Chris Redfield and Nemesis' models bother me

Absolutely no offense to those that designed the character models, but it's fascinating that it isn't really known if Chris' appearance is based off of RE5 wearing the RE1 S.T.A.R.S. uniform or the designers forgot Chris is very baby-faced in the original RE. The promo images involving the outfit even featured the correct face for the design.
Nemesis is actually very good for what they were limited to beyond scale. However, why does he have two eye sockets instead of one visible? The portion of his head covering his missing eye rather than being a visual of warped skin instead sinks in and gives the impression at times he has two eyes. It's a minor gripe imo, but that's not to say it isn't noticeable.
As far as I know nemesis’ model would ported from the RE3 remake (obviously scaled down a bit)
But yeah Chris looks a bit off just like Claire used to
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Nobody knows what Chris actually looks like. He was consistent between Resident Evil 1 and Code Veronica but after Resident Evil 5, his faces changes in every game and movie he appears in. Remember the RE7 DLC? People legitimately thought someone was impersonating Chris because his model looked nothing like he did in RE5 and 6. And then he looked different again in RE8.
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Another child actor ruined by fame and wealth 😔
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im pretty sure chris's model is supposed to be this alternate outfit from re5 (really weird choice from bhvr)
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Chris's real look is supposed to be as it appears in the first dbd RE trailer, only reason they didn't use it in-game is probably the same reason Claire and Jill used to not look like how they did in the trailer either, likeness rights.
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The remake model was 100% a reference, but for sure not a direct port. There are notable differences in the face and overall body shape. (excluding legs because of BHVR needing to downscale Nemy)
As you can see, the "stitched" eye is more covered with no visible socket compared to DBD's, and the chin is more defined.
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Yeah that is strange. Other than that it’s a 1:1 recreation so I’m not sure why they bothered
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My best guess for Nemmy would be geometry/topology issues with just porting it. More often than not, if you don't have access to the actual original meshes pre engine export (which I doubt they have), it's often quicker and easier to re-do a thing than trying to fix / adapt something that's already there. (Well, or at least that's my experience.)