We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

Chapter for Rockstar Games Manhunt

tristenbennett381 Member Posts: 117
edited March 2023 in Ваши работы

I think that it would be very interesting if we got a licensed chapter based on Manhunt, a controversial game from the early 2000s made by Rockstar (the people who made Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption).

The game follows prison convict James Earl Cash, who was on death row but escaped. He was given the job to brutally kill criminals and thugs in Carcer City a place notorious for high crime rates, for snuff films by a rich scumbag producer known as Lionel Starkweather whom planned to distribute these viscous recordings on the Darkweb. This is a stealth game where you have to sneak up on enemies and use different weapons and household objects to create the most brutal kill possible, there was a variety of gruesome arguably accurate cinematic kill animations to dispatch these enemies.

This was an edgy horror action game, Rockstars attempt to really push the limits of what was allowed, it caused many publishers and organizations to riot over such game and got an infamous reputation.

4 years later Manhunt2 came out, it was significantly more censored than the original and for that reason didn’t get as popular as the original, not leaving as much of a lasting mark.

To get to the point I think Manhunt could make for a great niche licensed chapter, its disturbing imagery and backstory could introduce players to the original game.

The Survivor would be James Earl Cash, he’s violent enough to be the killer but he makes more sense as a survivor for being the protagonist of Manhunt. James Earl Cash was a master of stealth and confusing his enemies so he could have some great stealth perks. He was total badass, perhaps he could also have some endurance perks like David King, uh oh.. Deadhard2.0?

The killer could be Piggsy, the final boss in the original Manhunt game. Piggsy was a mentally ill manic in a pig costume and he had a chainsaw. Piggsy was being held captive and victims were placed into his layer to be murdered, their murders were recorded as a Red Room torture video type of thing. Now you may be thinking “we already have 2 chainsaw killers” and that’s true but they basically work the same, so I am going to suggest making Piggsy a stealthy chainsaw killer and his chainsaw will also be his basic weapon. Imagine Piggsy as a combination of Ghostface and Bubba, silently stalking survivors and then revving up the saw for an intense chase, destroying all pallets in his path.