What strategies do survivors want killers to use?



  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    I'm mad killers use tactics to deliberately turn the game into a griefing simulator. I truly do not give a **** whether I die if everyone seems like they're having a good time and the killer has a good attitude.

    You're right though, I should be happy when a skull merchant uses an RPD offering to deliberately protect a 3 gen while slugging people over and over to ensure the match gets dragged out for as long as possible, before begging for negative attention in the post game.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Maybe some people aren’t like you and care about winning? Lets also not pretend that only killers play to win. Survivors frequently put out farm and game map offerings. It goes both ways.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    You know what second chance perks, you're not ignorant to the game.

    Oh and I wasn't aware that the only way I can have fun in the game is looping. Are you fing serious right now? I don't need your approval to determine what I do and don't enjoy. And yes, I do enjoy 3gens as killer specifically for the reasons I mentioned. Not difficult to figure it out. I hate looping as killer. Absolutely freaking hate it. So yes, holding down 3 gens is more fun for me.

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    If they care about winning, they should probably play a game where winning means anything. Not that winning is the priority for these people. Their obvious priority is to curate negative attention.

    No really, what second chance perks? Decisive Strike was nerfed into oblivion. OTR and BT are negated by killers just hitting you immediately off hook. No one runs any of these. That leaves, what? Unbreakable?

    Also I'm not sure why you're playing a multiplayer game if you seemingly despise the idea of interacting with other players. If you don't want to actually play the game, and instead want the comforting monotony of trundling between three generators and kicking them over and over and over until the server eventually forces the match to end, might I suggest a farming game? That way you can get your fix of repetitive non-gameplay without deliberately boring other people into submission.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it's a community issue as a whole. if a killer faces enough survivors that don't give a damn about their fun, they won't care about the survivors' fun either any more. there are no rules, it's just deciding, feeling like being nice or not

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,278

    survivors don't care about killers fun so why should killers care about survivors fun?

    let be real here chasing as killer is only fun if said killer can handle the chase and end it fast,most killers can't handle it why it not fun.

    how fast gens can go is why killers camp,tunnel,slug and 3gen there just not enough time to chase all 4 survivors and spread out 12 hooks before all gens are done.

    that not counting after chasing downing them and carry to hook then the time to find new survivor....

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,741

    And the killers job is literally to make you as miserable as possible until you die.

    When I think horror I think tension, fear, excitement. Miserable is the feeling I associate with being trapped in a boring office meeting.

    The first is something I'd love to replicate in video game form, the second is an awful game. You're saying you want to be the busy body office manager keeping people trapped for as long as you can think of things that need to be covered.

    Games have to appeal to certain groups. If BHVR wants the game to be 3 gen attrition fests, okay I'll find another game, but I don't think that is their goal.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Survivors want you to sit in the corner and let them complete the generators and then when they're done, they want you to come to the gate and watch them do the Teabag Quartet.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    As a general rule of thumb, humans love autonomy. With rare exception, people simply do not enjoy feeling like they are a prisoner.

    Whether you're a frustrated Killer, or an irate Survivor, you want your opponent to respect the fact that another human being is on the other side of their monitor.

    If someone is complaining to you about your play-style, you probably made them feel powerless

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,914

    Yeah, I think the disconnect between some people is on their feeling/perceptions on what "winning" means, and how they value it.

    To me, "winning" in DBD means about as little as it can in a multiplayer game. DBD is unbalanced as hell (and unbalanceable, I would argue), technically buggy and unpolished, is extremely poor at reflecting technical skill, each match is massively RNG dependent, and win conditions are ill-defined and vary wildly.

    When it comes to viewing a "win" as a contest of skill versus your opponent(s), DBD is worthless. If there was a spectrum of multiplayer video games based on PvP skill requirement, I might put technical fighting games on one end, and DBD clear on the other. To me, a win in DBD means essentially nothing.

    It's a party game people try and paint a comp element over. Many people who play in other comp scenes are amused to find there is a comp scene in DBD, and for good reason. I am generally an intensely competitive person, from athletics to video games, to pretty much anything where performance versus an opponent can be quantified. To the point where I have had to spend a lot of time maturing and toning that part of myself down. But I don't bring that mentality to DBD, because it doesn't lend itself well to that at all. It's a mess.

    Which is why people who use intentional three genning, early game hard tunneling, etc. are so exasperating. They suck the fun out of a game where fun is the only real draw, and for what?

    I would argue it isn't that they enjoy winning, so much as they are afraid of losing. These sorts of tactics aren't about having fun so much as they are about eliminating the risk of losing quickly, and at any cost. Or simply to make sure someone else isn't having fun, which is pathetic and reflects a real need for some sort of introspection on their part.

