I Love Survivors

LGTV Member Posts: 6

Man, i decided to stop playing seriously like a year ago after a big break. Now i play really rarely and usually for short periods. I played a game a couple of minutes after 12am and got paired with some survivors. I knew it was going to be a fun match from the looks of their 2 Fengs, Mikaela and Yui.

I played a clown with a really lame and weak build containing: Fire Up, STBF, No way out and Remember Me. With robin feather and VHS tape. The match from the start wasn't going into my odds, which i really knew becouse my build was meant to go off in late game or even end game.

The first thing i noticed and really annoyed me is that whenever i hit someone and left them for 10 seconds, they were already healed. It was really stupid and annoying. And so, with me being annoyed and with no pressure, i decided to do something survivors hate... you know it, you love it, it's camping. (No tunneling included)

4k'd and got trashed on by survivors, man i wish i had OBS on. The names i got called were so funny i couldn't hold my laugh and almost woke everyone in my house up.

Yeah, i camped, i am not ashamed that i played for the win becouse if survivors can bring medkits and stupidly OP perks to self heal after 10 seconds of a dropped chase, why should i care for their fun?

You see, the whole story here im telling not to just tell it and make fun of theese guys, im writing it here so BHVR sees that they need to make changes in healing.

The problem is, as much as i dont care anymore about survivors fun, making 24 seconds are not bad, but the bad thing is when its paired with sloppy butcher and coulrophobia.

One more thing that could possibly make it is making medkits one time use and weaker healing speed and leave 16 seconds heal. Basically destroy medkits and leave normal healing times. That would prevent situations like me leaving survivor for 10 seconds and seeing them heal up right after, but also leave some fun for survivors.


  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,101

    If you read the upcoming patch notes, you'll see they butchered base healing speed, med-kits and obliterated circle of healing.

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236

    They were never going to remove an entire class of addon like that to force all medkits to only ever be one heal, most likely.

    My main issue with the changes is that altruistic heals should be 16s, and some killer anti-heal perks will need compensatory nerfs too. But we'll see how this plays out.

    Also just to be clear this isn't a survivor thing lmao. Most killers run good builds, and a lot tunnel and camp too even against casual teams, while both survivors and killers say that they have to do it because the other side is evil. This is just a game where if one side doesn't match the intensity of the other it results in a mean stomp. I'd argue killers can do this even more than survivors can, the highest killer win streaks are like 700~ish whereas the best SWF streak I've ever heard of was about 200.

    You don't have to care about the survivors fun (unless you're going out of your way to do it like slugging for no reason or body blocking for eternity) but you shouldn't see yourself as a victim at their hands either.

  • LGTV
    LGTV Member Posts: 6

    i know, that was the entire sense of this post, to tell BHVR that the butchering is unnecessary, but changes would be amazing

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited March 2023

    Very few people would disagree with you that Medkits and CoH needed a nerf.

    The issue is that perkless altruistic healing was perfectly fine and it caught a 50% nerf. Same story with recovery.

  • LGTV
    LGTV Member Posts: 6

    It needed a nerf, it was way too op that you could be fully healed just 10 seconds after the killer left a chase. It forced the killer to chase the survivor until he got them or not start the chase at all.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,451

    along with engravings nerfs, thats the only thing in the update that i think the whole community agrees on - 24 second heal is a mistake.