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Thoughts on Mid-Chapter changes?

Member Posts: 1,259

Interested to hear thoughts on the changes, both good and bad. Personally I think some of the perk changes might be a little overkill. I also am not sure how I feel about the rework of med-kit add-ons.

Circle of Healing definitely got what was coming though.

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  • Member Posts: 1,065

    Where can i see the new patch notes?

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Definitely think there should have been a little more thought. I doubt all these changes make it through to the live version

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Yeah, they feel rushed. Like most of them just feel like hot fixes or reaction fixes. For an update they were hyping up so much, i was really disappointed.

    Idk if much will change, bhvr is very picky on what changes go from PTB to live, so expect most stuff to go live, maybe with a few adjustments on 2 or 3 things.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    i'm amazed that after all these years bhvr still manages to put players off their game with just one announcement.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
    edited March 2023

    The nerf to healing is too much, base altruistic should not be nerfed that hard considering it already takes 2x 16s from survivors just to heal one person. The medkits and CoH had it coming, though, so I'm not complaining about them, except for the fact that now taking rare medkits is straight up useless. They buffed altruistic healing speeds, which... If you're taking a medkit, it's probably to heal yourself ? When no one is around ? So not on random teammates ?

    From survivor point of view, I think it's too much, from Hag enjoyer point of view I was really satisfied until I saw how they nerfed her. Very stinky of them. They better give her a treat soon in compensation for this straight up nerf.

    DH I couldn't care less about, never used it.

    Gearhead is nice, I guess? Same with Overzealous, except that since now booning is practically useless I don't see that interaction come up often. I might go back to playing Shadowstep for a bit. I wonder how they choose these perks to buff, it feels a bit random.

    Don't play Hillbilly, but it feels stinky too that they nerfed snipes after they took Sky Billy from us. Are Billys not supposed to have fun ?

    Autohaven reworks I'm enthusiastic about. I have these maps with all I have and I hope they'll feel better after the rework.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    When it comes to the balance changes:

    Healing changes are good but they may have gone too far, time will tell.

    Gearhead will still not be used if it doesn't have an audio notification i think.

    Overzealous buff is good, but none of the boon perks are worth running anymore i feel so this buff will probably not change it's usage much.

    Pain res nerf is good, limits it's potential whilst having a bbq and chili like effect.

    Dead Hard nerf is a healthy way to nerf in my opinion. I think it will probably still be used frequently but we'll see.

    I don't use Call of Brine or Overcharge often but now i never will. I always thought overcharge was not great but now it doesn't appeal to me much at all. Call of brine nerf i think is too bad now, the surveillance aspect is forgettable and now the regression is too low i kinda feel like there should be a rework.

    Circle of healing nerf was very much needed. Very bad designed perk that has lasted for way too long. Unfortunately though it just goes to show how much of a failed concept boon perks are. Shadow step is probably the only one worth considering anymore.

    All of the killer updates are way too minor.

    The lightburn removal is very much appreciated though. No more needing to lobby dodge as wraith or hag. Hag change sounds good but have little experience with her so im not interested.

    I like this update but to me i think these perk updates should have came sooner. Game has felt in a volatile state since 6.1.0, it only now feels like this update might calm things down a bit.

    In the future lets just hope nothing as broken as circle of healing gets dropped. But at the same time i want new perk balance to improve as well...

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    Good changes. Base 24sec healing is probably too much. Billy engraving nerf unneccesary.

    Yh it would have been better if tunneling and camping got nerfed at the same time. But atleast one important step to a better game is done. Three gen strat got nerfed and hit-and-run buffed, thats good.

    It was also good that flashlight dont interact with specific killer anymore. Sure, nurse buff is not good, but with or without lightburn is a nerf for her neccesary.

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited March 2023

    I feel this is one of the updates where BHVR had the absolute best intentions but there's a few things I don't agree with.

    The removal of burning killers should stay as it gives survivors something else to do other than be chased or repair generators. It also provides rare teamwork moments. I feel it should just be added to more killers because again - it gives survivors something to do and sometimes yes you'll have a rogue survivor follow you while you're in chase but they're not doing objectives. Flashlights eventually run out of juice and if they're doing it too much adjust charges don't remove an interaction.

