Dead by Daylight should feature Perk Focus in Lobbies
We have 9 pages with perks for survivors and 7 pages with perks for Killers. We are heading to a game where there are so many perks that the game is more than just unbalanced.
My idea now is that instead of being able to access absolutely all perks, the game decides the Perk Focus when creating a lobby (for example "Health" for Survivors and "Bleeding" for Killers or "Generator Advancement" for Survivors and "Generator Pressure" for Killer). Then everyone has one Minute to select their perks. All Perks that are not flagged with the current Focus are not visible.
I'm sure there are flaws in that system that I don't see right now, but in my head it balances out the game more, as both Killer and Survivor only have access to perk that can actively counter each other.
I just think that we reach a point where Dead by Daylight can't stay the simple 4v1 Game that it currently is
On paper it sounds like it should work, but in practice due to the way perk synergies and playstyles develop this would just be a huge hindrance to both sides.
The game sort of lives and dies on having perk diversity and the biggest facilitator of playstyle viability is perks synergies that don't fall neatly into preset focus categories. You'd just introduce a system that players would fight against to the point of probably messing up matchmaking if they couldn't run their preferred builds. It would also hit killers especially hard due to the fact that killers aren't created equal and tend to need perk support tailored to around their specific strengths or a specific edge case where their innate ability is uniquely useful.