm also done being a plaything to survivors that have no trouble finishing gens in 4 minutes even when I manage to get 3 hooks and another down in that time.
I have no chance to slow down the game without the help of perks. Hooking doesn't slow down survivors that are as efficient as only 5 players could have managed a year ago. And even with slow down perks I can best hold a 3 gen and hope that will help me. BHVR designed these perks in this way and they also reduced prices in the blood web. It used to be a super rare occurence to have 4 strong items with strong addons in one game. Now it's normal.
They made everything other than tunneling, camping and slugging harder.
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Ok so.... maybe adjusting progression and regression would help this just a little bit
Cause giving Survivors 1.0-2.1 charges per second (1-3 survivors on a Gen cause 1 is being chased) plus perks, toolboxes and hitting great skillchecks
And Killers having .25 charges per second and 2.5% plus perks
Doing the math would be hard for me right now... but the point still stands
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Yeah maybe it was a but childish of me to say that they were bad but being tunneled every game is annoying.
Now that I have read these comments I’m kinda understand why tunneling and camping are the best strategies right now but it just seems lazy and stale in my opinion because the gen slow down in this meta are really good for slowing the game down…
I just find saying that survivors finishes gens to quickly as justification and is really just an excuse because killers tunnel regardless which is annoying and I have every right to feel that way especially since it’s every game its boring & repetitive.
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I understand how you feel. Being tunneled can really feel bad, especially when it happens almost every game.
The problem is that the game is not balanced around fun right now. As a killer I don't want to run gen regress every single game. But I will lose even to survivors that don't play super well because they will play as if I played quadro slow down Nurse. And that's exactly what killers do as well.
The current regression perks work best in a 3 gen because you need to keep the gen regressing to really get value out of them. That is partially why some killers will drag out games for an eternity. Pop was different because it removed a bunch of progress at once and allowed the killer to leave the area immediately.
Sadly the current balancing and decisions by BHVR do not really support the fun aspect of the game.
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tldr you can't shame people into playing the way you want. This is something for the devs to fix by making it so that both sides can have fun at the same time. As is, right now, either one side is having fun or the other is, not both.
That was kind of satire, but I am quite annoyed at the number of survivors I get who disconnect, go AFK (in a locker, with three birds, and the killer ignores them), or crouch around the edges of the map waiting for the hatch from the moment the match starts. This is a regular problem for me: my teammates are not actually participating in the game. It sucks. The killer either can't find the other survivors because they're hiding in bushes not on gens, or they ignore the survivors because they're not a threat because they're not working on gens. It's not fun hiding in corners doing nothing, and it's not fun to run the killer around for a long period of time with no gens even being touched. The HUD makes it so that it's not even a question anymore: I know they're not on gens. Unless I also hide in a corner waiting for the hatch, there is no possibility of escape.
Those aren't all my matches, of course, but they are a ridiculously large number of my matches.
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You clearly never played at high MMR as it seems if you think those killers are bad. Is it unfun to play like that? Yeah for sure, but have you thought about why competitive Dbd players are playing the way they're playing? Because it's the most effective way to play this game. Tunneling an easy target while not sacrifing too many gens is the best strategy. Camping someone out if you can afford to lose (unimportant) gens is effective. Slugging at the right time is effective if you can put pressure and time-wasting on other survs (getting free hits). Good killers will continue doing this if they think it's necessary to win the game. I mean, will survivors stop doing gens because i have trouble downing them? Will they not open the exit gates because i don't have much hook stages yet? Will they not break a 3-gen because that would ruin my strategy as a setup killer?
Do i say "if you have to break a 3-gen at the start you're just bad and need to get better"? Or "if you have to split up on gens..." or "if you have to take hits for each other..." . You understand now?
...but hey, have fun trying to 12-hook a 4man swf with multiple thousand hours with Wraith or Trapper :D
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well there is no definitive win condition as far as i know, so everyone can play how they want. I sometimes don't care for kills and just go for chases/ hook stages, if i get 8 stages but 3 people escape i still feel like the winner because e.g. 8 stages with Trapper on a ######### map is good. Hook stages is also the win measure in most competitive dbd tourneys. But yeah, i think most players will say that a 4k is winning, wether it's by one hooking survs or 3-hooking...
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for me the balance even felt better 1 year ago because perks like old Pop and Ruin kinda balanced the faster gen speeds, for me at least. It doesn't feel like they take longer at all because survivors adjusted and gen regression perks are worse now, with CoB being the only real staple.
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Exactly. Plus without reduction of the grind at least sometimes survivors interacted with chests.
Currently, you earn much more items, so chests arent interesting.