Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

BUFF 6 year meta perk, REVERT healing nerfs, KEEP gen regression nerfs



  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028
  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 991

    How do I seem biased?

    I responded to someone saying no one is asking for a 4k every match by saying I've seen this happen and also said there are probably survivors expecting 4 escapes too. Even though I've not seen it here as its a predominantly killer sided forum from the experience I've had here.

    There is literally no bias and plenty of balance. You seem like you're reaching to me.

    Also, in response to the rest of your post: yes I would, because i value trying to have fun over 'winning'. I don't escape every match, nor do I expect to. I've even sacrificed myself to let others who played well/been tunnelled an escape and given killers who I feel played well but were matched against survivors who were better than them / unnecessarily toxic a win.

    Again, please do point out the bias.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Cases that chases end in a few sec happens too, not every chase is over a min long. If I bring scenarios like chases end in 10sec if Killers make no mistake...2 extreme cases happen all the time.

    Oh okay I understand.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    If you just hold w and avoid walls you will last longer than 10 second due to the speed boost vs most of the killer cast(exceptions include huntress, blight, billy, spirit, wesker, nurse, any killer with a mobility power or ranged power). There's nothing a killer like trapper can do to down a survivor in 10 seconds unless they are afk/don't understand the movement system of the game/they run into a trap. None of those are things the trapper killer can influence or change and good survivors will not do any of those things.

    Are we advocating balancing for survivors who can't understand simple math/push a single key on the keyboard and move their mouse?

    By that logic what about a brand new trapper vs swf using green medkits + comms + CoH + a couple of bnps + commodious and hyperfocus stakeout? Or is that not allowed to be balanced for?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited April 2023

    Technically, I can end chase before it begin against healthy survivor…of course I never talk about it like it happens all the time to make the point survivors are weak.

    Depends on where Im going to chase, certainly I would abandon the chase if the chased one running to a Genless zone (because running to a teammate zone is still an advantage for killers). I thought its a common sense when playing killers. Why would you mindlessly chasing a survivor without any benefit?

    I main Trapper and play against Toolboxes Gen rush once per few matches, if they spend 30k of BP to make fast escape as possible, its ok, I dont mind at all, its a free MMR down to get easier match after.

    Im not supposed to get 100% kill rate. Im supposed to get 60% kill rate.

    And yes, winning by over investment against other side i should not be a thing, it goes for both sides. Toolbox will be the next one to be nerfed, Im sure of it.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    You sound like a bratty 6 year old. Killers got the vast majority of what they wanted, but you didn't get EVERYTHING, so now's the time to roll on the floor and be hysterical.

    Also, don't be a cry bully. If you're gonna be toxic and unpleasant to people at least own it. Don't pretend you're a victim being pushed to do things you don't want to.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    I don't see why they couldn't of given Pain Res a 30 second cooldown after triggering it, and thus could of kept its original design.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    You are taking that quote out of context. What i mean is.

    This game is balanced around the idea that survivors are actually SCARED of the killer. The game is balanced around survivors being scared to do gens in the killer's terror radius, and they want to hide. It's balanced around them being scared to be injured and wanting to heal as fast as possible. It is balanced around them looking through chests for items, or for doing totems even if they aren't hexes. Its balanced around them being too scared to be alone and looking for each other to work on gens together.

    This game is most balanced when survivors actually roleplay being a "survivor" but the minute that roleplay goes out the door it doesn't.

    The 10 second chases are extremely rare. And this game is actually balanced as stated by devs around chases lasting 45 seconds. Now you tell me what happens if your first chase lasts 45 seconds. You are going to lose 3 gens. Then the next chase will cost you another gen, and then the 3rd chase costs you the last gen. And now you lose.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    This game is balanced around the idea that survivors are actually SCARED of the killer.

    Wait. Does that mean the game should be balanced around low MMR survivors where they're scared to death to ever touch Gen?

    I can end multiple chases in a match before it even start with traps, as much as over a min chase.

