Would you want shadowborn FOV to be a toggle option?
Some people hate shadowborn cause it gives them motion sickness and isn't a good perk. Some people use it because they feel claustrophobic and need the bigger view or just run it cause it feels good. I would love to run it but don't want to waste a perk slot for it.
Do you think this should be added at some point or no?
It should have been added years ago. Most games have a FOV slider on release and it is unfathomable that Dead by Daylight does not yet.
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There is literally no good reason it shouldn't have an FoV slider.
But an army of "Killers get preferential treatment" people will probably talk about how that gives killer an advantage for some stupid reason.
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The reason for it is balance. Maintaing fixed fov both for killer and survivors, ensures that they see what they have to see and no more. Few degrees view more for killer like im shadowborn prevents lot of situations where killer lost track of survivor because lost them from fov.
For me is enought good reason to not introduce fov settings in dvd.
And yes lot of the people would adjust fov to some nice mid value to see well enough and for the screen to not be too streached. But me and lot of other people would immidately max it to see as much around the character as it is possible. Seeing more is HUGE advantage.
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Most of blights already use the perk even if it costs then a perk slot. The advantage is huge. It shouldn't be base kit
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And its the reason why fov perks do not stack. Imagine getting 25 or 30 degree more fov. I would never loose track of survivors.
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"Survivor needs all those swf comm third party tool advantages basekit", "EWW NO FOV SLIDER".
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If a wider FOV is a "HUGE" advantage then why is Shadowborn not a meta perk? I have never seen it near the top of the pick rate statistics and the perk is unheard of in the comp matches.
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I may be to edgy, but i would like to see no swfs and swfs tools in game. I know it will not happened, but i would love to see 2 game modes fist like current, and second, where you can participate only as solo surv. I would play only in this second both as killer and as surv.
And yet, im still against fov slider in this game, because fov is very important here, people who play with more degrees will perform much better.
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Lol they'll never add this. Survivors love to FoV tech and 360 and that would cut that down. Wouldn't want to ruin survivor fun
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And here we go.
"People playing killer have to deal with getting motion sickness because I like crouching in front of the killer."
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Wider FOV is a huge advantage and this is why stretched res was a thing in its times. Nobody wants to use perk slot for wider FOV. And is it still not as wider as with stretched?
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I would like them to make Monitor and abuse a flat 8 while reworking shadowborn and put a flat 8 to the base game. That feels like that would be the best overall option.
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"The game should replace weapons and blood for flowers and butterflies, so that my 10 year old nephew is also not excluded".
Equip the perk if you need to. Don't hide your desire to limit survivor's options behind supposed disabilities that you can do something about.
As killer you have options. As survivor you can just DC if it's clown, but even that is no good reason to remove or change the killer.
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Are you going to tell me that people with epilepsy aren't real next?
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Literally the first sentence in this article is
"The FOV slider is the single most important graphics option in gaming by at least one metric: it can literally stop a game from making you feel sick."
I am not pulling this out of my ass!!! This is a real thing!!!!!
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Looks like I have to repeat myself.
Most people don't suffer from this. And people that do have options - like shadowborn or taking slower killer.
But even if this wasn't the case, the game still can't be 100% inclusive, because the game would suffer (in this case by limiting options what people can do in game).
Why are motion sickness people that just refuse to take shadowborn prefered over underage audience? Why won't the game change to tom&jerry style run&catch game? That way you could include young people/people with low tolerance to violence. The game would loose it's soul, but it would be even more inclusive (with a lot fewer players).
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Wait are you literally saying players should suffer because you don't want options to do things like FOV tech being removed? What limiting options are there outside of that? Seems like a really bad hill to stand on.
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No. I am saying, that this is not issue, because shadowborn exists. I am totally ok with making FOV available when the perk is in use. I am not ok with giving killer "bamboozle-like" perk for free, all time and every time
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No. I want a FOV slider instead :)
I am also fully aware that because DBD decided to make FOV a stat modified by perks and stuff and designed a lot of stuff in maps around it, there would have to be changes. Make walls taller where you're not supposed to be able to look over them, that kinda thing, and you can let everyone change their FOV like in most games. EDIT: This is mostly survivor related but I never said 3rd person FOV shouldn't be adjustable as well.
And I'm not even talking truly extreme FOVs like the stuff you'd see when people stretched res'd until their game looked giga deep fried and scrunched, just like in a FPS I wouldn't be talking about stuff like 150 FOV. 90-110 are common maximum FOVs and anything in that range would be perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned.
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Ok so what about a player like me? Base FOV makes it feel like on sitting on a lego whenever I play killer and Shadowborn makes a killer like Nurse literally unplayable while also making the general FOV increase is now too large. I tried running shadowborn and ended up just staying at base and having to deal with being uncomfortable while playing killer. I found that to be the best solution for me personally- just dealing with being uncomfortable.
