Killer Harassing Surviors

Ive had the same killer 4/5 games. They keep constantly harassing me. I’ve reported this killer before and now he’s making sure he’s harassing me. How do I get the harassment stopped?


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Record it, keep reporting him, and send the recordings to BHVR (there's a form somewhere, but I don't have the link). Then wait and enjoy their ban.

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836
    Depends on your platform.

    If you’re on PC report them on DBD and their Steam Profile.

    If you’re on Xbox/PlayStation then report them on DBD, then to Xbox/PlayStation, and if the harassment is via messages then you can report those individually as well.

    Pictures and videos are helpful.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dinaqma said:
    Ive had the same killer 4/5 games. They keep constantly harassing me. I’ve reported this killer before and now he’s making sure he’s harassing me. How do I get the harassment stopped?

    Harassment in what way? Verbal harassment, i.e. insulting you (real insults), then just report him for that

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    I don't think that's harassment, I had times where i would find the same survivors a couple matchs, it doesnt mean I was following them

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Dinaqma If you sent in a report for chat they have the logs but if you've got video of it for say console or in game stuff send it to them directly using this link.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited December 2018

    Block them using MLGA, and black list them so you dont get them again

    here is download link

    EAC officially confirmed it to be safe despite the mods and devs saying use it at your own risk. So it is safe in this regard

    Post edited by Someissues on
  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,537

    MLGA is NOT officially allowed in DBD - it is USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. If EAC ever decides to ban for it, BHVR will not unban you.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    We need s bit more information do they just kill you alone and let the others go or do they kill you first then the others if it's you alone that can be classed as grifing if only you first then others then they know you got skill and as such take you out first so they don't have to worry about a skilled player I know it happens to me.alot
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    All you can do is change your username. I've had to change mine twice. Luckily its free on steam, costs money in xbox though and on ps you're out of luck.

    Behaviour refuses to let survivors see the killers name. Or mess about recording all your matches and jump through hoops to submit evidence just for probably nothing to happen.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited December 2018

    @The_Crusader said:
    All you can do is change your username. I've had to change mine twice. Luckily its free on steam, costs money in xbox though and on ps you're out of luck.

    Behaviour refuses to let survivors see the killers name. Or mess about recording all your matches and jump through hoops to submit evidence just for probably nothing to happen.

    Why is everyone trying to lobbydodge such killers. They should get banned (if they really harassed) such that noone else has to suffer
    But most liekly the truth is that that killer just didnt give a free escape to the survivors and didnt follow the unwritten survivor codex.....

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Master said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    All you can do is change your username. I've had to change mine twice. Luckily its free on steam, costs money in xbox though and on ps you're out of luck.

    Behaviour refuses to let survivors see the killers name. Or mess about recording all your matches and jump through hoops to submit evidence just for probably nothing to happen.

    Why is everyone trying to lobbydodge such killers. They should get banned (if they really harassed) such that noone else has to suffer

    They facecamp, then get salty when you point out they facecamped, then tunnel the hell out of you every game after and even get other survivors to work with them.

    Welcome to the DBD community.
  • flipboi001
    flipboi001 Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2018
    ######### is wrong with people? How does the killer harrass you in game? He kills you? Oh noes a killer in a game whos objective is to kill me, kills me!!1!1! He is harrasing me!!1!! Come on man, really... It is the objective of the killer to kill you. If he constantly gets you first maybe hone your skills or maybe look at another game to play because this might be to hard for you. Buuuuut if its messaging harrasment then just report him its not hard.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @flipboi001 said:

    ### is wrong with people? How does the killer harrass you in game? He kills you? Oh noes a killer in a game whos objective is to kill me, kills me!!1!1! He is harrasing me!!1!! Come on man, really... It is the objective of the killer to kill you. If he constantly gets you first maybe hone your skills or maybe look at another game to play because this might be to hard for you.

    I run a freddy for 4 generators.

    Next game he came with billy and got me, repeatedly hit me on the hook and nod at me. Oh don't get me wrong, I have no problem with this but some people do. Killers can do that as much as survivors can do.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @flipboi001 said:

    ### is wrong with people? How does the killer harrass you in game? He kills you? Oh noes a killer in a game whos objective is to kill me, kills me!!1!1! He is harrasing me!!1!! Come on man, really... It is the objective of the killer to kill you. If he constantly gets you first maybe hone your skills or maybe look at another game to play because this might be to hard for you. Buuuuut if its messaging harrasment then just report him its not hard.

