Some Perk Reworks Ideas

So far I've really enjoyed Dead By Daylight and a portion or it goes to the perks, even the ones that see little value. I always manage to find some fun with them. I've created this to see all of the crazy ideas for perks and perks to come! Everyone knows Quentin's teachable Vigil... If you don't within 8 meters survivors will get rid of most debuffs (Blindness, Hemorrhage, Exposed, Oblivious, Mangled, Hindered, Exhausted) quickly. (30% to be exact) while I understand why this has a very short range but because of this, vigil is VERY situational and some would even say it's not worth the 30%. So the idea I've came up for this perk is this:
Within 8 meters, any status effect currently affecting you (Blindness, Hemorrhage, Exposed, Oblivious, Mangled, Hindered) Is removed. However when you leave the Vigil range, any status effect that would already be there (NOED with the exposed, Plaything with the Oblivious) will return. Any other effect that has a set timer will just be removed. Vigil currently can affect the survivor who possesses it. With this concept of Vigil I feel it would be too powerful, and shouldn't affect the survivor who owns it.
I love Obsession perks, only because they're very unique and some of them play for both sides. Mettle of Man at first was really broken because you could easily activate the perk. So it got nerfed, but now you never see this perk because it is now VERY situational. Now it takes protection hits. On top of that, you aura is revealed when you are outside 16 meters from the killer. I believe that it deserves a nerf, but I also disagree with it, well at least one of them. This perk could come back if we dropped one of the nerfs. Either drop the protection hits, or the aura reading. I would prefer the protection hits because I love the fact it feels like an Ash perk, you know "Evil tends to follow you"
If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them in the comments!
Big idea, but make Shattered Hope Base kit. Not the aura reading, just the destroying of totems, and change shattered hope to be this: You see the auras of Boon totems within the trial, after snuffing out the Boon, the totem remains and the auras of all survivors are revealed for 10ish seconds. This makes the perk useful more than 5 times, and destroying totems being base kit feels fairer in my opinion(You can't reignite a hex as killer, but survivors can use boons on the same totem over and over again).
Tell me what you think!
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I could actually agree to this, killers should be able to destroy totems especially for basekit. the animation already looks like that's the case.
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interesting, but most of the boons are pretty weak. i feel they need to make boons a bit stronger if they're going to give shattered hope basekit. dark theory for example isn't really worth the perk slot if it takes that much time to set up, only for the totem to be permanently smashed, therefore you have to go hunting again, even coh's starting to get to that point. coh isn't BAD like dark theory bad but it'd become so much worse if shattered became basekit. with coh you already need a teammate to help you with coh with its new nerfs. i think encouraging people not to use boons at all because they're too weak with shattered hope basekit and not worth the time to be put into isn't a really healthy solution to boons. bringing back coh a ton has already dealt with most of the boon problems as none were even close to coh's strength imho
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Hmm, I see, but what about Boons Like Circle of Healing? And also, I don't find it fair that survivors can put up an endless amount of boons while the killer gets a luck of the draw for their hex. There might be something I'm overlooking, but you're right overall. It just seems like Boon can be more powerful than Hexes at times.
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I genuinely believe nerfed CoH will be brought a lot less as the whole self healing aspect has been removed from it. The unlimited self healing was CoH's main usage tbh. Maybe in swf's CoH will still be a problem as they have comms and 100% healspeed but that's really all I can think of? In solo/duo queue which is most of what survivors play, it will see a lot less usage because it kinda sucks without communication. Although, ig that's just my opinion, I stopped using CoH forever ago and switched to medkits lol and I bring thrill of the hunt to bore booners
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With the nerf to Circle of Healing you make a good point, why make Shattered Hope basekit if all the booms aren't that great. though it makes a lot of sense to change the animation, you're literally stepping on the totem.
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Most boons already have weak effects that do not provide a substantial advantage; there is B: Circle of Healing, but it is getting nerfed/reworked in the next update anyways (check Developer Update for more information).
B: Exponential is strong but also weak, since it entirely counters slugging to snowball but it requires it to have good placement (which means it can easily be snuffed out) OR a spot where the Killer will not snuff it (but you have to spend a long time crawling, which means you just just be bleed out much easier).
B: Shadow Step and B: Dark Theory have the issues where you have to lead the Killer to your Boon to get value; this leads to the Killer just being able to snuff it out before providing any form of value. And also while B: Shadow Step has a decent effect; most people think that B: Dark Theory's 2% Haste is laughably bad... it kind of is, youre better of running Hope... coming from a Hope enjoyer.
This would nerf already weak effects.
Instead. I think Hexes should be buffed, as a lot of them are mediocre, and since Hexes are by design suppose to be "glass cannon" perks, they should be strong.
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Snice killers can't choose their location of their hex perk I could see making hex perks more powerful. But I actually run with Dark Theory and Shadow Step. The value to me is just enough, you run over to your boon, the killer clearly sees that there is Shadow Step in play, if he goes for the boon simply run away. The scratch marks are hidden and if you really want to you could just reboon if you stay... he wouldn't know unless your injured.
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I think some Hexes should be made weaker, such as Devour and NOED, while others are buffed, such as Retribution and Huntress Lullaby. I believe Hexes could act like Boons, the killer can ignite totems around the map, but only once per hex perk. So, in order to activate NOED, the killer has to go to a totem and activate NOED. But for things such as Plaything or Face the Darkness, those are really good as to how they activate.
So, if not base kit shattered hope, a thing I think should happen, is that in order to get rid of a Hex, the totem needs to be cleansed, not blessed. Blessing a totem can deactivate the perk, certainly, but when the boon is snuffed, the hex should reactivate. The Boon can act as a shield against the Hex, and the Boon can even be empowered by the Hex, making the Boon stronger
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That sounds like a good concept, Blessing a hex totem would deactivate it until the totem has been snuffed. Cleanse the totem if you want to get rid of the perk.