    Each second killers lose mean losing 3sec of Gens, but most killers dont look into the point that each second killers save mean saving 3sec of Gen. Which is why if Killers able to make an early down, its a massive advantage to Killers, to the point just camping and guarantee its 2K. Do Killers think thats fair? Yes. Its the same that survivors think 3 Gens for the first chase is fair. Both are not.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    least biased forum post this week:

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    I've been playing without regression / slowdown perks for more than a year and I can see where you're coming from. It's definitely rough. However, I think the healing nerfs will have a bigger impact than we might think. This overall is a greater change than even 6.1.0 and I cannot predict how I will perform as a killer or survivor in the near future.

    I personally think that these regression nerfs are horrible, mainly because all these perks are dead. No amount of "but they could be useful, if / when..." is going to change the fact that these perks don't fulfill their 1 purpose anymore. CoB doesn't make any sense and OC is a risk with too little payoff to be considered an option. Pain Res is not warranted to be a scourge hook perk.

    This doesn't change a lot for me but why would we need even more useless perks than now? We already have Furtive Chase, Calm Spirit, No Mither (given it has niche, but it's still a meme), Territorial Imperative, Beast of Prey and more. They should be reworked to do something different at least.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    I'm not saying it should be, i'm saying that's how it is currently balanced. I think that there are tons of things they can do that would make low MMR better for survivors, while making high MMR better for killers. But in general, you don't balance games around average players, you balance them around the top players, while keeping the lower skill players in mind. Otherwise your game doesn't have anything to strive for.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    If this update has done anything, it's brought out the killers that crutched on gen kick to play the game.

    "I can't play unless I have my unearned 300% gen regression"

    Good riddance. I manage 4k's with 0 slowdown most games. You'll either adapt, or MMR will kick you down to a level where you can actually play. Also, how is DH getting buffed?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Devs just add HUD info for survivors to increase efficient so its not "balanced around survivors being scared".

    I dont know what's your goal to strive, my goal is to have fun, I have fun playing Killer, and cant wait for the next patch

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    What makes the PR change not warrant being a scourge hook now but did before?

    If you don't use Agi you only really need to proc the perk 3 times for it to be roughly the same. Getting all 4 procs should be a solid buff.

    With Agi you can slam all 4 procs early in the game were you want that regression the most. The regression early holds more value which should offset the total regression nerf. Getting 3 procs early with Agi shouldn't be hard and is equal to 5 procs of current.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    Problem is, that you cannot pick when the gen gets hit so you can easily waste 25% regression on a gen that was barely touched, which is 1/4 of the perk wasted and the max amount of regression you can get was toned down considerably as well. Also, 1/4 of your perk can easily be denied by a bit of bad luck or you being unable to find that last survivor, when you need it.

    Basically they added another 2 factors that make this perk even more of a gamble than it already was.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690
    edited April 2023

     you cannot pick when the gen gets hit so you can easily waste 25% regression on a gen that was barely touched,

    Isn't that just false though? The fact that it is a scourge means you do have control on when you proc the regression. If they didn't make it a scourge it would actually be like this since you wouldn't be able to avoid getting the proc since you have to hook players.

    Game sense should cover the early game gens and after that there should always be progress on more than one gen. Like if you get a down and the gens just got done you should have an idea that what is left is going to be low progress and avoid getting a proc. If it wasn't a scourge hook then that is something you wouldn't be able to avoid.

    max amount of regression you can get was toned down considerably as well

    The perceived max amount was toned down heavily. With Agi the perk went from around 135%->100% and without Agi you are looking at around 75% current and hopefully will sit around 75-100%. This perk isn't going from 180% to 100%. If you are getting 9 PR procs the game is over. There is no reason the game is not decided by that point.

    Also, 1/4 of your perk can easily be denied by a bit of bad luck or you being unable to find that last survivor, when you need it.

    Shouldn't the survivor want you to chase them though? Like it is actually in their interest for you to spread hooks on everyone. It is way worse for survivors if you ignore the last guy and just focus on getting all your hooks on the other three.