    I had a killer who would stream snipe me and lag switch when he got into my match, he then killed me, DC and would repeat, It's super rare and most people will never experience but on the off chance it does happen it is boring and spoils the game.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited December 2018

    @Delfador said:

    @flipboi001 said:

    ### is wrong with people? How does the killer harrass you in game? He kills you? Oh noes a killer in a game whos objective is to kill me, kills me!!1!1! He is harrasing me!!1!! Come on man, really... It is the objective of the killer to kill you. If he constantly gets you first maybe hone your skills or maybe look at another game to play because this might be to hard for you.

    I run a freddy for 4 generators.

    Next game he came with billy and got me, repeatedly hit me on the hook and nod at me. Oh don't get me wrong, I have no problem with this but some people do. Killers can do that as much as survivors can do.

    I love it when they do that to me, it means i did a good job and they were/are probably raging. "Enjoy your 1K mate!" :chuffed:

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Vietfox said:

    @Delfador said:

    @flipboi001 said:

    ### is wrong with people? How does the killer harrass you in game? He kills you? Oh noes a killer in a game whos objective is to kill me, kills me!!1!1! He is harrasing me!!1!! Come on man, really... It is the objective of the killer to kill you. If he constantly gets you first maybe hone your skills or maybe look at another game to play because this might be to hard for you.

    I run a freddy for 4 generators.

    Next game he came with billy and got me, repeatedly hit me on the hook and nod at me. Oh don't get me wrong, I have no problem with this but some people do. Killers can do that as much as survivors can do.

    I love it when they do that to me, it means i did a good job and they were/are probably raging. "Enjoy your 1K mate!" :chuffed:

    Yeah me too. It is the worst thing to do actually, you as a killer just accept that you are butthurt.

    This is the equivalency of 4k for survivors, better than a dull escape.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @flipboi001 said:

    ### is wrong with people? How does the killer harrass you in game? He kills you? Oh noes a killer in a game whos objective is to kill me, kills me!!1!1! He is harrasing me!!1!! Come on man, really... It is the objective of the killer to kill you. If he constantly gets you first maybe hone your skills or maybe look at another game to play because this might be to hard for you. Buuuuut if its messaging harrasment then just report him its not hard.

    Killers can harass Survivors as well. On console, I hear it's pretty bad. Don't usually see it on PC, though.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @MandyTalk said:
    MLGA is NOT officially allowed in DBD - it is USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. If EAC ever decides to ban for it, BHVR will not unban you.

    Its a tool officially confirmed by EAC to be safe and will not ban users for it, that means it is safe to use. Stop trying to make it sound like its risky when its not. EAC support literally said it will not triggerr the ban as it does not modify in game files

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    what do you mean by harassment?

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    ######### is wrong with people? How does the killer harrass you in game? He kills you? Oh noes a killer in a game whos objective is to kill me, kills me!!1!1! He is harrasing me!!1!! Come on man, really... It is the objective of the killer to kill you. If he constantly gets you first maybe hone your skills or maybe look at another game to play because this might be to hard for you. Buuuuut if its messaging harrasment then just report him its not hard.
    Targetting a specific survivovr game after game with the intent of ruining the game for them. It's bannable.

    Guy who harassed me would get other survivors to work with him to hunt me down.

    Its scummy and nobody should have to put up with it.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Someissues said:

    @MandyTalk said:
    MLGA is NOT officially allowed in DBD - it is USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. If EAC ever decides to ban for it, BHVR will not unban you.

    Its a tool officially confirmed by EAC to be safe and will not ban users for it, that means it is safe to use. Stop trying to make it sound like its risky when its not. EAC support literally said it will not triggerr the ban as it does not modify in game files

    Are you familiar with the concept of time? EAC might not ban for it now, but if there's an EAC update in the future, and MLGA triggers EAC after said update, you are left with an irrevocable ban. So stop trying to make it look like MLGA is safe to use now and forever more.