    But some people can turn anything into a way to validate themselves, to make themselves feel above others. If they want to feel like they proved something by winning (or simply not losing) a game of DBD, more power to them, I guess.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,296

    No, that's very obviously not the intent. No player would sign onto a game where they're just plain helpless and lack any kind of agency.

    Also, everyone needs to stop whinging about 'an abundance of second chance perks'. It's literally just Dead Hard.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    It's not the problem with this strategies, the problem is when they offer little to no counterplay or lead to a bad experience.

    Camping and tunneling is fine, if the survivors have counters and don't feel like a cheat to the match. What do i mean, i fully expect the killer to tunnel someone after hooking like 3 survivors and there are 3 or 2 gens to be done, i think its totally fair, you spread your pressure and now can choose a weak link to remove from the game and go for the win. But tunneling the first person you hook feels horrible for that survivor and for the other survivors, because they didn't get to play the game.

    Camping is fine if survivors can trade or do a double save, it can be a great way to gain pressure by forcing survivors that are playing to passive, but feels awfull if the killer power is impossible to save or doing the grab game. Also perks like reassurance made the camping thing a lot better.

    3 gens are fine if you don't just sit on a 3 gen from the start and refuse to do chases, the game becomes a boring match of attrition, or if the game makes it very hard to actually progress the objective.

    None of this strategies are crimes or anything, the problem is when they reach certain points.

    But i will also say, some survivors do not know when things were just their fault and will start complaining about this things as an excuse

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    Well if that’s what is wanted, y’all should start pushing for a series of Killer perks that gain tokens after the unhooked survivor is healed to full, giving the Killer incentive to do that. It’s not like we won’t if we gain a benefit from it, but instead of benefitting the Killer we gotta find more ways for survivors to have powerful tools to try an escape the Killer after hook or tank more health states after hook.

    BHVR likes perk band-aid fixes to strategies they deem less favorable to the community, not sure why they have it done it. Call them Forsaken.

    I think the only time Forsaken was used was for a Tome.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Killers seem to have the same issue BHVR does. You fail to understand people don't log onto DBD to get tunneled, camped and slugged just so killers can achieve their 4k every match. That is the exact opposite of playing the game, you are actively removing someones ability to properly play the game just for your pixel dominance.

    And people wonder why the game is in the state it is.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,424

    Tunneled - The killer is chasing you AKA playing the game.

    Camped - The survivor is on a hook which has it's own mechanics for attempting to self unhook and the skillchecks to prevent death on 2nd state AKA playing the game.

    Slugged - The survivor can recover and crawl towards teammates to get picked up. You even have perks to allow you to pick yourself up. AKA playing the game.

    Being chased, being hooked, and being in dying state are all parts of the game. You can't pick and chose which parts of the game you consider to be "playing the game".

  • DrewpyCheekz
    DrewpyCheekz Member Posts: 27

    yeah but at that point why play SM when you can play blight or wesker and its just 100x more fun than just camping a gen until the match times out with overcharge cob and like oppression unnerving or jolt erupt or any of the other combos. why do killers sacrifice fun for everyone to win, they are only 20% of the game you shouldnt be able to ruin it for everyone for your stupid ratio in a casual game

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 619

    Last I checked,

    In a PvP game (Player versus Player) you are supposed to try to beat the other player, not babysit them.

    If you don't want to actually play the game, then keep memeing and RPing, your MMR will adjust.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    Literally just make DS a 15 second stun. Boom, no more tunneling. #5HEAD


    This is why none of us are devs. If they listened to the community, it wouldn't have survived past 2018 lol.

    Just sit back, relax, and play the video game.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    Well if you can't fight back against the killer....what is it you can do exactly? Run. Guess what you can't do. Fight. Sounds pretty helpless to me.

    As for second chance perks, I can name a few, but no, dead hard isn't the "only" one. Most exhaustion perks are and so is decisive strike.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387
    edited March 2023

    Its not the killers job to make the game fun for you. If you aren't having fun, stop playing.

    Also, you can't define fun for someone else. I don't find pinball boy very fun.

    Post edited by cannonballB on
  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    You're arguing a strawman. There are other ways to interact with survivors than by chasing.

    You don't get to tell someone else what is and isn't fun. If my fun means you're bored... ok? And? I'm not here to make the game fun for you. That's the part you don't seem to understand. Again, it's not my job for you to have fun. That's your job.

