Show skill rating
Honestly, I'd like to see skill rating displayed. We don't know how many level killers and survivors we are playing. When DBD was doing a skill rating test, I was matched with very strong survivors and killers, but now I'm often matched with beginners. Matching beginners is not good for both beginners and advanced players. Well let's stop talking about that for now. My argument is to show skill rating as a first step. If there is a rating disparity in matching in this game, please stop hiding it.
The amount of lobby dodging would be insane. No thanks.
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Agreed! No thank you!
"skill rating" is a number designed for matchmaking purposes. My two reasons I dislike showing this number are:
1) no matchmaking is perfect, so stating DbD's matchmaking is bad, thus the number should be shown is not true. The matchmaking can be improved without showing the "hidden value" aka "skill rating".
2) we should keep player's psychological biases separate where possible. We don't need players adjusting out-of-game choices (to dodge or play the lobby they are queued with) or in-game choices (gameplay style & perks/addons/items/etc.) based on a number designed for quality matches. (Emphasis on designed for, again no system is perfect)
Ex: People already treat p100s (a # not associated with skill) as though it is a death sentence.
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You can kind of see skill rating right now, if you die a lot = you get progressively easier lobbies and better survivor teammates.. along with an easier killer and vice versa.
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“no matchmaking is perfect”← If it's not perfect, it should be improved.
The matchmaking can be improved without showing the "hidden value" aka "skill rating"← Then they should do it immediately, but they don't. because it is hidden. Players can't see rating numbers, so how do you know it's a good match? As long as we can't see the numbers, they can fool around. i can't trust
Also, even if the matchmaking is bad, they have to show the rating. If matchmaking is broken, why not show that rating? Is it because you don't want players to know that matching is broken? Is there something wrong if I find out? Nothing happens unless it's bad that it's broken. If it is bad that it is broken, it will be improved with criticism from players.
2)←I think we should change the system about this.
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I would like to know my own number and ideally see other players numbers after the match.
Showing the numbers before the match would just result in lobby shopping (especially for killer - that is hidden from survivors, but can still peak at them)
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I support the idea of showing the skill rating.
It is hard to know as of now if you did good, got paired with worst survivors or whatever the case may be.
the current iteration does not help as what we see is no indication of the actual skill level of players in front of us, just their game time, they could be purposely smurfing and there is no way to tell either.
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They could just show your personal MMR rating in the menu and the rest after the match if lobby dodge is such a problem. Yet again, DbD is one of the few games I can remember not giving the other players the ratings of their partners / rivals in ranked modes. Because even if DbD don't have a "ranked queue" by name it is technically ranked.