Thoughts on Mid-Chapter changes?



  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    If the killer consumes all 4 Tokens of Pain Resonance before a survivor is sacrificed, have them all refunded. This effect can happen twice.

  • tycp00
    tycp00 Member Posts: 2

    It's like the devs don't even play the game they created. Statements like "This perk has gradually found its way back into the meta. To address this," is not a good mindset to have when it comes to wanting to balance the game. Instead of making perks worse, make other perks better so they actually get used.

    Healing was fine, there was no need to bend it over and give it what-for. Changes to the med-kits were uncalled for. There was a reason to bring them, what with the better healing speeds and more charges and actually being able to heal yourself and others in a reasonable time; now all the ones above brown are just going to gather dust, and the addon changes, based off of what I can see in the notes, are just another unwanted change.

    The changes to both Dead Hard and CoH are both as equally ridiculous. There's a reason Dead Hard is used a lot, it's a good perk that takes skill and practice to be good with it, and it offers a second chance. After they murdered it with the last rework, this is just spitting on it for no reason. Leave that perk alone, it's just fine.

    CoH nerf is just asinine. Making it so it requires a medkit to use defeats its purpose, on top of nerfing it's healing ability just makes it even more worthless. It's like making Exponential not allowing you to pick yourself up from a dying state without also running Unbreakable; it makes no sense. If you want to nerf it, decrease the radius and make it louder.

    Overzealous buff is unneeded, just add in the "Overzealous will also activate when Blessing a Totem in addition to Cleansing".

    I can't speak on the killer perks or killer buffs as I don't play killer, but in my opinion, I think they were just fine as they were, I had no feelings about whether they were op or not. Just like survivor perks, instead of nerfing the meta, make the less used perks better and more up to par with the meta; though personally, I do think that killers generally receive buffs and survivors receive nerfs.

    The bloodweb and visual terror radius all look good, though. They just need to implement these and the update will be fine, instead of messing with things that have no need to be messed with. Removing the ability to burn the Wraith and Nurse is uncalled for. In my couple years of playing dbd, I've managed to burn the Wraith one time and the Nurse not once. Just because something is rarely done does not mean that it needs to be removed.

    All in all, it seems like rushed, hot garbage with nonsensical perk and mechanic changes with a little black ice tree air freshener thrown in.

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135
    edited March 2023

    The Dead Hard nerf is great.

    The COH nerf hurts SoloQ more than SWF. They should heavily nerf the perk without removing self-healing entirely.

    Pointless nerfs to Medkits and healing speeds.

    Gen regression perk nerfs that encourage more killer perk variety (a good thing).

    Lightburn removal is great.

    Decent update.

  • PrincessCalla
    PrincessCalla Member Posts: 139

    I do not like them at all :( as someone who plays soloq, I can't even really rely on myself for healing now haha.

    I've found myself being burnt out lately and playing less, sadly I think this will make me play even more less. When I have to rely on others to heal me who often times do not want to, that is probably the main thing that takes the fun out of the game and makes me stop playing for a little bit.

    Now that I can't even heal myself, I don't know anymore :(

  • Snowflake_Syndrome
    Snowflake_Syndrome Member Posts: 239

    Prepare to see Franklin's Demise all the time.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,920

    Overall pleased but somethings should be addressed.

    • Altruistic healing should still be 16 seconds, or at the most 20.
    • Self-Care should be buffed back to 50%. Right now it take 45.71 seconds to heal whereas with this update it will take 68 seconds. Making it 50% will make it take 48 seconds, which is much closer to what it is currently.
    • Hillbilly changes should not go through.
    • If Hillbilly’s add ons are nerfed than Blight’s and Spirit’s speed add ons should go too.
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,164

    Nerfing self healing speeds, but keeping altruistic healing speeds the same, would widen the gap between solo q and SWF, because SWFs can much more easily coordinate altruistic healing. We’re supposed to be closing the gap between solo q and SWFs, not making it worse.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,920

    But they already widened the gap because you can more easily coordinate with the teammate with the med kit.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,164

    The solo q to SWF gap is smaller if there the altruistic speed nerf stays as it is. .

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,307

    Im already playing the game at it's current state less and less. Now with these changes, once or twice a week for 3-5 games.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 942


    - Ok nerf self heal but not nice to cut altruistic heal, problem is any surv healing in 10 sec alone in any moment, no need to cut it to go 3 months to the hospital in group.

    - CoH, this ######### was OP as hell,1 perk everyone infinite healing.

    - DH, yeah, burn it.


    - Bye Pain resonanse, CoB and Over. It could be a little less nerfed into oblivion but is the easiest way to stop Skull Merchant to 3gen instead of propper work.

    - Billy? Really?

    - I would love 1 decent addon pass instead of what they did. Like, PHead have an 1.5 sec of extra killer instinct. Wut?

    - Happy for wraith enjoyers.

    Overall im fine with this.

    Still missing map of the realm base for knight xD

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828
    edited March 2023

    It will,,Dead hard becoming harder to have when needed people will just sit their a$$es on gens with resilience and adrenaline since healing became slower ,,more prove and toolboxes for sure ,,and as you said dear devs left killer with only deadlock / corrupt and everything else being mediocre,,i really only think lower levels/ newer killer players will benefits because newer survivor players usually do absolutely nothing until they are healed to healthy