Is this a bug? (Most probably a feature)

LatexT Member Posts: 111

When I get in a match as a killer 1/4 of the times I can't see gens' auras, making it hard to find survivors... For them to appear I need to wait for someone to mess up a skillcheck


  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    yeah....that's...that's not supposed to happen. Take a video, gather some data on it, and tag a mod to move this to the bug section.

    To reiterate the things Behavior could use from you...

    "@Shelby_BHVR said:

    Basically all we need from you great people is:

    1.A detailed description of what the issue is.
    2.Any reproduction steps (without these we don't know how to reproduce it to fix it)
    3.Screenshots and/or video reference. A video is especially great for any audio or graphical issues or something not being functional."