what about buffing other exhaustion perks instead of nerfing DH again and again

its not a suprised that 90% of survivors use DH... just look at the other Exhaustion perks.
Balance landing situational
Lithe situational
Sprint burst is fine
and the rest low tier exhaustion perks
what about giving balance landing the stagger passive again
lithe getting some sort of windows aura
while dead hard is or can be overpowered all the other exhaustion perks are just either situational or useless in a chase when you need it the most.
im pretty sure by buffing other exhaustion perks and even if its a aura reading or just a passive people would use them more.
I think the only 2 who need a buff are Balanced Landing and Smash Hit. I agree with perma passive stagger prevention for Balanced. I think Smash Hit should provide endurance while dropping pallets, and if you get the endurance proc or the stun proc it consumes the exhaustion. (With lag this might need the stun to only give a speed boost at the end of the animation, not when the stun is read.)
As far as Dead Hard I think a fair version of it is Special Attack Endurance only. That way if you want to bring something to counter the Oppressive Killers it can help you there, but it won't help against a Legion or Myers or Clown. The M1 killers would partially get help in the area they need most, balancing them with the busted killers. Technically this change wouldn't help against Spirit, or Artist with a zoned M1, but at least most of the Special Attacks would be addressed.
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the map which was problematic for balanced landing was removed from the game, so I dont see why it can't have it back. especially after the 6.1.0 base chase changes
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I normally wouldn't disagree with this, but Garden of Joy has its own house where Balanced Landing would make the game more ######### insufferable than it is.
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I mean, dh is fun to get off and play with as a survivor. As a killer dh is boring and tedious to play around. It's somewhat skillful but far beyond over rated in that aspect, all I need to do is sniff your neck for 5 seconds or brush past 99% of survivors as blight. But that simply breaks the flow of game play and contrary to popular belief isn't better vs blight or spirit over Spring Burst. I simply don't want to play around this perk anymore period.
There isn't an argument for dh to be in it's current state besides it's fun/skillful for survivors to use. OK. Looping is way more skillful, even the mediocre macro in this game is way more skillful than dh interactions. Tell me how waiting out dh on the killers part is good game design in any sense? Any killer can out play dh but playing around a single perk every chase that only requires survivors to mess up is beyond boring after the 1000000000000 times it's used. Gj you couldn't even resist the urge to press e after you watch me brush past you as blight the first two times.
Perks that have been meta for 6 years can go die in a hole, even after this second nerf dh will still be B tier.