    Regarding Hag specifically she's just a problematic killer who should get a rework. The fact that flashlight interaction is being removed with traps yet a new mechanic was created specifically to destroy traps is silly. Especially now that you have to crouch walk over to a trap. You may have infinite times you can do this now but it takes forever to approach a trap without Urban Evasion and that's the issue with Hag - Her kit when she is doing well promotes camping and prolonging the game because setup outside of the web of traps she makes is not only discouraged but punished. Hag should be reworked and also her traps should be destroyed in hook proximity if a survivor is hooked just to be inline with other killers. No one is going to enjoy having to crouch walk across a web of traps to unhook someone and go through a cycle of hook trading.

    Circle of healing should allow self care and not stack with items because that's what was making it over the top is working with items. Now it's useless if you don't have an item on you.

    Hillbilly should only get buffs - I'd love to see a single person argue that Billy is common enough to warrant an engraving nerf. Yeah there are some cracked Billy players out there but it's so rare to consistently get good chainsaw downs with him. If a Billy main came in here and provided proof I'll retract this part but I would be surprised if anyone agreed with it.

    I do see the rest of the changes to be good for the most part.

  • Member Posts: 301
    edited March 2023

    I'm happy to see Dead Hard nerfed into the ground. I've never enjoyed the 'exhausted on the ground' gameplay that it almost always resulted in for me, so I didn't use it much, and not at all after the distance part was removed last year. It was frustrating to play against as a killer and I'm happy to see anything that helps push that perk into the trash bin forever.

    Pain Resonance, while it can feel bad from time to time, had some easy counterplay most of the time and the nerf feels severely punishing. I never had a problem with PR like I did with Eruption. This feels too much.

    Call of Brine and Overcharge... really should just have been made to not stack and they'd have been fine, I feel.

    No one's going to use Gearhead still.

    Overzealous... might make it into importance if people start running it with Inner Healing. But if everyone starts running them, it'll be a problem as there just aren't enough totems in the map for that. Still, 10-20% repair speed buff could be a meta thing in the future as the next changes I'm going ot mention make gen rushing the only way to survivor.

    Healing nerfs. Some nerfs to medkits themselves make sense, as they're so plentiful now there's no reason not to bring one typically, but the way they were nerfed does not. Who brings a medkit to heal others slightly faster? The whole point was to give yourself the ability to heal in less than a week and now they all have the same speed and same number of charges for that. The brown one is no better or worse than the green or purple.

    Circle of Healing may have needed some kind of adjustment... like perhaps after a certain number of heal charges, the boon was used up and needed to be recast... but this throws the perk in the garbage with the rest of the boons. No one will use any of them now. It's an entirely dead mechanic. How about a passive heal in the area that takes 30 or so seconds, but you can do other things at the time? Get more creative than a crappy version of botany knowledge. There's no reason to use CoH over BK at all. This perk is going to be as bad as self care. People will cast it, then teabag in the aura begging for someone to come heal them instead of just doing a gen. Minute-long self cares will be better than this crap.

    That brings me to the baseline healing change. This was just... beyond poorly thought out. You essentially just don't want people to heal anymore. Why not just give everyone injured the broken status in chase and for like 30 seconds after if they escape if you want to keep people from just healing up right away? All of these healing changes are horrible ideas, but combined, it's just too much. Playing survivor already feels oppressive 90% of the time, where your odds of escaping are entirely dependant on if you have a full SWF that are all good, or if your killer bought the game just before the match.

  • Member Posts: 496
    edited March 2023

    Mostly fine, glad lightburn isn't a thing anymore. And I'm glad that coh and dead hard are finally getting nerfed. Nerfing hillbilly for no reason is kind of annoying, if overheat is a "non-factor" than just remove it. If it doesn't do anything there's no point of it being there right? And the engravings didn't need to be nerfed, his add-ons are bad enough as is. The pain-res changes were overkill imo, and the gearhead buff doesn't really do very much to make the perk better.

    I don't have much to say on the healing changes, I guess it encourages gen rushing but I don't really care. And I think it's a bit silly that all the gen kicking perks are getting changes but gen go fast perks aren't. But survivors have to deal with a bunch of nerfs already coming to them this update so I think it's fine that gen go fast perks are unchanged for now I guess.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I feel fantastic about pretty much everything except the Pain Resonance nerf, but I can live with that. I don't even have that perk yet anyway. I'm looking forward to this update, I'm sure there will be tweaks before it goes live that will mitigate some of the more outraged complaints.

