Make Games Recorded
Dead by daylight needs to have recorded game play. That way at the end of the game if you report someone for hacking, exploiting, and or lag switching or doing bugs within the system devs or a community can vote on it. You have a lot of viewers for dead by daylight so relying on community wouldn't be a bad idea either plus less work for devs. Not everyone records their games or can't for the fact that they lag during game play. You can even run into the problems of someone else who is recording lagging for the fact either they are recording or just not decent ping so would you rather rely on a player or your own recording so you don't happen to ban the wrong person. Seeing bugs in the game being used against you but you cant just take a break and go turn on record cause maybe spectate doesn't work the one time you want it to. I believe it would improve the game and help ban those who do cheat but get to scrape by cause no one has proof of hack cause they happen to be in a lobby where no one is recording. Heros of the storm, League of legends and smite all record their games which they can go back to and reference. #stopcheaters #helpdevs #MakeDBDgreatAgain