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What perks do you want back to OG?

Nightram Member Posts: 37

In the new upcoming update. What would be great to bring back?

How are survivors gonna be able to survive in the next upcoming update? 24 secounds heal. Imagine Legion with thanaphobia and sloppy butcher... the game will be mending and healing.

So many perks dosen't work in endgame...

The game will never become fair or balanced if the devs never listen to their playerbase.

What perks do you want back to OG? 18 votes

Iron will! Spine chill, dead hard, decisive strike
siyke26CosmicGopnikimakepeoplehatemeKrosetoughluckman_papi_papayaaYoli1422stonedchoooppressorOFsaintsisxbella 10 votes
Something else? Comment down below
BlueberryIWasLrft2DieGlamourousLeviathanWexton09SHARKBOSSDumb_Rodent 6 votes
I am happy with all changes.
That_One_FriendSmoe 2 votes
