Playing killer feels so boring right now

Most of my matches consist of stealthing genrushers that just hold w in chase and of course they have full blown meta perks with BNPs and all that fun stuff. I'm a Billy main that only really cares about chasing and getting some fun plays like curves. But against these survivors it's so boring. They are expressing very little skill in chase, they are no good loopers all they know is how to hold w and pre drop pallets. And the game rewards such a gameplay decision. Nobody really seems to be interested in chase anymore. They are mostly hiding and rushing gens. And I'm one of those people that run no slowdown most of the time so nothing slows them down in doing gens. So despite short chases it feels like it doesn't matter. They still slam those gens in record time because surprise surprise they all run gen builds. Barely anyone is actually interested in chase anymore and I do enjoy playing against those people. I don't have a need to win games but I also hate those types of matches. It sucks out the fun in this game. And I'm not saying "Oh this game is so survivor sided" because thats not what my post is about. But why is someone like me who never tryhards going up against people that are so desperate in winning games to the point where I have no fun anymore?
-"But against these survivors it's so boring. They are expressing very little skill in chase, they are no good loopers all they know is how to hold w and pre drop pallets. And the game rewards such a gameplay decision. Nobody really seems to be interested in chase anymore. They are mostly hiding and rushing gens."
This is the gameplay survivors crave. They want to always feel safe and in control during the chase. You're giving that to them because you're playing Billy. No offense but he's a 2016-18 killer who sucks in the current game build.
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Which is so unfortunate because he used to be the most balanced
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Billy was great once upon a time... but that was many many years ago.
They did many micro nerfs to his kit as well as having a different level design philosophy to nerf his kit without touching it.
And then they added all the exhaustion nonsense and deleted every viable addon he had.
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I literally love playing against billies/blights because of how interactive their counterplay is (if that makes sense). however, both are pretty weak in chase if the given survivor knows how to counterplay them, and especially billy, as his entire power can be countered by simply crouching. He is also very outdated, which makes him weak in chase. And by playing billy, you are giving survivors control of the chase, as his power is easy to avoid. As such, is why survivors play like that in your matches.
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Are you zoning with the saw on pre-drops? It's a way for Billy to punish pre-dropping. Just rev your saw as you approach and 99 it as you walk around the tile towards. You'll often catch them in no-man's land with your saw ready. They have to double back to the tile for a zone and break or you have a shot with the saw.
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As someone who enjoys playing Billy i know exactly what you’re talking about, but unfortunately this is a byproduct of balance and design choices.
Game is being balanced around anti loop killers and this created a new mindset for survivors. If you’re being chased, predrop and how W, waste as much time as you can. If you’re not being chased, just do gens, otherwise you’re not being effective.
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i see that you reached THAT point... there's only one way to have fun again: unistall dbd and go playing something else (this is what i'm actually doing since i'm not satisfied at all regarding the current state of the game)... you'll thank me in the future, trust me...
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To me this is a game of stealth, not chases.
Chases are the results of stealth FAILURE. They are not go-to default gameplay. There is no incentive to chase as a Survivor. The only time it is a good idea to get into a chase ON PURPOSE is if you are protecting a teammate that has more hook states than you.
Dead By Daylight is "a deadly game of hide and seek". Developers own words. It is not advertised as "a deadly game of ring around the rosie of the same pickup truck 6 times".
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Nothing deadly about how survivors play. They'll come up to you for the chase sometimes