Other players/games understand that there is a spectrum for players having these issues and every game basically has an FOV slider. Saying the game has shadowborn isn't even a fix all solution on top of being a very bad one since the game isn't balanced around killer only having 3 perks. Shadowborn does literally nothing outside of the FOV change.
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I would totally support buffing shadowborn to give you option how much you want your FOV to be + make it go possibly higher then currently.
Also I played nurse with the perk and had no issue*
*Actually shadowborn scews perception of distance so I need time to adjust to it to not swing on everything - that's the reason why I almost never use the perk - transition screws my games.
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i hope BHVR will add a FoV slider and stay true to their current direction. They have given us a visual TR even though there was a perk for that after all - people shouldn’t be forced to run a specific perk to avoid getting sick. Would also be a great statement agains those claims that they would only care for accessibility when it’s about the survivor side.
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Comparing someone literally getting sick because of an easy to fix problem to "Let's just make it kid friendly" just shows you don't have a real argument.
BHVR didn't have to make the game not give players seizures, but they realize there are people with epilepsy that like the game.
They didn't have to put something in for changing the colors in the game, but they realize there are color blind people that like the game.
They didn't have to implement the heart from the mobile version, but realize people that are hard of hearing like the game.
Amazingly enough, with the exception of the visual heart not being put in the game yet, none of these break the game in a players advantage, and I have a strange feeling the heart won't make the game absurdly easy for survivors either.
There is no reason FoV can't be adjustable or at least changed to a more reasonable degree for people that don't want to vomit.
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So you think shadowborn being a FOV slider would be a good change when I might only need 7-8 addition FOV. I have to give 25% of my entire build for that increase. I'm limited on the synergy for perks by being forced into running a dead perk just to make the game comfortable. Would you be fine if survivors had issues like this and it required the entire team to give one perk slot up to resolve?
Ok? So are you trying to dismiss my issues because you don't find it to personally a problem?
I don't use it because after a few games of it I get a massive headache. It feels like a slingshot when blinking. Like I physically become ill when playing her with shadowborn, and I have to run it on everyone or no one because my brain requires time to adjust to the FOV differences.
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I agree that fov slider is very important in games in terms of accesibility. But in dbd it is not only affecting accesibility but also gameplay mechanics, this is why we cannot have the slider.
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Basekit FOV is disgusting. It should be increased and FOV changing perks reworked.
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Problem is that even a wider, but set FoV can be disgusting for others. That’s why a slider would be optimal.
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I have actual diagnosed motion sickness and I've never gotten sick from playing a killer without shadowborn. I get more ill taking an elevator.
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And what’s your point? Motion sickness isn’t caused the same way by all people affected..
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I'm really happy that you can play the game without getting sick due to the awful FoV.
Not everyone is you.
You should be old enough to know this.
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Those things don't affect gameplay. Would you be OK if stretch res for survivors returned (with new force) because "motion sickness"? "People will definitely not use it to see killer over loops".
I think accessibility and all these things are super cool when they are done - if they don't disrupt core of the game. And FOV slider is actually one of the things that just WOULD disrupt core gameplay - same as changing the game to be child-friendly
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If stretched res somehow prevented people from getting sick, I wouldn't give a ######### because it stops people from getting sick!
Your argument does not hold water because I actually care if other people are having problems with the game through no fault of their own!
But please keep trying to convince me that FoV, Stretched Res, and learning the magic of color are the same thing.
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If there was no perk with the name of shadowborn, I would agree with you. But the perk is there.
If it needs some tweaking, then sure. I am all for making the perk better.
But it's just not true that the minority of people who has this problem are just forced to suffer (because once more - shadowborn exists + so do other killers that are less problematic in this regards). In fact I rather see majority of people that want to simplify (AKA spoil) the game just to get additional advantage.
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But BHVR specifically stated they don’t want to gate accessibility options behind perks - see Spine Chill and Visual Terror Radius
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Yes, DbD should have an FoV slider and rework Shadowborn. It's dumb that they haven't done that yet.
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But FoV is not only accessibility.
Its like saying that palletes should drop automatically because not everyone can press the button in right time because ping, it would be accessibility option...
The reason why such things should not be done is that its NOT ONLY accessibility, its also mechanical advantage.
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yeah. People also argued colorblind modus and visual heartbeat would give a mechanical advantage for people not affected by colorblindness/being hard of hearing.
in the end, it’s for the devs to decide. It’s their game. We can give our opinions and suggestions from both sides obviously.
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J U S T W A S T E A P E R K S L O T 4 H E A D
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If u want the game changing benefit, yes. Same as bamboozle. If it was pure accessibility, I would have 0 issues.
And I agree visual terror radius should get a limit to reflect auditory terror radius. Current issue is with Onryo and the fact, that visual TR gives substantial advantage. Use transparency when even "healthy" people get advantage and problem is solved. Otherwise make early warning system bound to a perk (same as using spine chill).
