Can we buff bite the bullet?

So that mending makes no noise and if you are being healed you dont make sounds (the person healing you will still make sounds)
Bite the Bullet needs the Streetwise/Leader/Vigil treatment
Teammates within 8 meters from you are affected by it, and it lingers for 15 seconds when not in range anymore
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Wasn't it the case that features like mending/vomiting/coughing had to do with KI, and thus weren't silenced by old Iron Will either? I'm not sure though.
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No, that's not what it needs. It needs what OP said, that's much better. It's not team sharing effect and I would probably not like to see it that way (balance reasons).
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I disagree
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It would make sense that it works also on mending since mending is another form of healing. I have a feeling it won't happen because it would be "unfair" but a way to counter that is instead of silent have it be just 50% more quiet when mending.
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Honestly yeah make it silence you healing, you being healed, as well as all others involved in the action in general. It needs to cover all the other random reveals that can happen while healing as well like screaming, aura revealing ect.
Essentially since it’s active only while healing it needs to hide “everything” during that healing. You are basically undetectable during any healing actions you’re involved in other than visually being seen.
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That does turn it into a hard counter to Nurse's Calling, though.
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I’m fine with that since it’s only for that survivors interactions and not many people run NC anyway.
We could say the same thing about Distortion anyway and it’s still just better.