    But so long as Dead Hard, Circle of Healing, and Medkit Meta all remain nerfed, I'll be content.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Here are my thoughts and I predicted this and it looks like without any changes to thier choices I was right.

    They are Nerfing more regression perks (now not as bad as I was thinking) but never touched any Gen Speed perks. This means in the long run Killers will have a harder time applying and keeping pressure on Gens if they are not a mobility Killer.

    I have mixed feelings on the healing changes too....making medkits a standard across-the-board will make them less annoying to deal with but on the other hand less likely to have a fellow Survivor use their medkits to heal a injured Survivor vs just basic healing.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    In a way I am glad the burn feature got removed. It felt pretty bad for people playing Wraith and Hag and if everyone brings flashlights with Built to Last and possibly Streetwise, it could be a big issue.

    I do think Hag just needs a complete rework all together, and I am all for her not being able to put traps near hooks. If other killers can't use their powers close to hook, I don't see why she should be able to put traps right in front either. But granted I don't play Hag.

    I am going to disagree with the Circle of Healing part slightly. The Self Care aspect was problematic, as it meant you didn't need another survivor off a gen to heal your injuries. The problem is that if a survivor did help you, they healed you in 8 seconds so both of you were right back on the gen. Now to use the perk, you have to force that second person off the gen, losing time as they run to the area and complete the heal. If the boon isn't laid out in the right spot, you could arguably be losing more time going to heal them inside the totem compared to them being able to heal themselves. The healing speed is still going to be annoying against a coordinated team, but this change was much needed and makes the perk more bearable

    As a Billy main, I felt the whole rework to his power before was unnecessary. Now they are nerfing his add-ons again and making cross maps more punishing. I still get downs with him pretty consistently, but unfortunately don't have proof. Either way, if you loop him right you can negate the saw all together. The changes to him were just not needed.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I'm ... intrested

    The changes are so drastic that I'm not even going to try to predict how things will go

    There is one thing i know though. We wanted a meta change and these changes will 100% create a meta change

    Many people complained DbD was going stale and this update changes that. Both sides will have to seek new perks to use and find a meta and i can't deny i'm kinda excitted for that. It is going to be a different DbD which is what we asked for.

    If it's too much we can always turn it back a little. I'm more a fan of more extreme changes and dialing it back then barrely changing anything and feeling like you're not making progress. Altruistic healing should probably be buffed but i want to see how it works without it first.

    Some changes are just a hard no, Billy's engravings did not need a nerf. Hell if anything whatever the number they are nerfing it with should go to basekit.

    Hag changes are good cause it finally kills trap under hook hag that solo q struggled so hard with. She is going to need compenstation buffs in the future though

    Also pls buff self care. Even if the numbers are going to be the same as they are now. Don't make it take a minute to heal with it pls

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I don't have an opinion about specific changes -- I have to wait to see how they play out in the game; I can never imagine it properly. The one thing I will say though, is that I can't keep track of what the perks even do anymore because they keep changing so often.

  • Member Posts: 880

    Light burn removal: 👍

    Healing/medkit/COH nerfs: 👍

    CoB/Overcharg/Pain Rea nerfs: 🫳

    Map changes: 🫳

    Dead Hard nerf: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Some really good changes to killer perks, CoH, DH, and medkits. But I have concerns over game pacing with base heal being changed to 24 seconds. 90 second gens with 24 second heals is going to feel super sluggish on top of gen regression and healing slowdown. And I think a lot of players weren't around for the hit and run meta back in the day. It's not as strong as the 3 gen meta, but holy crap is it annoying.

  • Member Posts: 21,206
    edited March 2023

    Anyone here good at math?

    I've got a great question about self-care lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Funny people thinking that med kits got nerfed.

    Med kits will be more necessary with this changes. If you don't want to bring a toolbox.

  • Member Posts: 394

    survivor role is dead

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    I may actually return to this game after this patch hits.

  • Member Posts: 273

    They're mostly bad and I genuinely don't understand what people are meant to even have fun with anymore.