Anyway, spine chill gives also other benefits that are not just about visual TR. I presume you would not be happy if whole perk became basekit for all survivors instead (action speed bonuses included). This is same thing (actually it's worse, because spine chill bonuses just make game harder for killer, but do not reduce overall killer's agency + can be easily split to be non-issue)
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There should be an FOV slider for accessibility.
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Nah, FoV slider is for accessibility. Rework the perks that change the FoV to something more useful and interesting.
and 360s and FoV techs like that have always been stupid to begin with. IMO those are not engaging mechanics and 360s especially only really work bc of aim dressing which also needs to be looked at
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It's such a big game changing benefit that nobody uses it unless they absolutely have to so they don't vomit.
Stop arguing against people that want to just enjoy the game and not feel ill! Seriously!
And stop arguing "You wouldn't be for it if it only benefitted survivors", you just look like an ass!
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Yes. Like all the Blights and Onis absolutely use it only for health issues. And all the survivors using stretch res just liked the feeling of moving quicker only... Copium
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Holy god, who the hell cares?
Hey, I used stretched res. Ya know why? Not because "I wanna see over the walls" bullshit, it's because I have a 1680 X 1050 monitor. Guess how little I care that I have black bars on my screen now?
Not everything is about treating the game like your life depends on it! Sometimes it's about people that want to enjoy the game that can't, and arguing against that is repeatedly proving to me you're just a gate keeper who can't handle someone who might want to play the game but can't because they're going to vomit.
Stop arguing to gatekeep the game from people!
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Again. Shadowborn ecists. You are not being gatekeeped from playing the game.
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Survivors have a third person point of view that they use to see around corners or over loops. Stretched resolution had augmented that to a point where they had information on the killer's position with much more frequency and safety than what could be considered healthy or fair. This cannot be compared to the first person point of view of the killer who cannot see you behind objects no matter how much the FOV is increased.
As I believe I have pointed it to you on another thread about the same subject, I have seen no tournament Blights or Oni that use Shadowborn. If players whose objective is the best possible result do not frequently, if at all bring the perk, it is likely that it is not a very good perk to begin with. And then again, even if non-tournament Blights and Oni do use Shadowborn as often as you like to claim, you still cannot use that as an argument without data that indicates that Shadowborn has a significant impact towards a positive match result.
Besides, we are not talking of +70 FOV for killer, only up to +15. That would hardly cause the universe to implode.
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Game dying today would not cause the universe to implode.
But larger FOV refuce the agency possible. I would argue that being able to see survivor next to you mid-rush is about as game breaking as survivor being able to see killer thru loop (and comparison stands - it's possible also now on some loops and it wasn't possible on some loops even with old stretched resolution).
Like if this is such a problem, then let killers stretch their resolution, but don't show them valuable info. Make it a mirror of what they can see, or hide survivors and other important objects on those parts of screen - that should be perfectly ok if health is the only argument. It fixed accessibility so it should be strictly accessibility feature
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Shadowborn causes no gamebreaking issue. If you believe that basekit Shadowborn would break the game and cause it to die then state your argument.
Larger FOV does not decrease the survivor's agency significantly nor directly, survivors' main defensive tools are vaults and pallets, FOV does not win a killer the chase. Stealth is too mostly unaffected as it is most effective by entirely hiding behind objects, again, extra FOV does not grant you wall-vision as the killer.
And I do not believe that being able to see a survivor amidst Blight's rush gives any tangible advantage as the rush requires timing, positioning and aiming: if Blight could not hit you in the first place he is not hitting you regardless of what he can see. And even if he cannot see you he can still judge your current position by where you were and your movement speed, hitting you anyway; I myself do this as Nurse regularly. Once more, state your argument, how does seeing someone mid-rush break the game? You can see people mid-rush within the normal FOV already and no volcanoes have erupted because of it.
Ah, did I mention that tournament Blight players who aim for the best possible result do not frequently, if at all use Shadowborn? It seems you forgot to address this part.
And how does the comparison stand? What is still possible? You did not make that clear, please elaborate. If you are talking about seeing the killer around corners, yes, it is still here but the problem was not the fact that it existed, it was its magnitude and frequency. And really, regardless of whether it was healthy or not for the game, stretched resolution did not kill or break the game despite existing for years, this point is now mute.
Now, Resolution and FOV are different things. I have no idea what you mean by "make it a mirror of what they can see"'. Fading objects and entities away once they are outside of the 87 degree cone would work but I do not see why they would do it since the 102 cone is not a problem in the first place. And now I truly believe that you have no reasonable argument and no productive discussion can be generated from this interaction but well, I was bored.
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I wouldn't even bother talking to this guy anymore, he thinks that having an FoV slider is the exact same thing as the game suddenly teaching you the Magic of Friendship™.
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If killer would see in 360 degree... Would he benefit from that? Would his perfirmance improve since they can now see everything around?
What about 270? 180? If this would not be an issue, then i cannot say anything more... If one can see the issue with such numbers, then where is a line? Why few degrees from now is only accessibility, but few more is suddenly an advantage?