Statement why bhvr is removing fun?

Akito Member Posts: 673

Any tweets or posts from any dev that does decisions on dbd?

You can't argue "shift the meta"

While you destroy any (not unbalanced/unfair/...) perk that is played very much just because people like it...


What is this game? Developers are removing fun, obviously. Because people like certain things. There are no reasons, statistics that shows that things are op af...

Instead of buffing the plenty, plenty plenty plenty of perks/items/addons/killer that are boring its father of grandfather of boringness.. you remove the very few things that are worthy to play this game?

AND you also got the balls to nerf the base kit of survivors even tho you have zero matchmaking and a very casual/soloplayer playerbase?

Who does those decisions? Who is this? What is wrong? Is there a Dead by daylight 2 so you slowly but surely want to make sure people start quitting this game? (except all killer mains bc they obv. just care about their fun and their fun means a 4k no matter what)

Do you even know what game you would like to have?

On one hand you nerf haddonfield and then you release garden of joy.. jesus..

Then you nerf hillybilly because? people liked to playx him bc he was fun and all other killer weren't? While also buffing blights addons so he's even more broke than OG omega blink nurse?

Do you even know what you want this game to be like?

I stopped playing this game motnhs ago. Won't come back. You outdone yourself, Devs.

My only hope is that after this game got forgotten people start modding it again, making it good again. Jesus this devteam...


  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137

    Literally the whole argument of "removing fun" can be tied to any kind of nerf so it's kind of a redundant argument.