What is your LEAST favorite Killer build to go up against?

I personally always hated Legion with Thanatophobia builds withFilthy Blade.
Best Answers
I do not like Blights. Too many of them have this weird mentality where they're allowed to sweat and it's called efficiency, but if a survivor bodyblocks to stop tunnelling, lasts longer than a 1 gen chase or picks up a slugged person it becomes sweat gaming and must be called out in egc
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Any gen build paired with strict 3 gen holding is pretty miserable.
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Any unga bunga 3 gen gamer, honestly. That's pretty broad. Unfortunately, the list of killers keeps growing.
Condemned Sadako is a big one. I run into OnePumpWillie way too much. Nice guy, but solo queue is pain against that.
Legion and Knight tend to be painful. And Pinhead himself is fine, but Pinhead players tend to go out of their way to find the most miserable builds.
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But.. but… I’m a blight and I don’t tunnel or call people out for sweating :(
I personally like playing blight but I think a lot of blight mains should be a bit more humble when it comes to playing an S tier killer.
Possibly one of the worst strategies to go up against lol
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Dont get me wrong, not all Blights act like this and are actual sweeties while demolishing us but the amount I've faced lately that salt so hard is alarming to say the least
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Knight by far. SM is borderline, rest is ok
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Fair lmao. I’ll demolish a team to 8 hooks and as long as nobody DC’s or gives up, I’ll let everybody go a lot of the times after hitting i1.
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play with your food ts Myers build.
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spirit/ blight/ especially nurse , all of them with the same massive "slowdown builds"
I would take 1000 legion matches with full slowdown than a spirit, blight or nurse running those.
honorable mentions: "3 gen build on Knight / 3 gen build on Skull merchant"