Remove de-pipping

Since grade is not an indicator of skill at all anymore, de-pipping serves no purpose other than create toxicity and frustration. The higher grade you have the harder it gets to get pips in the first place which is fine, but the possibility of de-pipping encourages you to play "mean" and use the best possible tools at your disposal because why wouldn't you?

First and foremost the game should be about having fun and while some would say you don't have to care about grades which is true, it really is just needless added frustration and it has many other problems that are sometimes also out of your control.


  • Survivors dcing early = less hooks = less pips
  • Afk killer = survivors won't get enough points for pips
  • Absolute stomp on either side = less pips = punished for playing good

I'm sure there would be a lot more problems people can think of when it comes to de-pipping while there are NO POSITIVES.

Thank you.


  • That_One_Friend
    That_One_Friend Member Posts: 280

    I'm all for this. This may just be a me thing, but once I reach Gold for survivor it is entirely dependent if the killer tunnels or not. If the killer decided to tunnel someone out it is very hard to get Altruism points for healing/unhooking.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,435

    No hard feelings against this. I can imagine them making it harder to gain pips in exchange, but that would still be better as you're at least removing the frustration of going backwards.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,385

    I think the overwhelming majority of players would like to see de-pipping being a thing of the past. Threads asking for it pop up about once a week or so ever since I can remember (been on the forums for about a year now). But so far to no avail. I'll keep responding to every single one I spot. And maybe one of these days a patch note will mention in passing that you can't de-pip anymore.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    Although I generally agree I do want to point out that an AFK killer can still give you a pip even in gold-iri ranks. Provided you did generators the entire game all you have to do after is crouch in the killer's terror radius (counts towards the "stealth" points), the closer the better, to secure iridescent evader after about a minute or two. I'm not sure of the specifics, I'm usually quite generous with the time to ensure that I am confident I did get it, but in securing iri evader you should only be lacking points in Benevolent due to zero altruism. That being said you should still get one pip every time.

    I honestly think the Emblem system needs a bit of an overhaul, I don't believe "Unbroken" is a good emblem, since the other three survivor emblems require you to be altruistic or contributing to the game in some way, Unbroken is just "dont get downed and then leave 4head". It would make more sense if it was something else that actually helps further your team's objective instead of just your own, an emblem that rewards you for not being downed is why you have teammates who refuse to trade at endgame for their team to reset and do a multi-rescue with more time on their hands. "I dont wanna lose my iri unbroken, sorry guys"

    I also believe on both sides, points being taken away from emblems due to the other side's actions is a bit ridiculous. You lose Benevolent for your teammates getting hooked, and as a killer you lose malicious due to the survivors healing. With the upcoming changes to healing it will be a LOT easier to get malicious on killer, and a lot harder for survivors to get benevolent. Lightbringer emblem also does not reward enough points for you as the survivor being in chase while generators are popping, sometimes you run the killer the entire game only to secure a silver lightbringer, it feels like a slap in the face when you had the hardest job on the team, and nobody is getting benevolent due to there being no altruism to be had.