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is it okay to not save someone if you can save them

like if one gen need doing only two ppl left one person hooked and killed not we’re near them but you find the hatch still okay to let them die 
i mean is it oaky to let you hole team die just so you can escape via hatch 


  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @davidthyrat said:
    like if one gen need doing only two ppl left one person hooked and killed not we’re near them but you find the hatch still okay to let them die 
    i mean is it oaky to let you hole team die just so you can escape via hatch 

    Sure you can do it but it's not a very nice thing to dom if the killers camping or slugging them on the ground and waiting you're perfectly fine to not go near them. If the killers off looking for you and you see a chance to go rescue them then I usually go for it.

    If I know it's not safe and the killers camping and I see the person on the hatch I'll suicide and let them have it.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018

    Yes. I assume at that point nobody is doing gens and first one to be caught dies while the other gets the hatch.

    Most killers keep a watchful eye over the hook anyway, so pulling them off is suicide.You'll turn a 3k into a 4k.

    If I'm near them though and I know for a fact the killer is out of sight I might pull them off if I can do it safely.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    This really depends.

    I mean, nothing is telling you you have to save anyone but if you are doing nothing to further the game and are just letting your team die then... well I won't get into what I think of you.

    However, if you are one of two survivors left, with one gen left to do and your teammate is hooked then you do NOT have to save them. It all depends on the situation and what kind of condition you are in. If you feel that you would die, or you would both die, if you attempted it, or if the Killer is camping then you shouldn't (in my opinion) go for the save.

    It really comes down to what you decide to do, but, again, so long as you helped get the gens done then I see no issue in waiting for the hatch if you feel it is the best option.

    This is my opinion though and I am super hyper-focused on my own survival a lot of the time, especially near the end of a match.

  • Dolphin9192
    Dolphin9192 Member Posts: 130

    I will save the other survivor as long as they haven't just been sitting around all game doing nothing and waiting for the hatch. I am seeing that a lot more lately for some reason.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    I would (if I ever played survivor)! It's in the same vein as camping: kind of a dick move but Sometimes it's necessary!

    From a killer perspective: if I hook the third and the last one isn't hovering around the hook, it's a mind game...

    Are they waiting at hatch?

    Are exit gates open, and if so, are they waiting at gate?

    Or waiting for me to hunt them to free the hook then escape through gate?

    So pick your strategy and have fun!

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384
    Altruism is the act of helping another without expecting any reward. Now, we all now that's a lie because of the death efficiency problem, however, that definition is important for a healthy mindset.
  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 44

    "These hoes ain't loyal" Abraham Lincoln

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    like if one gen need doing only two ppl left one person hooked and killed not we’re near them but you find the hatch still okay to let them die 
    i mean is it oaky to let you hole team die just so you can escape via hatch 
    I still go for them until either of us are dead. It's more fun than hatch camping to try sneaking in for a quick save/ heal.
  • Luc_ius
    Luc_ius Member Posts: 155

    If I can, I save them. But if I was on the hook already two times and the last survivor is on the hook and I am near the hatch, then sorry. Only difference is if that player saved me before, I save him no matter if I die because he risked for me too.

  • Luc_ius
    Luc_ius Member Posts: 155

    If I can, I save them. But if I was on the hook already two times and the last survivor is on the hook and I am near the hatch, then sorry. Only difference is if that player saved me before, I save him no matter if I die because he risked for me too.

  • Luc_ius
    Luc_ius Member Posts: 155

    I had some error and sent it two times and now I don't know how to delete one of them. Sorry :)

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    "Better you than me" thats my motto  ;)
  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    Long story short, yes it is okay.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Yes it is.
    Especially if they did jack ######### all game

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