  • Member Posts: 547

    I've always thought the fix for hag was to make it where her traps didn't trigger while crouching AND walking over them. Only running trips them. I think that could add some interesting counterplay that doesn't feel oppressive (and I like and play Hag just so you know).

  • Member Posts: 45

    I'm okay with most of the changes. My issues are:

    -Doubling the length of a normal heal is overkill, the medkit and COH gutting will be enough imo

    -Pain Res and Dead Hard were fine. The changes make Pain Res worse than Oppression. I guess I'd be ok with DH requiring a single unhook before becoming active, but not with every use. Or maybe expand the condition to include protection hits and flashlight saves, like WGLF.

    -I kinda think COB and Overcharge should've just been given cooldowns (of different lengths, too, so stacking them would require more precision) and a less aggressive numbers nerf, but I'm willing to wait and see on that one. My biggest reservation is that there were no nerfs to Survivor progression perks or toolboxes (and Overzealous got buffed!).

    -Lightburn was very fun to use against Nurse and Artist since the two of them are already really strong, and it encouraged creative teamwork. So I'm disappointed to see that go. I don't mind it with Wraith and Hag since they're far easier to bully, though I wish Hag got additional changes to spruce her up a bit more.

    -The lore change is weird and I really hope Adam, Elodie, Zarina, Haddie & Feng don't get left in the dust because of it.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    That's fair with CoH - I just view it along many other perks that share a similar issue is some perks make items over the top and then the other way around. I feel the best way to balance them is to remove certain interactions. A perk should be good at one thing and not worry about other factors affecting it's balance. My mindset with that comes from BVHR's decision to nerf Enduring to only affect pallets so they could fine tune stun duration of perks. Also with how they reworked old Tinkerer. Inventory and perks interacting has just consistently caused issues in the past when that item or perk wasn't tailored for that specific purpose. Although I suppose if this is now a perk that focuses entirely on items it does go inline with that thought process but I admit I don't want a perk to become useless but we'll see how it turns out.

    I feel the Billy changes are meant to make him more accessible and nerf more skilled Billy players but ultimately I just feel the heat mechanic should be toned down. I use to play a lot of Billy prior to his changes and I remember with each change they made to him he progressively became more clunky. I remember when they changed his FOV and animations before the rework and he felt awful to play. I haven't really touched him since the rework because the changes were very strict. That was my thought process though on Billy - He's still very easy to cancel or prevent the saw from doing anything - I just feel nerfing him is unnecessary because all you really need to do is pre drop a pallet and force him to break. You don't need to do that to every pallet but he's a very basic killer to counter even with his deadly power.

    I'll just say it to be upfront - I hate Hag, I hate everything about her kit and I feel her kit shows the absolute worst decisions BHVR has made with a killer. A typical Hag will get run the entire game to where it's boring and a good Hag will prolong the game and kill off survivors quick when ever they approach her web. I do want her to be viable but this change to her isn't going to help the inexperienced Hag players to become better it will just encourage them to camp even more making the experience versus her more miserable. I want to see her encouraged and even rewarded for leaving her web and setting up around the map. I'm all for her getting more range but I really feel like her traps need to be destroyed around a hooked survivor. This change with flashlights will just make it more miserable to play against her with experienced players on both sides and make things more difficult for newer players because the crouch walk speed is slow and it will take forever to just approach a trap to disarm. On your way to the basement if that's a scenario it's likely going to be annoying trying to clear them off stairs because items on sloped surfaces in this game tend to have funky interactions.

    That's awesome that you main Billy - I used to main Trapper a long time ago and before I finally shifted to the killers I play now I played Billy pretty consistently for a bit. Just wish he'd get some proper changes instead of BHVR being "too cautious" with one of their OG killers.

  • Member Posts: 691
    edited March 2023

    Played every patch since 1.0.0 and would say this might be the best patch they have ever released. The only thing I have a concern about is hit n run killers with the healing changes. Outside that I think they did an phenomenal job with this patch.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Some questionable changes, but overall a very good patch.

    Slowing the game down by reducing healing while simultaneously nerfing gen regression perks across the board is good. It may be annoying having healing take so much longer but gens are going to go faster as well with the perk nerfs. This essentially gives base kit game slow down if you pressure well with less reliance on perks to slow the game down, that's good design.

