My Suggestion for the Med-kit Archetype


The current issues with Med-kits overall, ignoring Heal speed, are its time-efficiency when performing a self-heal, and the resulting time deficit when using the Med-kit to perform an altruistic Heal, in addition to the bloated amount of charges that can be gained from add-on stacking with Perks that refill charges.


Survivor A is Injured, and is healed by Survivor B. It takes 100% Healing time to perform the Altruistic Heal, and between both of them, it takes 200% Altruistic Healing time to perform the Heal, in addition to the time needed to position to perform the Altruistic Heal.

Survivor A is Injured, and has a Med-kit, and performs a self-heal. It takes 100% Healing time to perform the Altruistic Heal and there is no time needed to position another Altruistic Survivor.

Survivor A is Injured, and is healed by Survivor B with a Med-kit. It takes 100% Healing time (subtracting Altruistic Healing speed bonuses by the Med-kit) to perform the Altruistic Heal, and between both of them it takes 200% Altruistic Healing time to perform the Heal (subtracting Altruistic Healing speed bonuses by the Med-kit), in addition to the time needed to position to perform the Altruistic Heal.

Performing any self-heal removes the time taken by the altruistic Survivor both in the Healing action and in positioning time.

With the proposed Med-kit changes in the Dev blog, this will not change, and in fact the disparity between self-healing time efficiency and altruistic healing with med-kits will be made worse by the reduction in Altruistic Healing speed for all Med-kits.


Currently, the amount of self-sourced charges a Survivor can have for a Med-kit ranges from 8 to 225 charges.

This is a range of half a self-heal to 16 self-heals.

Abdominal Dressings can reduce the 16 charges of a Brown/Green Med-kit to 8.

Ranger Med-kits have a base of 32 charges.

Gel Dressings add an additional 16 charges, and Gauze rolls add 12 charges, all of which stack with charge Perks.

Built to Last effectively triples the number of charges, and Streetwise multiplies everything by 25%

Simply bringing Built to Last and a Ranger Med-kit can result in 96 charges, or 6 self-heals with minimal investment.

With the proposed Med-kit changes, this will standardize the amount of Heals med-kits provide at base.

Addon changes are still unknown.

Suggested Archetype changes

Time-efficiency between Altruistic Healing and self-Healing still needs to be addressed for Med-kits.

I suggest making Med-kits Unlock the Self-Care Action instead of performing a full speed self-heal. (50% self-healing speed penalty)

I suggest making the Altruistic Healing speed bonus provided by Med-kits to be at minimum a 50% increase for all Med-kits.

I suggest Charge based addons have their charge bonuses replaced to instead increase the speed of the Med-kits Self-Care Action by a significant amount.