Suggestion for Skull Merchants aesthetic with the new changes.

I'm a big fan of the changes that Skull Merchant got today, especially with regards to her getting Haste, which I've felt from the PTB is what she really lacked.
I was thinking though, that if she was to really stack some haste she could probably get going super quick, and I thought maybe a change to her animation would be a good idea? Maybe with like the way Wesker runs or something, if she stacks haste to a high enough level, say two stacks worth of haste, she changes her travel animation, she sort of gets down low and prepares to strike while she's running, would be super cool effect, could help out at loops with lower sight lines, and could maybe even synergize with her Stealth. Would also maybe help out with the general feeling that she isn't very "scary", to have this damn stalking woman come around the corner and down you.
I like this idea. Gives survivors a good visual cue of what's happening too, as I think this haste change will be easily mistaken for cheating to players who don't keep updated on patch notes etc