Why shouldn't I tunnel?



  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    If you think that survivors having one less player is a perceived statistical advantage, I really think you need to play this game more.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    Some of you people are really mad that the guy playing as a deranged serial killer is, well, killing people.

    The killer player is literally the VILLIAN in the game, not to mention they are your opponent. What kind of villain is going to go out of their way to make sure you have fun getting stabbed to death? Why should your opponent go easy on you, when you are absolutely not going to go easy on THEM?

    Idk. People in this game are so entitled. If you play bad, you die. Simple as. If you give the killer a situation where camping or tunneling is a good play, and then they make that play and win, whose fault is it? The killer for making a good read on the situation, or the survivors for handing them victory on a silver platter?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Most killers dont tunnel the guy they already took 3 gens to catch, they usually tunnel the one they got after 20 seconds. The problem here is mainly matchmaking, because it seems to use an average of survivor (on solo queue), which means while 2 survivors can be better than the killer, the killer just needs to find the 2 that are not as good, tunnel them out, and the match is over anyway.

    In such cases, i just go afk. The killer wants a boring match, he can have it.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I can still play for win without tunneling. Sometimes just tunneling is not even the best option in that situation. And I have had matches getting first survivor out at 5 gens left and even when I chill out survivor just give up. I want proper match not very one sided. Agains't experienced survivors or swf you don't usually even get chance to tunnel 5 gens left as 2 gens will pop even if you're first chase is short. I only tunnel at 5 gens when I know they're gen rush squad actually multiple gens are going to pop soon or if survivors bring map offering.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Play how you see fit as long as you are happy with the outcome and your playstyle.

    If other players want to go for hooks over kills, that’s their playstyle and it’s fine. Each to their own. Some people will try to gaslight you into thinking you should change your playstyle but just do whatever that makes you happy.

    If tunneling and camping was causing a huge amount of players to quit the game, BHVR would do something about it, but they haven’t apart from introduce base kit BT and perks.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 366

    EVEN in a hypothetical tunnel, survivors already clamoring up to spout "You can but you totally deserve to be flamed for it." The absolute state of passive-aggressive players! Truthfully it all is pointless because the moment you hit READY you consent to be matched with 4 players of random choosing, so play however you damn well want and stop obsessing over imaginary rules!

    tldr: tunnel every match, or dont, your free-will came bundled with your soul

  • ClawsOfHell
    ClawsOfHell Member Posts: 68

    4 diferents gens across the map? so what the killers is doing?

    takes like 95-100s to do one gen, 90% of the killers are blights with sabe copy paste build and tunneling u right after the unhook, u don't even need to tunnel to win like 98% of the matchs, kill one guy then switch to another one and then go back, u don't need to literraly go for only one survivor the whole game, that's what bad killer do and when they get stomp by a SWF they ask for nerf, i play for like 5 years never had to such crap play style to win and i used to play red ranks and top mmr.

    Tunneling in this game is a design flaw like camping but devs don't care but at least everyoned should have a chance to even play and not just watch yourself on the hook for 2minutes or 4m on the ground with loud music.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    What is this game where it takes 95-100s for survivors to do gens? I know it's not DBD, the game I'm talking about.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    In my experience most survivors would rather play vs alch ring blight who plays fair than play against a tunneling killer. The only salt I have gotten about alch ring is from comp players, I don't really run it often after 6.1.0 but I almost never receive salt.

    Personally I would rather play against a survivor who has full potential in chase, over leaving them with one health state upon unhook. If you want to win enough to tunnel just run c33 and press right click it's easier to win like that over tunneling on clown.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I think the key point that gets missed is not whether or not someone needs to tunnel to win or whether or not a scenario calls for it as the best play.

    The point everyone seems to miss is... is it ok to tunnel?... and the answer is yes it is.

    Whom the killer chooses to target is entirely up to the killer and if eliminating someone early is the goal then that is a completely legitimate goal within the confines of the game rules.

    Its up to the survivors to do their best to avoid it.

    That is the game of DBD.

