Why are devs only bold when nerfs touch killers?


After a lot of nerfs from both sides, I thought this is it, less boring kick gen meta game, good matches where your hits mean something, I can play Onre again and not use a sloppy butcher, the game will be livelier. And here is the new news, the killers were left with one perk, the survivors were given back the treatment and the best perk in the game, which is 6 years old. Lord, when will this torment end?

Dead Hurd

Gives two survivors deadhurd, whole and wounded, what's the point? Those. should I run after the whole and he will fall in three hits, or will I run after the wounded and he will be down in two hits? Maybe it's time to remove the speed boost when hitting "Endurance"


To be honest, I thought that most likely to balance the Sloppy butcher would be nerfed to 12% and the healing in 24 seconds would be more or less balanced, because most of the killers play from the distribution of hits, especially my main Onre, who even with the buff in the form of a basic "sloppy butcher" she is still a weak killer in both pursuit and control, and not very much in the distribution of hits.

Scourge hook

Thanks for making it stronger.