Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.
We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Question for Killers AND Survivors.

MTA Member Posts: 27

So apparently after a game, whether if it's from the Survivor's perspective or the Killer's perspective, for some stupidity reason, you guys like to go at it hard after a game, whether if it's in the end game chat, or a twitch chat, steam, or whatever, whether if it's "gg ez", or "get good", or whether if it's trash talking the opposite side because of the perks they run like from the survivor's side:

"ooh, you gotta run a bunch of gen regression perks to win, bla bla bla"

"ooh, you camped and tunnel, bla bla bla"

or from Killer:

"ooh, you gotta run your adrenalines, and decisives, and brand new parts, and insta heals"

"ooh, you gotta be in a swf because it's op"

Like holy ######### ######### this is the most childish community I have ever seen in my entire ######### life, like why in the hell does one side have to give the other total hell about how they play, or if they had a bad game, or don't like the killer or perks they go against, or don't like what survivors run, or even them being in a swf.

Don't get me wrong, I can get upset at this game at times too (and me making this post, probably doesn't make me any better), but I don't throw my frustrations on the other side, it's mostly bhvr I like to place my blame onto, which also is kinda childish, but I think people would rather have that then just throwing their hatred tantrum to someone who is just trying to play a game and have a good time.

Like people like to take this game way too ######### serious and it is ridiculous, they take the other side as if they're an actual enemy to them, like guys, IT'S A GOD DAMN VIDEO GAME, holy ######### can this community just grow the ######### up and stop sending attacks, threats, or even tease the other side, and if you don't like how the other side plays, or the stuff they run, or who they play, then you might as well just take a break from the game because it sounds like it'll make your mood even worse if you keep playing it.

It's one thing if you are in a bad mood already whether if it's somebody outside or inside of dbd, but to take out on someone else is a whole new level and is unnecessary.

So, Killers, Survivors, Players, whatever you want to be referred to as, and only the ones that like to act like this, why? and please for the love of god, get a ######### grip.


  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    These are anonymous people online. Misery loves company and they are just trying to get upset.

    The DBD community isn't too bad. This could be like COD 4 / WAW where 12 year old's were throwing racial slurs left and right.