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Game crashes when encountering the Skull Merchant.

Bobitslapis Member Posts: 87

In my last match, i had my first encounter with the Skull Merchant on the "Shattered Square" map.

I was really excited to see what she could do, but after 27 Seconds of being chased my game suddendly had a crash.

I run Dead by Daylight at a 1920 X 1080 resolution, with Medium graphics and a in-game resolution of 70%.

The game usually runs smoothly with each Killer, Survivor and map, so it suddendly crashing is very new to me.

My Specifications are:

I5-3570 3.40 GhZ, 3.80 GhZ

Nivida GTX 960 (Zotac Edition, 2 GB GDDR5 Vram, Stablized Overclocked for a better performance.)

16 GB of DDR3 Ram.

I already had lowerings of the graphics here and there, lowering them further doesn't result in much and just ruins gameplay experience. The resolutions and settings i stated above seem to be the golden middle. I also took a screenshot of the crash report.

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