    What is sad is how much players attack each other over it simply because they got eliminated early from a game.

    It speaks volumes about the people who engage in attacking other players over game mechanics and I assure you even if tunnelling was eliminated in every form, this same crowd would find a new excuse to attack other players and absolve themselves of any responsibility for game outcome.

    One could almost make the argument that tunnelling is essential to these players now as it creates the perfect excuse to hang all their blame and angst on when they get eliminated. Camping and gen rushing and several perks serve the same purpose.

    I almost wonder how these people would react if they got what they wanted and every element of the game they didn't like was removed, what would they blame their shortcomings and losses on? Surely not themselves and their own shortcomings god forbid.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183
    edited March 2023

    Damn, it takes 95-100 seconds to do a 90 charges gen at 1 charge/second?

    I guess you miss quite a lot of skill checks on average to need the additional 5-10+ seconds.

    Also, 90% blights and some arbitrary 98%? Maybe tone down your hyperbole and exaggerating and people might believe your arguments.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Lets not act like tunneling a person off the hook takes a decent amount of skill 😂 you already deny them their 1 health state because they start injured

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    do whatever you want just don’t expect survivors to be happy about being tunneled or camped

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    It doesn’t take any skill 😂… you won the second chase on someone who was vulnerable.. skill issue

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389

    There are playstyles that I find cringe, tryhard, unpleasant and that gives me the impression someone is hard compensating for sth else. That they're not playing the game to play but to be a **** to someone else so that they can feel better. Powertripping, feeling better after putting others down. I let them know that's the impression they gave me --- and how they take it is up to them. Often the reply amounts to feeling entitled to getting away with jt cause their role is called "killer". Newsflash: it's still a game you're playing

    That being said: You can usually tell if a killer uses tunneling as a last resort kinda thing or you're at an efficiency level where it becomes necessary despite rather short chases. - Alas. the vast majority of killers who do that don't do it for one of the legitimate reasons. Granted, there is a bit of the special case where someone somewhat reliably snowballs after having the first one tunneled out thanks to how the killer works/the perks they have --- but that kinda means they're punching way above their weight. (Same goes for surv, btw)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    Apprarantly survivors still have a skill issue with unhooking right infront of a camping killer who already proved more skilled than the survivor chased, twice.

    Your skill issue seems to be more with facecamping and its consequences than answering my question how "winning a chase against survivor, twice" is considered skillless behaviour.

    Good day to you and thanks for proving me survivors fuddling definitions again.

    Oh and a survivors health state upon getting chased again is yet again, skill issue and failure on their part to get healed before running into the red stain like a blinded deer.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Survivors tunnel generators and this conditions the killer to tunnel them out of the game. Survivors laugh when you call them out for "tunneling" generators but it is just efficient to finish discreet objectives.

    There should be some base mechanic that when a generator is kicked you can't touch it until ~20 seconds have passed. Also there has to be some base kit debuff for killer for not tunneling. Otherwise I'm just going to tunnel b/c that is more efficient.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Getting frustrated over tunneling and camping is completely normal, I do it all the time. But I don't get why people would immediately blame the killer player for using a good strategy. It's on the devs to finally nerf tunneling and camping enough, and buff the fair play of killers more, so that tunneling and camping don't really have reasons to be used anymore.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I'll roll my eyes when a killer does it cause it's a cheesy ass way to play the game (like spawn camping in a FPS) but I'm not gonna get mad and shout at the killer for doing it. BHVR has let it be a very effective strategy so I just deal with it and move on with my life.

    But others will and the killer player just has to be prepared for that, whether it's fair to blame them or not.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Well sure yeah, killer players shouldn't be surprised when they get unfriendly comments. I just think it's a bit ridiculous when people go crazy on someone because they tunneled. Sadly, maps still exist where this is the only real, viable strategy.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Welp if you are actively tunneling someone out of the game you're probably also proxying them if they are close to gens no ? unless you give them a chance to heal after gettin unhooked i don't see your point,,that said i do agree most of the times survivors unhooking at wrong times makes tunelling even more tempting and easy