Totem Defense Skull Merchant

In light of complaints about the Skull Merchant 3-genning Survivors to death, I wanted to do something different. To that end, I've been using a totem defender Skull Merchant build in my last couple matches with her. I'm curious as to what others think/what improvements I might be able to make.
Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
Hex: Devour Hope
Iron Grasp (so you can hook away from a Hex guarding drone)
Flex Perk (Currently my crutch perk of choice, Deadlock)
Addons: High Current Upgrade (brown, reduces cooldown to reactivate drones by 10%), Low-Power Mode (yellow, increases active mode duration by 10%)
The idea is similar to Demogorgon's Devour Hope/Lifeguard Whistle build. Set drones to guard your totems. If a drone goes down, rely on Thrill to buy you time to interrupt the cleanse (which is why I'm using it over Undying). It's not perfect, in the 2 live matches I used it in Survivors did get cleanses off, one got Thrill first, the other got Devour first, so I didn't worry about Thrill after that, but both times I was able to get to at least 4 stacks of Devour and even got a mori in the first game.
Both games were 3Ks, one I let last person have hatch because someone brought streamers (and that was the one that got away so that was nice) the second legitimately beat me to the hatch. Both games were ~15 minutes long each.
One other I option I had was guard the Hexes, but that's bait because the Hexes are traps like Haunted Ground or Retribution. Haven't given that one a whirl, yet, though.
Could also use Huntress's Lullaby w/ the appropriate addons and go for an impossible skillcheck build.
Me and my friend did it last night too with success. Honestly proves to me that SM would still be dumb in 3 gens even if 6.1 never happened. (Could you imagine using Ruin over Devour?)
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Following the new Developer Update, I wonder if this build might not be seeing a buff. Specifically the haste buff for every tracked Survivor synergizing with Thrill of the Hunt to stop cleanses and Ultrasonic Trap Speaker becoming basekit which will help in chase and free up an addon slot.
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My first game against skull merchant they were playing build like this. But I think they used hex undying, I crunched that one early on. Was a good game. We got to 2 gens before the exposed popped and we realised she was using devour. She mori'd two survs and I managed to crunch the hex before she could get back to me. And I got sacrificed for my trouble, but at leastvI wasn't mori'd 🤣
Last guy got out through hatch so at least my sacrifice wasn't in vain
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I think people tend to think of Undying first for totem builds. The reason why is obvious but in this case I think Thrill is better, if riskier.
I've considered Undying as a third, for times when a hex spawns too far away to get to. I can guard two and leave the third alone.
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Toth is definitely useful for this particular build. And it's nice to see an actual use for it and it synergising well with a new killer
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A thought occurs, would Face the Darkness be an option in this build given it also benefits from TotH's slowdown, preventing it being cleansed before a scream hits?
On the other hand it stops being as useful once Devour hits the one-shot stage, since it can't really be activated anymore, so maybe no?