How to gen kick right after Eruption nerf

This is a tip for all those let down by the Eruption nerf.
You can take CoB and a mangled applier (Sloppy on basic attack killers and add-ons for others). Find your 3-gen and hold it. It works just as well even without incapacitated. And, honestly, you can still bring OC and Erupt for the extra regression anyway.
And no, CoH doesn't counter this. Gens regress more than they can be progressed in the time it takes them to reset through mangled and travel. Especially against pubs survivors.
Thank me later (or curse me).
If you're curious, this is an example of 3 gen held for 20 mins in a tournament, and the killer didn't even commit fully in the end and ignored checking one gen (should be timestamped at 45 min):
No thanks, I'd rather run chase and tracking perks.
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No, it doesn't, not even remotely.
Even semi competent survivors would not have a 3 gen held with this. This example is also one of the best 3 gen maps in the game and not really realistic.
The example is also Cenobite. Most killers in the roster would not perform remotely as well with this setup.
CoH does counter it.
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Thank you for informing us on how not to play dbd
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Lol why promote this?
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Well 20min I can deal with, but if a game goes over 30min then I'm ducking out. The worst thing about the Eruption 3-gen kick meta was how long the games dragged for. Who has time for that
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So we can have less threads predicting the apocalypse because Eruption was nerfed and we can focus all our energies on the 200 daily posts about DH.
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This is a horrible replacement. Mangled is a joke when medkits and COH are in every game (don’t these tourneys have restrictions on items and perks?) and trying to force a 3 gen with 4 survivors still on the field is a bad plan, especially since it’s extremely map and rng dependent whether you can even set up a 3 gen.
You notice how almost no one talks about 3 gen strays anymore? That’s because of CoB and fast healing/medkits counters it! It’s also mostly in survivors hands if you can 3 gen at all, since CI was nerfed to disappear the moment you down someone (a very stupid nerf they should revert, only down because it was meta, but it was meta because it allowed people to play the game at a slower pace in general and now, just further incentives everyone’s favorite strategy, camping and tunneling)