Thanks bhvr THANKS A LOT.

Desteriaa Member Posts: 118
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

Instead of doing anything about the tunneling and camping you decide to nerf deadhard and healing bc a certain side of the playerbase said so... you nerf survivor into the ground while buffing killers. You take away the self healing action from COH rendering the perk useless and expect us to be happy about it.

Making DH to where you have to get a safe unhook to use it just promotes tunneling and camping but clearly that wasn't thought through.

When killers queue times are long bc no one wants to play survivor its gonna be real funny


    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    no one is gonna camp and tunnel to play around dh as much as they don't to play around deli and deli is tiers above this dead hard.

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    Maybe.. but they will tunnel and camp in fear that someone has deadhard...

  • YunJiLee
    YunJiLee Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Seriously! It already took so long (and someone getting hooked) to be healed. Not to mention the fact that you rarely to barely find totems to begin with. I thought I was over this game because of the last update where they "fixed" the wiggle, but this just proves that they ONLY LISTEN TO THE KILLERS! *Insert clown emoji*

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Um they made 12 hooking better while nerfing the perks that encouraged camping.... The healing changes are best for split pressure and do nothing for tunneling.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited March 2023

    They mostly nerfed killers gen defense perks without touching ANY survivor gen perks or toolboxes.

    Healing has been a major issue in this game for a long time and with these perk nerfs killers need to slow down the game somehow. So healing nerfs will hopefully balance the time lost from the perks.

    Also i really don't understand why people are so scared of being injured in this game. You know how much time you waste everytime you beg for heals or self care in a corner?

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    When killers queue times are long bc no one wants to play killer its gonna be real funny

    Did you mean to type survivor there? If so, that's funny, because everyone said that back in 6.1 and yet here we are.

    Yeah, killers got a bunch of buffs, and totally didn't lose 3 potent gen-regression perks. Those small number tweaks on add-ons are gonna make Pig so OP! Wraith not being gimped by flashlights will make him S++ tier! And no one will be safe now that Gearhead has been buffed!

    I also love how every single survivor nerf or killer buff is somehow "promoting camping/tunneling". Trapper sets his traps 3% faster? Promotes camping! Add an extra second to Bitter Murmur's aura read? Promotes tunneling!

    And if Circle of Healing is "useless" without the self-heal then that says a lot about why people used it in the first place.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,065

    Nerfing survivor speeds will always lead to an increase in tunneling and camping. People said the exact same thing when gen speeds got a base increase in 6.1.0, where tunneling and camping increased dramatically. It will be exactly the same with the healing speed nerf in this patch.

    Tunneling is even encouraged/rewarded by the dead hard change. If you're worried about dead hard, they can't ever activate it if you just keep hooking the same survivor until they die.

    And the #1 excuse for tunneling is because gens are "too fast." Medkits might not be worth a slot anymore, and healing isn't worth the time to do it. So survivors will bring toolboxes, BNP, resilience, and adrenaline and everyone will sit on gens until the gates power. 100% a "gen rush" meta. And killers who "have no choice" but to tunnel will continue to do so, for the exact same reason.

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    I mean survivor, nonetheless point still stands. You really think survivors are gonna wanna play this game if every update we get is a nerf to us?? seriously this game is miserable for survivors and it has been for months.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009
    edited March 2023

    Miserable for months, but survivors are still playing like they always have.

    Post edited by Caiman on
  • jordywordy
    jordywordy Member Posts: 99

    This guy gets it. Survivors will whine and whine and whine until the end of time..time...time..

  • Dddtp
    Dddtp Member Posts: 10

    Survivors or killers will always find something to complain about. I play both killer and survivor and I can get 4ks without camping or tunneling. Also dead hard makes me try that much harder to figure out how to get the person who dead harded.

  • Doomzilla
    Doomzilla Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 133

    Lmao Cry harder. These changes make Camping and Tunneling the most boring playstyle wine, people will just not do it because they don’t have to… There is literally nothing here that will inherently make either go up. Why camp and tunnel now when you know most survivors are just going to rush gens injured like they did back in 2018-19? Tunneling (and especially camping) haven’t been good since 6.1.0, it only increased because in situations with COH and purple med-kits, going for chases that don’t end in a down were more often than not the biggest waste of time.

    There is absolutely no world in which a healing nerf wasn’t justified. You can’t name a single streamer who hasn’t complained about at least med-kits, and of course COH became slightly more tolerable at a point, but it still effectively gated a whole playstyle. When your options for spreading pressure are either get a down and force death,

    or hit a survivor and hope that (a.) COH isn’t already in the match, (b.) The survivor isn’t the booner (c.) That nobody has a medkits (d.) If they do you have a perk to make the fact they can negate your progress in under 16 seconds (shorter than most chases will be against a decent survivor, let alone finding that said survivor) irrelevant.

    I mean didn’t we want to move away from the 3 gen meta(which is something I swear I only started hearing in the last 3 weeks, but whatever)?

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    Yup, things like that happen when you give people better options. It's like piracy, there will always be people that do it, but many more would rather buy a game if it were easily accessible and reasonably affordable. In this case it is the same, there will always be people who tunnel, but the majority that feel like they have to tunnel will now have other options and there will be more variety.