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    I like the changes overall, but the Overcharge nerf feels kinda of unnecessary. No one runner Overcharge by itself, what made it strong was it's synergy with Call of Brine, but since the former already got nerfed, the Overcharge nerf feels like overkill.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    I have my first thoughts on the changes, but I agree that I want to wait and see how things play out. As mentioned, there will without a doubt be a change up in the meta. The only thing I am worried about is that this will bring a gen rush meta back harder. Instead of healing people will start using Resilience and pair it with Prove Thyself and other perks to speed through gens as quick as possible, ignoring healing all together. The meta seems to go in a circle. I remember when we had a healing meta like we do now. The devs nerfed healing and it put focus on gens. Then gen perks were nerfed and healing adjusted and it went back to healing. It's always going to be one or the other with the way things are being changed

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    It feels like they want to destroy their game right before the anniversary chapter for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 6,130

    The only thing I'm unhappy about is the med kit nerf. I'm a solo player, and i thought the devs wanted to bring us closer to swf. Swfs can coordinate heals, while solo can't. This feels like the SC thing all over again.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    As a Hillbilly and Hag main, what’s the point of it all.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    I miss the old days when Billy was classified in the top tier killers with the rest of them. Now he is forgotten completely. It is such a shame because he was one of the main top tier killers that genuinely felt like he had counterplay. Whether you lived or died boiled down to skill of each person. It just feels like they are afraid to make changes and reinstate him into that top tier with Nurse, Spirit, Blight so instead they go overkill with nerfs that aren't needed.

    I am definitely looking forward to seeing how all the changes pan out, Circle of Healing included. Having it not affect medkits works with the healing speed slowdown they want to implement. I think it will be interesting to see who brings a medkit to prioritize a heal and who will bring a toolbox for gens/flashlight for saves. Requiring two people to get use out of the perk is the drawback of it. I do hope it isn't going to be a worse version of Botany though

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    Peeg buff.

    And to my favorite brown add on. Wow, it must be opposite day. And no compensation nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    If they actually make good PTB changes it’ll be legendarily good. If not, a complete catastrophe.

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    I enjoy any shake up.

  • Member Posts: 233

    I'm honestly just not a fan of how they kill perks like this and we don't have a consistent balance team. I'm too dumb to use DH, but how it currently is on live servers at least was more skill-based vs Dead Hard for distance. Waiting for people to start complaining about Sprint Burst and Lithe showing up in all their matches now. CoH I'm salty about, but I've been running Inner Healing with Clairvoyance more often in a lot of cases where I don't want to rely on teammates. And this mid-chapter makes me really not want to interact with my solo queue teammates at all because everyone is going to want to heal vs doing gens anyway. Heck, when I do load up the game, I may play Killer more often.

    Even if we don't get balance changes with a consistent cycle, at least put some care into these adjustments... have some thought about both SWF and Solo-queue. Both High MMR and Low MMR. Everyone's just kinda being lumped together; those who are highly skilled players may adjust with little issue, but the casual fans may find another game to play.

  • Member Posts: 450

    I would make it so that the scourge hooks have 8 tokens that can be used overall. I think by doing this instead the killer can get more use out of their perk and choose when would be a good time or not to use it. OR maybe they should make a mechanic to where every time you a survivor on a scourge hook is saved that hook becomes normal and a new one appears somewhere else that way you cannot camp a hook and keep farming regression. Just an idea. Kind of feel call of brine should be topped off at 150%. Mostly fine with the rest

    Hillbilly needs love not abuse.

    Kind of wondering what kind of gameplay the devs are planning for the future.

  • Member Posts: 828

    I hate the changes ,,,,killers left with mediocre regression perks,,,,circle and DH gettin nerfed again ,,,,medkit nerfs i agree,,they are broken,,,nerfing billy addons when blight is untouched,,,idk what they are smoking but i want some of it

  • Member Posts: 531

    Overall, I’m excited and happy for the new changes, but I am worried that gen rushing may become even worse with all the good regression perks nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 747

    No more whackos tapping E to undo getting outplayed on tiles all the time, I'm elated!

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    It will and it should. What else are survivors going to do—spend minutes trying to heal themselves?

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