    If trying to break a 3gen isn't fun for you, I get it. But I have just as much right to try and win as you do. Winning is defined, by the devs specifically, as killers killing you. So I'm going to use all my tools at my disposal to do so. If you don't want to fight in a 3 gen, let the killer hook you and move onto the next match. And if you won't do that, then you're just as "bad" as the killer wanting to win. It just makes you a hypocrite at that point.

  • DrewpyCheekz
    DrewpyCheekz Member Posts: 27

    but then you all complain about dcs when you know you are doing that ######### on purpose. it's intentionally griefing. like why should I have to take a dc penalty or let you bleed me out because you want to make a match 45 minutes long? that's incredibly entitled. you aren't entitled to a 4k because you are abusing flawed game mechanics. killers are the most entitled players because they control the flow of a match and they know it ,so they swing their weewee around talking about how survivors are just there for their entertainment. anyone defending holding the game hostage with exploits is the problem, me wanting to have fun in a game that I paid money for isn't a controversial statement. Games are for everyone to enjoy and being decent in the community earns decency in response. If you want to sit around and do nothing but waste others time for fun then go start a podcast but keep your nonsense away from people who want to play a chill game of dbd after a 10 hour shift at work. Just hook them or at least TRY to chase.

  • DrewpyCheekz
    DrewpyCheekz Member Posts: 27

    yeah but what im saying is killers can just load in as Skull Merchant with a few select perks and do nothing to win, they are not beating the other team in PvP, they are exploiting. You can't beat a cheater under normal circumstances. And yes it is an exploit, because I highly doubt the devs intended for the skull merchant to hold a game for a whole hour.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,449
    edited March 2023

    If that can be clasified as an exploit then looping is an exploit since devs have repeatedly mentioned how it was born as something unintentional, as well as any creative way to use a killers power that deviates from using it without any creativity, pig dashes on loop are an exploit,hillbilly curving is an exploit, sadako condemn is an exploit, trapper and demo using their portals/traps to bait people into flashy saves is also an exploit since that is not the intendednpurpose of the power.

    I hate skull merchants 3 gen as much as the next guy but this is an awfull way to define exploit, or a good one if you wanna consider any interesting way of playing to be exploiting.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,632

    Ehm ehm *clear throat*... Adrenaline, basekit BT, off the records, DS, unbreakable, any kind of exhaustion perk, power struggle and (despite being a niche perk) mettle of man... One thing is saying that survivors have some situational perks that maybe couldn't be considered true 2nd chances because there are some events that must happen in order to trigger them, another one is saying that survivors have only dead hard as a 2nd chance...

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,611

    Not to mention ways to rescue survivors like pallet stuns, flashlights, flashbangs, hook sabotage, Breakout and Flip-Flop...

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,296

    Adrenaline requires all five gens to be done under specific circumstances to count as a 'second chance' perk, if that's your concern, you have nothing to complain about.

    Exhaustion perks aren't 'second chance', they're all part of the first chance, with the exception of Dead Hard.

    Power Struggle and Mettle of Man are both unbelievably garbage.

    BT, Off the Record, DS and Unbreakable are all only there to try and make sure that one down isn't the end of the game for survivors. If these are your 'second chance' problem perks, quit the game. Survivors get three hook states for a reason, if you can't deal with a second chance, just quit.

  • DrewpyCheekz
    DrewpyCheekz Member Posts: 27

    the difference is looping doesnt result in an automatic win in the pregame lobby, its completely dependent on your abilities as a player. kicking gens and refusing to take part in normal gameplay so you can get a free win after an hour of tedium has no basis in skill, its something you can select before the game starts. in this scenario you don't even need to try to win. the only counter is you somehow need to break every potential 3 gen in the map in the first 60 seconds of the game, which is just not possible unless you are scripting. if the only counterplay is to download cheats or give up and die on purpose, which isnt even guaranteed they could purposely slug you and pick up and drop til you auto wiggle to hold you even longer, then its an exploit. how do you counter looping? hold w or use your power, both are intended features. how do you counter baiting flashy saves? wait a little longer and pay attention to the animation, both aspects the player has control of. they aren't even comparable, one holds a game hostage until the server times out, the other is something that can be outplayed within 10 seconds.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,632

    did i said that i have problems with those perks? i never mentioned that... i just stated a FACT that can't be denied: all of them are 2nd chances perks, you like it or not this is the truth (i never said that they are always granted, quite the contrary, you must have certain situations in order to trigger them, but this won't make them different, those are still 2nd chances)... please, READ what i wrote before throwing tantrums...

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    Pain Resonance and old Pop are still the best designed regression perks. Rewards the killer for playing well and getting hooks and creates good game flow.

    Current 3 gen giga regression is so unfun.